NTRC Publications (2006)




NTRC publications


Y Zhang and B.H. Soong “Performance of Mobile Networks with Wireless Channel Unreliability and Resource Insufficiency”, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 990-995, May 2006.


Y. Zhang and B.H. Soong, “Performance Evaluation of Queue with Unreliable Wireless Channel”, IEE Proceedings (Communications), 2006.


Y. Zhang, B.H. Soong and M. Miao, “A Dynamic Channel Assignment Scheme for Voice/Data Integration in GPRS Networks”, Computer Communications, Volume 29, Issue 8, 15 May 2006, Pages 1163-1173.


Lili Zhang, Boon-Hee Soong, and Wendong Xiao, “Location-Aware Two-Phase Coding Multi-Channel MAC Protocol (LA-TPCMMP) for MANETs”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, 2006.


Lau Chun Hau , Boon-Hee Soong, S.K. Bose, “Path selection with preemption and re-routingcontrol for multi-protocol label switching networks,”  Computer Communications, 2006.


Z Zhang and Y H Lee, “A Modified Model-Based Interpolation Method to Accelerate the Characterization of UWB Antenna System,”  IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, 2006.



K M Yong, G S Poo and T H Cheng, “Optimal Placement of Multicast and Wavelength Converting Nodes in Multicast Optical Virtual Private Network”, Computer Communications, Vol.29, No.12, pp2169-2180, August 2006.


G. Ning, S. Aditya, P. Shum, Y. D. Gong, H. Dong, and M. Tang, “PMD Effect on Pulse Shapes and Power Penalty in Optical Communication Systems,” Optics Communications, vol. 260, 2006, pp. 560-566.


G. Ning, S. Aditya, P. Shum, H. Dong, C. Q. Wu, and Y. D. Gong, “A new approach to determine the effects of PMD and chromatic dispersion on pulse and RF signals,” Journal of the Optical Society of America – A, vol. 23, Jan. 2006, pp.117-123.


G.X. Ning, P. Shum, S. Aditya, H. Dong, Y.D. Gong, and Chao Lu, "Tunable Photonic Microwave Filter Using SSB Modulation and a Fiber Grating in a Sagnac Loop", Optical Engg. Lett., Vol. 45(1), Jan. 2006.


G.X. Ning, P. Shum, S. Aditya, N. Liu, and Y.D. Gong, “On-line simultaneous monitoring of polarization mode dispersion and chromatic dispersion,” Applied Optics, Vol. 45, No. 12, April 2006, pp.1-5.


G.X. Ning, P. Shum, S. Aditya, D. Liu, Y.D. Gong, N. Q. Ngo, and M. Tang, “Multiwavelength Raman fiber lasers with equalized peak power using a sampled chirped fiber Bragg grating,” Applied Physics-B, online, March 2006.


G. Ning, P. Shum, S. Aditya, and L. Xia, “Multiwavelength peak power equalized lasers based on SOA using a sampled chirped fiber Bragg grating,” Microwave and Optical technology Letters, 2006.


E L Tan, “Unconditionally Stable LOD-FDTD Method for 3-D Maxwell’s Equations,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters.


E L Tan, “Efficient Algorithm for the Unconditionally Stable 3-D ADI-FDTD Method,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters.


E. L. Tan, “Generalized Eigenproblem for Acoustic Wave Propagation in Periodically Layered Anisotropic Media,” Journal of Computational Acoustics.


W Fu* and E L Tan, “Unconditionally Stable ADI-FDTD Method Including Passive Lumped Elements,” IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 48, No. 4, 2006.


W Fu* and E L Tan, “ADI-FDTD Method Including Linear Lumped Networks,” Electronics Letters, Vol. 42, No. 13, 2006, pp. 728-729.



E L Tan, “Recursive Asymptotic Impedance Matrix Method for Electromagnetic Waves in Bianisotropic Media,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Vo. 16, No. 6, 2006, pp. 351-353.



E L Tan, “Enhanced R-Matrix Algorithms for Multilayered Diffraction Gratings,” Applied Optics, Vol. 45, No. 20, 2006, pp. 4803-4809.


W. Fu* and E L Tan, “A Parameter Optimized ADI-FDTD Method Based on the (2,4) Stencil,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 54, No. 6, 2006, pp. 1836-1842.



E L Tan and J Ning, “Alternative Implementation of Combined-Field Integral Equation Using Rao-Wilton-Glisson Basis Functions for Conducting Scatterers,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 48, No. 4, 2006, pp. 753-756.



E L Tan, “Hybrid-Matrix Algorithm for Rigorous Coupled-Wave Analysis of Multilayered Diffraction Gratings,” Journal of Modern Optics, Vol. 53, No. 4, 2006, 417-428.


E L Tan, “Hybrid Compliance-Stiffness Matrix Method for Stable Analysis of Elastic Wave Propagation in Multilayered Anisotropic Media,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 119, No. 1, 2006, pp. 45-53.


K Zhong*, Y L Guan, B C Ng, “Full-Rate Orthogonal Space-Time Block Code with Pulse-Shaped Offset QAM for 4 Transmit Antennas”, IEEE Trans Wireless Comm, 2006.


Bing Xie*, Yong Liang Guan, Jian Chen and Chao Lu, “Wavelength-Interleaved FEC Scheme For Chromatic Dispersion Impaired Optical Systems”, Optics Communications, 2006.


C Yuen*, Y L Guan, T T Tjhung, “Optimizing Quasi-Orthogonal STBC Through Group-Constrained Linear Transformation”, IEE Proceedings in Communications - Special Issue on Space-time Coding and Signal Processing for MIMO Wireless and Mobile Communications, 2006.


C Yuen, Y L Guan, T T Tjhung, “On the Search for High-Rate Quasi-Orthogonal Space-Time Block Code”, International Journal of Wireless Information Networks (IJWIN) – Special Issue on MIMO Coding, International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, Jan 2006, Pages 1-12, DOI 10.1007/s10776-006-0033-2.



Ye, Y., Chai, T.Y., Cheng, T.H., Lu, C., “Dynamic routing and wavelength assignment algorithms in wavelength division multiplexed translucent optical networks,” (2006) Computer Communications, 29 (15), pp. 2975-2984.


Zhou, L., Chai, T.Y., Saradhi, C.V., Wang, Y., Foo, V., Qiang, Q., Biswas, J., Lu, C., Gurusamy, M., Cheng, T.H., Wang, Y., “Development of a GMPLS-capable WDM optical network testbed and distributed storage application,” (2006) IEEE Communications Magazine, 44 (2), pp. S26-S32.



Dong Y, Li ZH, Lu C, Wang YX, Wen YJ, Cheng TH, Hu WS, “Improving dispersion tolerance of Manchester coding by incorporating duobinary coding,” IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 18 (13-16): 1723-1725 JUL-AUG 2006


Hao, J., Liaw, C.Y., Cai, Z., Gong, Y., Cheng, T.H., Lu, C., “Ultrastable wavelength calibration reference constructed from an athermal Mach-Zehnder interferometer filter,” Electronics Letters,  42 (24) pp. 1422-1424. 2006.


Zhaohui Li, Yi Dong, Chao Lu, Yang Jing Wen, Yixin Wang, Weisheng Hu and Tee Hiang Cheng, “Comparison of XGM Effects of Manchester-duobinary, RZ-DPSK, NRZ-DPSK, RZ and NRZ Modulation Formats in SOA,”  IEEE Photonic Technology Letters.


J. H. Wu, T. H. Cheng, A. Q. Liu, and Y. X. Wang: Modulational Transparency and Femtosecond Pulse Train in Bragg Reflectors with Time-Varying Dielectric Constant, Applied Physics Letters.


X Liu, C Lu, T H Cheng, S N Koh, “A simplified step-by-step decoding algorithm for parallel decoding of Reed-Solomon codes,”  IEEE Transactions o Communications.


CJ Cai, WX Liu, JS Fu, and YL Lu, "A new approach for ground moving target indication in foliage environment," Signal Processing, vol. 86, no. 1, Jan. 2006, pp.84-97.


MS Tong, YC Chen, YL Lu, et al, "Numerical analysis of PBG via structures using FDTD algorithm," Microelectronics International, vol. 23, no. 1, 2006, pp.4-9.


MH Li and YL Lu, "Dimension reduction for array processing with robust interference cancellation," IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 42, no. 1, Jan. 2006, pp.103-112.


M Cheng and YL Lu, "Structural Stability of Carbon Nanotubes Using Molecular Dynamics and Finite-Difference Time-Domain Methods," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. vol. 42, no. 4, Apr. 2006, pp.891-894.


X Liu, C Lu, T H Cheng and S N Koh, “A simplified step-by-step decoding algorithm for parallel decoding of Reed-Solomon codes,”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2006.


B. Chen, W. D. Zhong, and S. K. Bose, “Applying Saturated Cut Method for Dynamic Traffic Grooming in IP/MPLS over WDM Networks,”  IEEE Commu. Lett., vol. 10,  no. 2, pp. 117-119, Feb. 2006.


N. Liu, W. D. Zhong, P. Shum, C. Lu, and Y. Wang,  “Improved Chromatic Dispersion Monitoring Technique,”  Optics Communications,   vol. 259, pp. 553-561, 2006.


N. Liu, W. D. Zhong, Y. J. Wen, C. Lu,  L. Cheng, Y. Wang, “PMD and chirp effects suppression in RF-tone based chromatic dispersion monitoring,”   IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett.,  vol. 18, pp. 673-675, Mar. 2006.


J. Mo, Y. J. Wen, Y. Wang, C. Lu, W. D. Zhong, “Performance Evaluation of Externally Modulated Optical Minimum Shift Keyed Data,"  in Optical Engineering


X J Li and P H J Chong, “Simulation study of some PRMA-based protocols with channel reservation for data traffic,” Int. J. of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Comput., Vol. 2, Issue 2, 2007.


M. Yang and P H J Chong, “Capacity Optimizing Channel Allocation Schemes for Multi-Service Cellular Systems with Mobile Users,” in Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, August 2006.


J Y Yu and P H J Chong, “An Efficient Clustering Scheme for Large and Dense Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs),” Computer Communications, Volume 30, Issue 1, pp. 5-16, 15 December 2006.


S L Chen, P H J Chong, and M Yang, “Dynamic Channel Assignment with Flexible Reuse Partitioning in Cellular Systems,”  in Wireless Personal Communications, June 2006.


S L Chen and P H J Chong, “Capacity Improvement with Dynamic Channel Assignment and Reuse Partitioning in Cellular Systems,” Journal of Commun. and Network, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 13-20, March 2006.


X J Li and P H J Chong, “Performance of PRMA Protocols for Packet Voice and Data Communications in a TDMA-based Cellular System,” GESTS Int. Trans. on Commun. and Signal Processing, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 45-56, Feb. 2006.


S. Shen, G. Xiao, and T.-H. Cheng, “Benefits of Advertising Wavelength Availability in Distributed Lightpath Establishment,” Computer Networks (Elsevier), Vol. 50, No. 13, pp. 2364-2379, Sept. 2006.


S. Shen, G. Xiao, and T. H. Cheng, “A Novel Method of Link-State Update in Wavelength-Routed Networks,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 1112-1120, Mar. 2006.


W Q Luo and S Y Tan, “A Radiated Emission Model for Power Line Communications”, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, Vol. 21, No. 3, Jul 2006, pp.1245-1249.


W. Q. Luo and S Y Tan, “A Distributed Circuit Model for Power Line Communications”, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, s.


 M. Huang and S. Y. Tan, “An Improved Spherical Antenna Array for Wideband Phase Mode Processing,”  in J. A. Kong (ed), Electromagnetic Waves Monograph series, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, EMW Publishing, USA, 2006. Abstract will be published in Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications (JEWA), 2006.



L Jiang and S Y Tan, “Geometrical-based statistical channel model for outdoor and indoor propagation environments,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, .


S. Hu, H. Chen, C. L. Law, Z. Shen, L. Zhu, W. Zhang, and W. Dou, "Backscattering Cross Section of Ultra Wideband Antennas”,  in IEEE Antennas and Propagation Letters, Dec 2006



Z. Zhang, C.L. Law and E. Gunawan, “Multipath Mitigation Technique Based on Partial Autocorrelation Function”, Kluwer: Wireless Personal Communication, 2006


H. Q. Lam, P. Shum, L. N. Binh, Y. D. Gong, “Polarization-Dependent Locking in SOA Harmonic Mode-Locked Fiber Laser,” IEEE Photo. Techno. Lett. Vol. 18, pp. 2404 – 2406, 2006.



G. Ren, P. Shum, L. Zhang, M. Yan, X. Yu, W. Tong, and J. Luo, “Design of All-Solid Bandgap Fiber With Improved Confinement and Bend Losses,” IEEE Photo. Techno. Lett.



X. Yu, P. Shum, S. Fu, L. Deng, “Torsion-Sensitivity of Mechanical Long-Period Grating in Photonic Crystal Fiber”, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, vol. 8, pp. 1247-1249, 2006.


Andrew A. B. Tio and P. Shum, “Gain properties of multi-wavelength Time Division Multiplexed Raman amplifier,”  by Optics Express, 2006.


S. Fu, P. Shum, Chongqing Wu, Liren Zhang, Y. D. Gong, “An optical resilient packet ring node with SOA-based loadable and erasable storage buffer,”  by Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. (2006)


X. Yu, P. Shum, X. Dong, “Photonic crystal fiber based Mach-Zehnder interferometer using long period gratings”, Microwave Optical Technology Letters. (2006)


H. Dong, P. Shum, M. Yan, G. Ning, Y. Gong, and C. Wu, " Generalized Mueller matrix method for polarization mode dispersion measurement in a system with polarization-dependent loss or gain," Opt. Express, vol.14, pp.5067-5072,2006.


M. Yan, and P. Shum, “Guidance varieties in photonic crystal fibers,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B., 2006.


M. Yan, and P. Shum, “Analysis of perturbed Bragg fibers with an extended transfer matrix method,” Opt. Express, vol. 14, pp. 2596-2610, April 2006.


X. Yu, D. Liu,  P. Shum, H. Dong, S. Fu, M. Tang, N. Q. Ngo, “A Multi-wavelength fiber laser with temperature stability by using a HiBi-PCF Sagnac loop filter” Optical Engineering, vol. 45, pp.044201(1-4), April 2006.



X. Yu, P. Shum, M. Tang, M. Yan, J. Love, “Numerical Investigations of Interstitial Hole-assistant Microstructured Optical Fiber”, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 372-375, 2006.



Xinyong Dong, P. Shum, Xiufeng Yang, M.F. Lim and C.C. Chan, “Bandwidth-tunable filter and spacing-tunable comb filter with chirped-fiber Bragg gratings,” Optics Communications, Vol. 259, Issue 2, pp.645-648, 15 March 2006.



X. Dong, P. Shum, C. C. Chan, and X. Yang “FSR-Tunable Fabry–PÉrot Filter With Superimposed Chirped Fiber Bragg Gratings,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 18, pp. 184-186. Jan. 2006.



X Liu, K C Teh and E Gunawan, “Performance analysis of blind adaptive subspace multiuser detectors over multipath fading channels,”  in the IEEE Trans. Vehic. Technol.



X Liu, K C Teh and E Gunawan, “Interference identification and blind multiuser detection for asynchronous CDMA systems with multipath fading,”  in the IEEE Trans. Commun.


W. Tan, L. C. Lee, and Z. Shen, “A circularly polarized microstrip-fed T-slot antenna array on a conducting cylinder,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 5, 2006.



Y. Liu and Z. Shen, “A compact dual- and wide-band cavity-backed slot sub-array,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, , 2006.


Y. Liu, Z. Shen, and C. L. Law, “A compact dual-band cavity-backed slot antenna,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 5, no.1, pp.4-6, 2006.


J. Wang and Z. Shen, “A novel method for two-dimensional frequency estimation,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems II, vol.53, no.2, pp.148-151, 2006.


H. Chen, Z. Shen, and E. Li, “Analysis of a three-dimensional antenna radiating through a two-dimensional radome using a fast high-order method,” IEEE Trans. on Magentics, vol.MAG-42, no.4, pp.699-702, 2006.


Z. Shen, Q. Wang and K. L. Wu, “Modal-expansion analysis of electromagnetically coupled coaxial dipole antennas,” IEICE Trans. on Communications, vol. E89-B, no.5, pp.1654-1661, May 2006.



B. Zheng and Z. Shen, “Effect of a finite ground plane on rectangular waveguide slot antennas’ radiation patterns,” Electromagnetics, vol.26, no. 6, pp.485-502, 2006.


Z. Zhang, Z. Shen, P. Shum, “A compact inverted double-L antenna,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,vol.48, no.5, pp.968-969, May 2006.


L. Zhang, H. Fu, V. Goel, “Unified Solution to Registration, Authentication and Billing for Wireless Hotspots: Architecture and Protocols,” in ACM Transaction on Information and System Security, 2006.



S. Fu, L. Zhang and P. Shum, “Design of SOA-Based Dual Loop Optical Buffer with a 3×3 Collinear Coupler: Guideline and Optimizations”, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol.24, No.7, pp.2768 – 2778, 2006.


L. Zhang and S. Leng “Mobility Analysis for Random Walk Model in Ad Hoc Networks”,  in Journal of Computer Networks,  2006.


J. Dong,  S. Fu, P. Shum, and L. Zhang,  “Analytical solution for SOA-based all-optical wavelength conversion using transient cross phase modulation,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters,. Vol.18, No.24, pp.2554-2557, 2006.


S. Fu, and L. Zhang, “Measurement of SOA Linewidth Enhancement Factor using Sagnac fiber loop,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol.18, No.18, pp.1934-1937, 2006.



 S. Fu, J. Dong, and L. Zhang “Experimental observations of both inverted and non-inverted wavelength conversion based on transient cross phase modulation of SOA,” Optics Express, Vol.14, pp.7587-7583, 2006.



S. Fu, and L. Zhang, “Design of SOA-Based Dual Loop Optical Buffer with a 3×3 Collinear Coupler: Guideline and Optimizations,” IEEE Journal Lightwave Technology, Vol.24, No.7, 2006.



S. Fu, and L. Zhang, “An optical resilient packet ring node with SOA-based loadable and erasable storage buffer,” Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, B 00, 1-4, 2006.


 J. Dong, S. Fu, P. Shum and L. Zhang, “Single SOA based all-optical adder assisted by optical bandpass filter: Theoretical analysis and performance optimization, ”  in Journal of Optic Communications.


S. Fu, L. Zhang and, “An SOA-based loadable and erasable optical buffer with background noise suppression,”  in Journal of Optical Engineering, 2006.


Y. Li, S. Fu, P. Shum, and L. Zhang, “Power Equalization for SOA Based All -Optical Buffer by Control Signal Optimization,”  in  IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 2006.


Y. Li, S. Fu, P. Shum and L. Zhang, “Dual-wavelength Signal Storage with SOA-based Dual Loop Optical Buffer,”  in Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B), 2006.


S. Fu, L. Zhang and P. Shum, “Design of SOA-Based Dual Loop Optical Buffer with a 3×3 Collinear Coupler: Guideline and Optimizations”, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol.24, No.7, pp.2768 – 2778, 2006.


L. Zhang and S. Leng “Mobility Analysis for Random Walk Model in Ad Hoc Networks”,  in Journal of Computer Communications,  2006.


J. Chen, Y. Yang, Maode Ma, and Y. Ouyang, ”Performance Model of Packet Packing in Wireless Sensor Networks,”  IEICE Transaction of Communication. .


Maode Ma and Q. Zhu, “Providing Real-Time Service in CDMA Wireless Networks,” Wireless Personal Communications. .


Y. Zhang, Maode Ma, and M. Fujise, "Call Completion in Wireless Network Over Lossy Link", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. .


Y. Zhu, Maode Ma, and T. H. Cheng,” An Efficient Solution for Mitigating Light Load Penalty in EPONs,” Journal of Computers and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 32, Issue 6, November 2006, pp. 426-431.


Y. Zhu and Maode Ma, “Supporting Differentiated Services with Fairness by an Urgent Queuing Scheduling Scheme in EPONs,” Photonic Network Communications, Vol. 12, No. 1, July 2006, pp. 99 – 110.



Maode Ma and Q. Zhu, "Providing Integrated Service in CDMA Wireless Networks," Journal of Computers and Electrical Engineering. .


Y. Gong and K. B. Letaief, “On the error probability of orthogonal space-time block codes over keyhole MIMO channels,” full paper, IEEE Trans. Wireless Communication., 2006.




Conference Paper



Y. H. Lee and Y. Meng, “VHF and UHF Propagation through a Coconut Plantation” Int.  Sym. on Antenna and Propagation, Singapore, November 2006.


Y. Meng, Y. H. Lee and B. C. Ng, “Measurement and Characterization of a Tropical Foliage Channel in VHF and UHF Bands” IEEE Int. Conf. on Communication Systems, Singapore, October 2006.



Y. H. Lee and S. Y. Huang, “Electromagnetic Compatibility of a Dual Planar Electromagnetic Band-gap Microstrip Filter Structure” Int. Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC Zurich), Singapore, March 2006.


 M Cheng and YL Lu, "Friction between carbon nanotube and graphite using molecular dynamics," Proc IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies - Nanoelectronics (NanoSingapore 2006), 10-13 Jan 2006, Singapore.



TT Zhang, YL Lu, and HT Hui, "Simultaneous estimation of mutual coupling matrix and DOAs for UCA and ULA," Proc. 17th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 1-3 Mar 2006, Singapore, pp.265-268.


LM Deng, XC Wei, EP Li, and YL Lu, "An improved printed double-Y balu," Pro. 17th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 1-3 Mar 2006, Singapore, pp.187-189.



Wang Wei, B.H. Soong and J. Chew, A novel protocol of QoS Multicasting for large scale MANET, ICIEA 2006, Singapore, 24-26 May 2006.


E L Tan and W Fu*, "3-D ADI-FDTD Method with Fewer For-Loops", 2006 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Singapore, November 2006.


Z. Shen, “Shielding effectiveness of cylindrical enclosures with annular ring apertures,” Proc. Of EMC-Zurich in Singapore, pp.38-41, March 2006.



Maode Ma and B. C. Ng, “Supporting Differentiated Services in Wireless Access Networks,” Proc-IEEE Tenth International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS’06), Singapore, November, 2006


A. S. Rajan and Maode Ma, “Agent Driven Ubiquitous Mobility,” Proc-IEEE Tenth International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS’06), Singapore, November, 2006


Y. Zhu, Maode Ma, and T. H. Cheng, “IPACT with Grant Estimation for EPON,” Proc-IEEE Tenth International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS’06), Singapore, November, 2006


Wang Wei, and B.H. Soong, A Distributed Heuristics of Localization in Wireless Sensor Network, ternational Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM 2006), Wuhan, China, Sep. 2006.



Zhang Lili, and B.H. Soong, k-Connectivity in Wireless Multi-Hop Networks with Nakagami Fading and Shadowing, to appear Nov, Globecom San Francisco, 2006.


Y. Meng, Y. H. Lee and B. C. Ng, “VHF and UHF Channel Characterization in Tropical Rainforest” Int. Conf. on Communication and Electronics, Hanoi, October 2006.


Y. Meng and Y. H. Lee, “Temporal Variations Investigation over a Forested Channel in VHF and UHF Bands” Int. Sym. on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, China, October 2006.


Y. H. Lee and S. Y. Huang, “Microstrip Line Coupling to a Dual-Plane Electromagnetic Band-gap Filter Structure” Int. Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC Europe), Barcelona, September 2006.


Linghao Cheng, Sheel Aditya, Alphones Arokiaswami, and L. C. Ong, “Nonlinear distortion due to XPM in electrooptical upconversion WDM microwave fiber optic links,” Asia-Pacific Microwave Photonics Conference 2006, 24-26 April, 2006, Kobe, Japan.


G. Ning, P. Shum, S. Aditya, and Y. D. Gong, “Fast online simultaneous monitoring of PMD and chromatic dispersion with reduced polarization dependent gain,” APOC2006, Sept. 3-7 2006, Korea.


E L Tan, "Quasi-Invariant Single-Parameter Criterion for Unconditional Stability: Review and Application", 2006 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, Yokohama, Japan, December 2006.


W Fu* and E L Tan, “Unconditionally Stable FDTD Technique Including Passive Lumped Elements,” 2006 International RF and Microwave Conference, Putrajaya, Malaysia, 12–14 September, 2006.


K C Lim, Y L Guan, “Improved Code Shortening for Block and Product Codes", IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Melbourne, Australia, 7 – 10 May 2006.


C. Yuen; Y. L. Guan; T. T. Tjhung, “Algebraic Relationship between Amicable Orthogonal Designs and Quasi-Orthogonal STBC with Minimum Decoding Complexity”, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Istanbul, Turkey, 11-15 June 2006.


Gang Wu, Choi Look Law, Yong Liang Guan, Su Hu, Shaoqian Li, "Spatial Precoding and Loading for Multi-User Mutiple-Antenna OFDM Systems", the 6th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications, Chengdu, China 2006.


Qinghua Shi, Yong Liang Guan, Choi Look Law, " Frequency-Domain Fractionally-Spaced MMSE Multiuser Receiver for Multicarrier CDMA", the 6th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications, Chengdu, China 2006.


C. Yuen; Y. L. Guan; T. T. Tjhung, “Low Complexity Unitary Differential Space-Time Modulation with Spherical Code”, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor And Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Helsinki, Finland, September 11-14, 2006.


Xiaotian Xu, Yong Liang Guan, and Kah Chan Teh, “Analysis of Error Probability of Orthogonal Dirty-Paper Codes in Watermarking Applications”, International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Beijing, China, August 30 – September 1, 2006.


MH Li, YL Lu and L Wee, "Target detection and identification with a heterogeneous sensor network by strategic resource allocation and coordination," Proc. 6th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST2006), 21-23 Jun 2006, Chengdu, China, pp.992-995.


YB Na, YL Lu, and HB Sun, "A Comparison of Back-Projection and Range Migration Algorithms for Ultra-Wideband SAR Imaging," Proc. 4th IEEE Workshop on Sensor Array and Multi-channel Processing (SAM 2006), 12-14 Jul 2006, Waltham, MA, USA, pp.230-324.


HB Sun, WX Liu, YL Lu, P Borderies, F Lemaitr, LC Tai, HW Seah, and HL Chan, "A Special Operation Mode of BoomSAR in Application to Foliage Penetration Imaging," Proc. 2006 CIE International Conference on Radar, 16-19 Oct 2006, Shanghai, China.


X Guo, HB Sun, TS Yeo, and YL Lu, "Lightning Interference Cancellation in High-Frequency Surface Wave Radar," Proc. 2006 CIE International Conference on Radar, 16-19 Oct 2006, Shanghai, China.


YL Lu, DKP Tan, HB Sun, "An Experimental GSM Based Passive Radar," 2006 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, 12-15 Dec 2006, Yokohama, Japan


 B. Chen, W. D. Zhong, S. K. Bose, “Providing differentiated services for multi-class traffic,” Proc. ICTON 2006, vol. 4, pp. 31-34,  paper Mo.P8, Nottingham, UK, June 2006.


F. Zhang, W. D. Zhong, “A novel path-protecting p-cycle heuristic algorithm,” Proc. ICTON 2006, vol. 3, pp. 203-206, paper We.B3.5,  Nottingham, UK, June 2006.


N. Liu, W. D. Zhong, J. Y. Wen, “Simultaneous generation of DPSK and RF tone using a single DE-MZM for CD monitoring,” Proc. OECC 2006, pp. 7C-4-1 – 7C-4-2,  Kaohsiung, Taiwan, July 2006.


Z. Xu, Y. J. Wen, M. Attygalle, X. Cheng, W. D. Zhong, Y. Wang  and C. Lu, “Multiple Channel Carrier-reused WDM Passive Optical Network,”  Proc. ECOC’2006,  Post deadline paper, Th4.3.2, 2006,  Cannes, France, Sept. 2006.


M Yang and P H J Chong, “Time Slot Allocation Schemes for Multihop TDD-CDMA Cellular System,” Proc-IEEE WCNC ’07, Hong Kong, March 2007.


X J Li and P H J Chong, “A Fixed Channel Assignment Scheme for Multihop Cellular Network,” Proc-IEEE GLOBECOM ’06, San Francisco, CA, Nov. 27-Dec 1, 2006.


J Y Yu, P H J Chong, and M Yang, “Performance of Microcell/macrocell cellular systems with reuse partitioning,” Proc-IEE 3rd Mobility Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, Oct. 2006.


Y Wang, P H J Chong, L Qiu, L Chen, E Lee, L C Seck, and D Cheung, “Research and Software Development of TETRA & TETRAPOL Networks Models for IP-Based Data Services Using OPNET,” Proc-OPNET2006, Washington D.C. Aug. 28-Sept. 1, 2006.


M Yang and P H J Chong, “Cross Time Slot Capacity Analysis for Uplink Transmission in Multihop Cellular System,” Proc- ICCCAS06, Gui Lin, China, June 25-28 2006.


S. Xiao, G. Xiao, and T. H. Cheng, “Robustness of Complex Communication Networks under Rewiring Operations,” Proc. IEEE ICCS 2006, Oct. 2006.


Gang Wu, Choi Look Law, Yong Liang Guan, Su Hu, Shaoqian Li, "Spatial Precoding and Loading for Multi-User Multiple-Antenna OFDM Systems," in Proc. IEEE the 6th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications, Chengdu, China, June 2006.


X. Yu, P. Shum, P. Xie, “Investigation of photonic crystal fiber based long period gratinds with aqueous solution inclusions,” Paper 6369-21, OpticsEast 2006.



P. Shum, and K.M.Lye, “Optical Communication and Broadband Access in Singapore,” Paper We2.1.2, ECOC 2006.


P. S. Février, G. Humbert, M. Yan, P. Shum, J.L. Auguste, P. Roy, J.M. Blondy, “Identification of Guidance Regimes in Filled-Core Photonic Crystal Fibres,” Paper Tu3.3.3, ECOC 2006.


X. Yu, P. Shum, and M. A. van Eijkelenborg, “Wavelength dependence of coupling in twin-core microstructured polymer optical fiber”, Proc. SPIE 6351, 635111 (2006)


W. Tan and Z. Shen, “A planar multi-band antenna for portable devices,” Proc. Of IEEE AP-S International Symposium Digest, pp.2641-2644, July 2006.


Y. Liu, B. Zheng, and Z. Shen, “A dual-band microstrip-fed cavity-backed subarray,” Proc. Of IEEE AP-S International Symposium Digest, pp.3597-3600, July 2006.


Y. Liu, Z. Shen, B. Zheng, and W. Tan, “A dual-band beam-switched slot array for GSM900/1800MHz,” Proc. Of Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, pp.2070-2073, Dec. 2006.


H. Wang, W. Tan, and Z. Shen, “Novel high-impedance surface for radar absorbing material,” Proc. Of International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Nov. 2006.


K. Wu, L. Zhang, Z. Shen, and B. Zheng, “An anti-jamming 5-element GPS antenna array using phase-only nulling,” 2006 6th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications Proceedings, pp.370-373, June 2006.



X. Huang, Maode Ma and Y. Ma, “QoS-based Scheduling for Dynamic Task Management in Grid Computing,” Proc-Fourth International Conference in IT& Application(ICITA 2007),China, January 2007.


F. K. L. Chen and Maode Ma, ”Supporting Quality of Services in Wireless LANs by EDCA Access Scheme,” Proc-MMU International Symposium on Information and Communications Technologies (M2USIC 2006), Malaysia, November 2006.


Vinh Dien Hoang, Maode Ma, and Masayuki Fujise, “Multi-path Destination Sequenced Distance Vector Routing in the Wireless Mesh Network,” Proc-First International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE'06), Vietnam, Oct. 2006.


Maode Ma, J. Zheng, Y. Zhang, Z. Shao, and M. Fujise, “A Power-Controlled Rate-Adaptive MAC Protocol to Support Differentiated Service in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” Proc-IEEE GLOBECOM 2006.


A. S. Rajan and Maode Ma, “Ubiquitous Mobility in Next Generation Wireless Networks,” Proc-IEEE International Conference on Networks 2006 (ICON06), Singapore, September, 2006.


J. Xu, Maode Ma, and C. L. Law, "Position Estimation Using UWB TDOA Measurements," Proc-International Conference on Ultra Wideband, 2006.


J. Zheng, Maode Ma, Y. Zhang, Zhenhai Shao, and Masayuki Fujise, “A Multiple Access Scheme for Power-Controlled Rate-Adaptive Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” Proc-6th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications 2006 (ITST2006).


W. D. Zhong, S. K. Bose, Z. Lian, and Y. Wang, “10 Gigabit resilient Ethernet rings for metro networks,” Proc. ICOCN 2006, pp. 303-306, Chengdu, China,  Sept. 2006. (Invited paper)


P. Shum, X. Dong, M. Tang, Y. Gong, S. Fu, H. Dong, X. Yang, “Nonlinearity enhanced fiber ring laser,” Paper 6379A-01, OpticsEast 2006 (Invited Paper).


W. Wang, and B.H. Soong, “Locating Remote Nodes in Anchor-free Wireless Sensor Network”, IEEE WCNC 2007.



Chen B, Zhong WD, Bose SK, “Providing differentiated services for multi-class traffic 8th International Conference on Transparent Optical networks”, JUN 18-22, 2006,ICTON 2006: 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TRANSPARENT OPTICAL NETWORKS, VOL 4, PROCEEDINGS - CONFERENCE & COST P 11 TRAINING SCHOOL POSTERS : 31-34, 2006


Zhang F, Zhong WD, “A novel path-protecting p-cycle heuristic algorithm
8th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks”, JUN 18-22, 2006,ICTON 2006: 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TRANSPARENT OPTICAL NETWORKS, VOL 3, PROCEEDINGS : 203-206, 2006


 G. Ning, Y. D. Gong, P. Shum, S. Aditya, L. Xia, and S. Fu “Multiwavelength power equalized lasers based on SOA using a sampled chirped fiber Bragg grating,” OECC, 2006.


G. Ning, D. Liu, P. Shum, H. Dong,S. Fu, M. Tang, and C. Q. Wu., “Impact of four-wave-mixing on microwave photonic filters,” Optical Fiber Communication 2006, USA, Paper OWI58.


Xinyong Dong, P. Shum, “Novel Spacing-Tunable Multiwavelength Raman Fiber Laser”. Optical Fiber Communication 2006, USA.


Liu M, Shum P, Simulation of soliton propagation in a directional coupler
6th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, SEP 11-14, 2006, OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS 38 (12-14): 1159-1165, SEP 2006


Shum P, Dong XY, Tang M, et al. Nonlinearity enhanced fiber ring laser - art. no. 637901 Conference on Photonic Applications for Aerospace, Transportation, and Harsh Environments, OCT 03, 2006 PHOTONIC APPLICATIONS FOR AEROSPACE, TRANSPORTATION, AND HARSH ENVIRONMENTS : 37901-37901, 2006



Sun J, Chan CC, Dong XY, et al. Tunable photonic band gaps in a photonic crystal fiber - art. no. 637906 Conference on Photonic Applications for Aerospace, Transportation, and Harsh Environments, OCT 03, 2006



Yu X, Shum P, Sun J, et al. Investigation of photonic crystal fiber based long period gratings with aqueous solution inclusions Conference on Photonic Crystals and Photonic Crystal Fibers for Sensing Applications II, OCT 03, 2006 PHOTONIC CRYSTALS AND PHOTONIC CRYSTAL FIBERS FOR SENSING APPLICATIONS II : U41-U48, 2006



Hu JJ, Chen XY, Shum P, et al. Flexible bandwidth control of the single-mode guided band in a 2D photonic crystal coupled-cavity waveguide Conference on Photonic Crystals and Photonic Crystal Fibers for Sensing Applications II, OCT 03, 2006 PHOTONIC CRYSTALS AND PHOTONIC CRYSTAL FIBERS FOR SENSING APPLICATIONS II : U97-U104, 2006



Yu X, Shum P, van Eijkelenborg MA Wavelength dependence of coupling in twin-core microstructured polymer optical fiber Conference on Passive Components and Fiber-Based Devices III, SEP 05-07, 2006 PASSIVE COMPONENTS AND FIBER-BASED DEVICES III, PTS 1 AND 2 : U270-U277, 2006



 Lam HQ, Shum P, Binh LN, et al. Dual locking modes in a weakly birefringent ring active mode locked fiber laser Conference on Passive Components and Fiber-Based Devices III, SEP 05-07, 2006 PASSIVE COMPONENTS AND FIBER-BASED DEVICES III, PTS 1 AND 2 : U707-U714, 2006



Shum P, Tang M, Cheng XP, et al. Multi-wavelength mode-locked fiber laser Conference on Passive Components and Fiber-Based Devices III, SEP 05-07, 2006



Zhou JQ, Dong H, Aditya S, et al. Polarization dependent transmission measurement methods in an optical fiber link Conference on Passive Components and Fiber-Based Devices III, SEP 05-07, 2006 PASSIVE COMPONENTS AND FIBER-BASED DEVICES III, PTS 1 AND 2 : U1144-U1151, 2006



Dong H, Shum P, Zhou JQ,Polarization mode dispersion vectors measurement in optical fibers Conference on Passive Components and Fiber-Based Devices III, SEP 05-07, 2006 PASSIVE COMPONENTS AND FIBER-BASED DEVICES III, PTS 1 AND 2 : U1182-U1190, 2006.


Tian XL, Tang M, Gong YD, et al. Repetition rate switching in a passively mode-locked fibre laser Conference on Passive Components and Fiber-Based Devices III, SEP 05-07, 2006 PASSIVE COMPONENTS AND FIBER-BASED DEVICES III, PTS 1 AND 2 : U1197-U1204, 2006



Ning G, Shum P, Aditya S, et al. Fast online simultaneous monitoring of PMD and chromatic dispersion with reduced polarization dependent gain Conference on Optical Transmission, Switching, and Subsystems IV, SEP 05-07, 2006 OPTICAL TRANSMISSION, SWITCHING, AND SUBSYSTEMS IV, PTS 1AND 2 : U156-U164, 2006



Tang WL, Zhang LR, Shum P, et al. An improved fairness algorithm for resilient packet ring network Conference on Network Architectures, Management, and Applications IV, Pts 1& 2, SEP 05-07, 2006 NETWORK ARCHITECTURES, MANAGEMENT, AND APPLICATIONS IV : U234-U241, 2006



Shao XG, Zhang LR, Shum P Cross-layer approach for performance evaluation in IP/GMPLS over WDM network Conference on Network Architectures, Management, and Applications IV, Pts 1& 2, SEP 05-07, 2006 NETWORK ARCHITECTURES, MANAGEMENT, AND APPLICATIONS IV : U839-U846, 2006



Liu S, Dong XY, Shum P FSR-tunable Fabry-Perot filter with superimposed Fiber Bragg Gratings - art. no. 638911 Conference on Active and Passive Optical Components for Communication VI, OCT 03-04, 2006 ACTIVE AND PASSIVE OPTICAL COMPONENTS FOR COMMUNICATIONS VI : 38911-38911, 2006



Yu X, Shum P Periodic microbending-induced mode coupling in microstructured optical fiber - art. no. 60250F 20th Congress of the International-Commission-for-Optics, AUG 21-26, 2005


Tang M, Shum P, Gong YD The impact of RIN transfer on the optimization of bi-directional pumped distributed Raman amplifier for fiber transmission systems - art. no. 60251C20th Congress of the International-Commission-for-Optics, AUG 21-26, 2005 ICO20: OPTICAL COMMUNICATION : C251-C251, 2006



Dong XY, Shum P, Lim MF, et al. Novel optical filters based on tunable chirped-fiber Bragg gratings - art. no. 60251U 20th Congress of the International-Commission-for-Optics, AUG 21-26, 2005 ICO20: OPTICAL COMMUNICATION : U251-U251, 2006



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