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  Getting to know NTU  
  University Governance  

The NTU Board of Trustees sets the broad strategic directions of NTU and oversees its affairs and business. The President of the University is its Chief Executive Officer. 

Academic Council

The Academic Council, comprising all tenure-track1 faculty of the University, provides input on academic matters through the Senate and its committees, as well as the Advisory Board. The President of NTU chairs the Academic Council and delivers the State of the University Address during its annual meetings.


The Senate is formed by 50 Academic Council members elected from the various Colleges, NIE and RSIS.  The President, the Provost and other key members of the University Administration are ex-officio members. The Senate acts on behalf of the Academic Council as its elected representative body. Its key responsibility is to consider recommendations from Academic Council committees on relevant matters. 

The Senate, in turn, elects a Senate Steering Committee from among its members to facilitate its work. The President and the Provost are ex-officio members of this Committee, whose key role is to identify subjects for study and discussion by the Senate, i.e. it sets the agenda for Senate meetings. The other standing committees of the Senate are the Committee on Committees, which is responsible for setting up committees as required from time to time, and the Committee of Tellers, which ensures that Senate and Advisory Board elections are conducted in an open and fair manner.

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board comprises nine members elected from among Academic Council members who are tenured full professors. It provides advice on matters that the President or the Provost may refer to it. Such matters may include faculty appointments, promotions and tenure review, as well as the creation of new academic programmes.  

1 All faculty members who are tenured to age 65 and those who are eligible for nomination or re-nomination to be tenured to age 65