Course Synopsis

Singapore, the Island Nation: An Overview


Speaker: Dr. Chan Soon Keng


  1. Brief Introduction: history and geography

  2. The Peoples of Singapore

  3. Culture and Subcultures

  4. Educational System

  5.  Housing

  6. Transportation

  7. Economy

  8. Summary


Climate Change and its impact on Sustainability


Speaker: Dr. Tommy S. W. Wong


As the human population continues to grow, while the world's natural resources are finite, there is already a concern whether there will be sufficient resources for human survival in the future. Added to this concern is the human-induced climate change which will inevitably have a significant effect on human activities such as food production and on the natural resources such as water resources. This session will examine the impact of climate change on human sustainability.


Creativity and Innovation


Speaker: Associate Professor Stephen Lee


In today’s fast-paced, constantly evolving world, the three R’s of education – Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic – are inadequate to prepare youngsters for the future. They need to be educated in cReativity as well. This short course introduces participants to the notion of creativity and its characteristics, what fosters and what hinders creativity, the difference between ‘invention’ and ‘innovation’; examples of innovators and innovations that have changed the lives of many. 

Entrepreneurship and Innovation: When East meets West

Speaker: Mr Francis Tay

Entrepreneurship and innovation goes hand in hand like a horse and carriage.  However, the road to being an entrepreneur is not an easy one.  Besides having the right characteristics, the necessary environment must also be there to encourage individuals to become entrepreneurs.  Innovation, just like entrepreneurship, is not something that can be simply turned on when called upon.  Innovation begins with a process that calls for individuals to be creative.  Creativity however, is not necessarily something innate in all individuals.  Research in the area of entrepreneurship indicates that entrepreneurs are not born and can be made.  Entrepreneurs essentially start businesses to take advantage of opportunities and innovate in order to continue being successful.  Thus, the potential for anyone to be an entrepreneur is there, however, only a few will take this route as a career.  Why is this so?  Can we train someone to be innovative?  Can we turn the man on the street into an entrepreneur?

This session will look at the characteristics of an entrepreneur and the reasons why one would choose to be an entrepreneur.  This session will also look at innovation from an “East vs West” perspective, e.g. how could would be entrepreneurs find innovative ideas from trends observed in the West and vice-versa in the East?  For example, how can we see opportunities from demographic, technological and economic changes?  How can a small country like Singapore potentially be the centre for innovation?

Sustainable Trends and Mental Model


Speaker: Professor Lim Mong King


1.      The challenge of sustainable development by analysing two major converging Trends: decline in resource availability and ecosystems as well as increase in population and consumption.

2.      How these Trends are leading to a decline in the health and capacity of natural systems worldwide?

3.      “Club of Rome Report” – Introducing the concept of the Limits to Growth and Earth Carrying Capacity.

4.      Using the example of Climate Change to explain the concept of Planetary Boundaries.

5.      Major global events of in Sustainable Development during the last three decades.

6.      Triple Bottom Line – a new perspective in business.

7.      We cannot expect to be able to resolve any complex problem from within the same manner of thinking that created it in the first place - new mental model required to solve sustainability issues.

8.      Using systems thinking approach to have a better understanding of sustainability issues.

9.      What skills do we need to build to become a systems thinker?


Economic Sustainability


Speaker: Prof Chew Soon Beng


All citizens want a job (J) with good pay. They want to own a house (H) and enjoy effective healthcare coverage (H).  They want their children to receive good education (E). When they retire, they want to have money so that they can maintain the same standard of living as before (R).  Of course, all these basic goods EHHER can be provided by the government such as in Greece. Public sector employment is large. Healthcare, education, housing are subsidized and public sector employees have a pension and the age of retirement is 60. They can negotiate the age of retirement to be earlier if they can prove that the health is not very good. The system of relying on the government to provide EHHER is not sustainable as we can see that Greece, among other countries, is in trouble now. How to enjoy the good life and yet it is sustainable is not easy.


The purpose of this session is to show that, in the case of Singapore, the EHHER described above can be obtained provided the following conditions are fulfilled; First, there is no free lunch. Everyone needs to work and save for HHER. The government must ensure that there will be many job opportunities and is able to control the price of housing, healthcare, education and CPI for low income citizens. It is a win-win outcome for all. We can achieve EHHER (Social Security) without a budget deficit.



Strategic Tools & Methodologies for Sustainability


Speaker: Professor Lim Mong King


1.      How might the trends that threaten sustainable development affect the industry and our company and how can we react strategically?

2.      Sustainable development trends can create business constraints as well as opportunities.

3.      Redesigning our industrial system to be sustainable requires a shared framework to understand how nature works.

4.      Using the concept of sources and sinks to explain the impact of our expanding industrial system on the environment.

5.      New business models and tools are emerging that will help companies shift to sustainable practices.

6.      Eco-efficiency.

7.      Industrial Ecology.

8.      Life Cycle Analysis.

9.      Design for Environment.

10. The Natural Step.