NTRC publications
1. |
H.Dong, P.Shum, Y.D.Gong and C.Q.Wu, “Spectral-resolved
reflectometric measurement of polarization mode dispersion in an
optical fiber link with polarization-dependent loss,” Opt. Lett.,
Vol.32, pp.2999-3001, Oct. 2007.
2 |
H.Dong, P.Shum, J.Q.Zhou, Y.D.Gong, G.X.Ning and C.Q.Wu,
“Spectral-resolved backreflection measurement of polarization mode
dispersion in optical fibers,” Opt. Lett., Vol.32, pp.1665-1667,
Jun. 2007.
3 |
H.Dong, P.Shum, Y.D.Gong, M.Yan, J.Q.Zhou and C.Q.Wu, “Virtual
generalized Mueller matrix method for measurement of complex
polarization-mode dispersion vector in optical fibers,” IEEE Photon.
Technol. Lett., Vol.19, pp.27-29, Jan. 2007.
4 |
M. Zhao, D. Y. Tang, T. H. Cheng, and C. Lu, “Ultrashort
pulse generation in lasers by nonlinear pulse amplification and
compression,” Applied Physics Letters, 90, 051102 (2007).
--- selected for the March 2007 issue of Virtual Journal of
Ultrafast Science.
5 |
M. Zhao, D. Y. Tang, T. H. Cheng, H. Y. Tam, and C. Lu, “Generation
of multiple gain-guided solitons in a fiber laser,”
Optics Letters, 32, 1581-1583 (2007). --- selected for the July 2007
issue of Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science.
6 |
M. Zhao, D. Y. Tang, H. Zhang, T. H. Cheng, H. Y. Tam, and C. Lu, “Dynamics
of gain-guided solitons in an all-normal-dispersion fiber laser,”
Optics Letter, 32, 1806-1808 (2007).
7 |
H. Q. Lam, P. Shum, L. N. Binh, Y. D. Gong, and
S. Fu, "Series Analysis of Active Mode-Locked Laser under the
Influence of ASE Noise," IEEE J. Lightwave Technology, 2007
8 |
H. Q. Lam, P. Shum, L. N. Binh, Y. D. Gong, and
M. Tang, "Dual Orthogonal Polarization States in an Active
Mode-Locked Birefringent Fiber Ring Laser," IEEE Photonics
Technology Letters, vol. 19, pp. 635-637, 2007.
9 |
G. Ren,
P. Shum, J. Hu, X. Yu, and Y. Gong, "Fabrication of all-solid
photonic bandgap fiber coupler," Opt. Lett. Vol. 32, pp.
3059-3061 Nov. 2007.
10 |
G. Ren,
P. Shum, L. Zhang, X. Yu, W. Tong, and J. Luo, " Low-loss all-solid
photonic bandgap fiber," Opt. Lett. Vol. 32, pp. 1023-1025 May 2007.
11. |
J. Q. Zhou, H. Dong, S. Aditya, Y. D.
Gong, P. Shum, X. Guo, and L. Ma, "Two-states method for
polarization dependent loss measurement," Optical Fiber Technology,
vol. 13, pp. 139-142, 2007.
12 |
N. Liu, W.D. Zhong, and Y.J. Wen, "Simultaneous differential
phase-shift keying payload and subcarrier-multiplexed label
generation using a single modulator and its application to
dispersion monitoring," Opt. Eng., vol. 46, pp. 095010 1-5,
September 2007.
13 |
Liu, W.D. Zhong, Y.J. Wen, and Z. Li, " New transmitter
configuration for subcarrier multiplexed DPSK systems and its
applications to chromatic dispersion monitoring," Opt. Express, vol.
15, pp. 839-844, February 2007.
14 |
Xiao, G. Xiao, and T. H. Cheng, "Tolerance of Intentional Attacks in
Complex Communications Networks," IEEE Communications Magazine, in
15 |
Alagappan, X. W. Sun, M. B. Yu, and P. Shum, “Out-of-plane
dispersion of photonic crystal”, Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 75, pp. 113104
16 |
Alagappan, X. W. Sun and M. B. Yu, “Negative principal refractive
indices and accidental isotropy in two-dimensional photonic crystals
with an asymmetrical unit cell”, Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 76, p. 165123
17 |
Alagappan, X. W. Sun and M. B. Yu, “Equal-frequency surface analysis
of two-dimensional photonic crystals”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A (2007)
18 |
Songnian Fu, et.al., “All-Optical NRZ-DPSK Clock Recovery Using
Chromatic-Dispersion-Induced Clock Tone”, IEEE Photon. Technol.
Lett., vol.19, no.12, pp.925-927, 2007.
Songnian Fu, et.al., “ Theoretical investigation of dual-wavelength
packet signal storage with SOA-based dual loop optical buffer”,
Journal of Optics Communication, vol.279, pp.255-261,2007.
19 |
X. P.
Cheng, J. Zhang, P. Shum, M. Tang, and R. F. Wu, "Influence of
Sidelobes on Fiber-Bragg-Grating-Based Q-switched Fiber Laser," IEEE
Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 19, pp. 1646-1648, 2007.
20 |
X. Yu
et. al., “Silica-Based Nanostructure Core Fiber”, accepted by IEEE
Photonics Technology Letters.
21. |
X. Yu
et. al., “Determination of the wavelength dependence of the beat
length of twin-core microstructured polymer optical fiber”, Optical
Engineering, Vol. 46, pp. 075002- 075006, 2007
22 |
Xia, P. Shum, J. Zhou, T. H. Cheng, “Eight-wavelength switchable
fiber ring laser with ultranarrow wavelength spacing using a
quadruple-transmission-band polarization maintaining fiber bragg
grating,” Applied Physics B, vol. 88, no. 2, pp. 185-188, 2007.
23 |
Xia, P. Shum, and Cheng Tee Hiang, “The Design and Fabrication of
Multi-Transmission-Band Optical FBG Filter with Ultranarrow
Wavelength Spacing,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.
49, no. 5, pp. 1122-1125, 2007.
24 |
Xia, P. Shum, Tee Hiang Cheng, “Photonic Generation of Microwave
Signals Using a Dual-transmission-band FBG filter with controllable
wavelength spacing,” Applied Physics B, vol. 86, pp. 61-64, 2007.
25 |
J. J.
H, P.Shum, C.Lu and G.Ren, “Generalized Finite-Difference
Time-Domain Method Utilizing Auxiliary Differntial Equations for the
Full-Vectorial Analysis of Photonic Crystal Fibers,” IEEE Photonics
Technology Letters, accepted, 2007.