A Continuous, Explicit Drain-Current Model for Asymmetric Undoped
Double-Gate MOSFETs

Z.M. Zhu1, X. Zhou1, K. Chandrasekaran1, G. H. See1, S. C. Rustagi2

1School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798
zmzhu@ntu.edu.sg, exzhou@ntu.edu.sg
2Institute of Microelectronics,
11, Science Park Road, Singapore Science Park II, Singapore 117685

Proc. of the 2006 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2006), Pacifico Yokohama, Japan, Sept. 12-15, 2006, pp. 1042-1043.

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Intense efforts are being devoted to the development of compact models for DG-MOSFETs in the literature. The implicit [1-3] and explicit solutions [3-5] for surface potential, fs of undoped s-DG MOSFETs have been reported, while undoped asymmetric cases have only been solved implicitly in literature [6]. The previous work [6] on a-DG only considers (minor) asymmetry due to workfunction difference (i.e., minimum potential could still be within the channel) as the same gate voltage has been considered on both the gates, and the solutions have to be obtained iteratively. In this paper, we first present a generic implicit surface potential solution for undoped a-DG MOSFETs, physically scalable with independent applied gate biases and oxide/channel thickness variations, which can also be extended to SOI MOSFETs. Explicit regional solutions are derived for the first time for a-DG and the unified regional solution shows an error in the mili-volts range with respect to the (exact) implicit solutions. Both implicit and explicit solutions converge to the s-DG solution when both gates are identical in all aspects. Finally a continuous, explicit drain-current equation has been derived using the explicit surface potential equation.

