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CHUA Chee Kai is an Associate Professor and the Head of the Systems and Engineering Management Division at the School of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Nanyang Technological University , Singapore .  Dr Chua has extensive teaching and consulting experience in Rapid Prototyping (RP) including being advisor to RP bureau start-ups.  His research interests include the development of new techniques for RP as well as their applications in industry.  He was the keynote speaker for conferences on “Trends of RP” and has sat on several programme committees for international RP conferences.  Dr Chua sits on the Editorial Advisory Board of Rapid Prototyping Journal, MCB Press, UK .  He is the author of over 140 publications, including books, book chapters, international journals and conference proceedings and has one patent in his name.

Chua can be contacted by email at mckchua@ntu.edu.sg or visit his webpage at http://www.ntu.edu.sg/MPE/Divisions/systems/Faculty/ChuaCheeKai.htm.





LEONG Kah Fai is an Associate Professor at the School of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Nanyang Technological University , Singapore.  He is the Programme Director for the Master of Science Course in Smart Product Design and was the Founding Director of the Design Research Centre at the University.  Professor Leong graduated from the National University of Singapore and Stanford University for his undergraduate and postgraduate degrees respectively.  He is actively involved in local design, manufacturing and standards work.  He has chaired several committees in the Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research and Productivity Standards Board, receiving Merit and Distinguished Awards for his services in 1994 and 1997 respectively.  He has authored over 60 publications, including books, book chapters, international journals, and conferences.

Leong can be contacted by email at mkfleong@ntu.edu.sg or visit his webpage at http://www.ntu.edu.sg/MPE/Divisions/mechatronics&design/Faculty/LeongKahFai.htm.





LIM Chu-Sing is an Associate Professor at the School of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Nanyang Technological University , Singapore .  He is concurrently the Deputy Director of the university’s Biomedical Engineering Research Centre.  Dr Lim received his BEng (Hons) and PhD from Loughborough University in 1992 and 1995 respectively.  He obtained the National Science & Technology Board (NSTB) Postdoctoral Fellowship and the Tan Chin Tuan Fellowship to serve at the NTU and Duke University respectively.  He received several awards for his work including the Japanese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Singapore Foundation) Education Award.  Dr Lim serves in several professional and advisory committees.  He has served as a consultant to several international and local companies.  Dr Lim is the author of over 40 journal and conference publications, 1 book chapter and has two patents in his name.

Lim can be contacted by email at mchslim@ntu.edu.sg or visit his webpage at http://www.ntu.edu.sg/MPE/Divisions/systems/Faculty/LimChuSing.htm.




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