CMOS Process & Device Simulation
© 2007-2023
Course Outline
Acad Unit: 2.0
Prerequisite: EE3013
Last update: 28 February 2007
Learning Objective
To reinforce and apply theories learned in semiconductor processing and device physics through practical design examples using industry-standard process and device simulation tools.Content
To better understand the modern technology development and transistor design and optimization through process variation.
Virtual Wafer Fabrication. Virtual Device Simulation. Virtual Process Integration.Course Outline
This course provides practical training in CMOS fabrication, device and process integration using technology computer-aided designed (TCAD) simulation tools.Learning Outcome
Through dedicated design exercises, students are expected to learn basic trade-off in process influence on device performance, and technology optimization through computer Design of Experiments. They will also learn practical skills in state-of-the-art technology computer-aided design (TCAD) simulation tools that are routinely used in all semiconductor wafer fabs and apply them for 2D process simulation and numerical device characterization, together with process integration and optimization.Student Assessment
Syllabus (39 hours)Continuous Assessment: 50% Final Examination: 50%
Phone: 6790-4238 Office: S2.2-B2-07 Email: |
Phone: 6790-4532 Office: S1-B1c-95 Email: |