One-iteration Parameter Extraction for Length/width-dependent Threshold Voltage and Unified Drain Current Model
Siau Ben Chiah*, Xing Zhou*, Karthik Chandrasekaran*, Guan Huei See*, Wangzuo Shangguan*,
Shesh Mani Pandey**, Michael Cheng**, Sanford Chu**, and Liang-Choo Hsia**

* School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798
Phone: (65) 6790-4532.  Fax: (65) 6791-2687. Email:
** Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing Ltd, 60 Woodlands Industrial Park D, St. 2, Singapore 738406

Proc. of the NSTI Nanotech 2005 (WCM-MSM2005)

Anaheim, CA, May 8-12, 2005, WCM, pp. 143-146.

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This paper presents the calibration methodology for our unified length/width-dependent MOSFET drain-current (Ids) model with length/width-dependent threshold-voltage (Vt) model in the entire geometry/bias range based on a 0.11-um CMOS technology.  The model has been formulated with built-in physical effects to account for electrical characteristics of fabricated short-channel/narrow-width devices while maintaining Gummel symmetry.  Through a one-iteration parameter extraction using minimum measurement data, the model can predict accurately and physically the experimental I V data, including output conductance, transconductance, and their derivatives.

