NTRC Publications (2004) |
NTRC publications |
1. B. Chen, W.D. Zhong, and S.K. Bose, “A Path Inflation Control Strategy for Dynamic Traffic Grooming in IP/MPLS over WDM Network”, accepted, IEEE Communication Letters, 2004. 2. B. Chen, W.D. Zhong, S.K. Bose, X.F. Cheng, and X. Shao, “A Path Inflation Control Strategy for Dynamic Traffic Grooming in IP/MPLS over WDM Network,” Proc. Ninth Optoelectronics and Communications Conference/Third International Conference on Optical Internet (OECC/COIN 2004), Japan, Jul. 2004. 3. B. Duan, H.M.M. Hosseini, K.V. Ling, and R.K.L. Gay, “An Architecture for Online Laboratory e-Learning System”, International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, 2004. 4. B. Duan, K.V. Ling, and H.M.M. Hosseini, “Developing and Implementing Online Laboratory for Control Engineering Education,” Proc. ICARCV 2004, China, Dec. 2004. 5. B. Duan, K.V. Ling, H.M.M. Hosseini, and R.K.L. Gay, “An e-Learning Model for Lab-based Courses”, International Journal of Engineering Education (IJEE), 2004. 6. B. Zhao, D.Y. Tang, L.M. Zhao, P. Shum, and H.Y. Tam, “Pulse train nonuniformity in a fiber soliton ring laser mode-locked by using the nonlinear polarization rotation technique”, Physical Review A, 69, 43808/1-7, 2004. 7. B. Zhao, D.Y. Tang, P. Shum, W.S. Man, H.Y. Tam, Y.D. Gong, and C. Lu, “Passive harmonic mode locking of Twin-pulse solitons in an erbium doped fiber ring laser”, Optics Communications, 229, pp. 363-370, 2004. 8. C. P. Low, and N. Wang, On Group Multicast Routing with Bandwidth Constraint: A Lower Bound and Performance Evaluation”, IEICE Transactions on Communications, E87B (1), 124-131, Jan 2004. 9. C.H. Lau, B.H. Soong, and S.K. Bose, “Preemption Algorithm with Re-routing to Minimize Service Disruption,” Proc. Ninth International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS), 2004. 10. C.H. Lau, B.H. Soong, and S.K. Bose, “Preemption Algorithm with Re-routing to Minimize Service Disruption”, Proc. Ninth International Conference on Communication Systems, Singapore, 2004. 11. C.P. Low, and C. Yuen, “Energy Efficient Broadcast Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks”, International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 17, pp. 375-388. Mar. 2004. 12. C.P. Low, J. Ng, and M.I. Safiq, “Minimum Energy Maximum Residual Battery Capacity Routing in Wireless Ad Hoc Network”, Proc. 7th IEEE Intl. Conf. on High Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications, HSNMC’04, Toulouse, France, Jul. 2004. 13. C.P. Low, J.M. Ng, and M.I. Safiq, “Minimum Energy Maximum Residual Battery CapRouting in Wireless Ad Hoc Network”, Proc. 7th IEEE Intl. Conf. on High-Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications, France, Jul. 2004. 14. F. Long, G. Feng, and C.K. Siew, “Channel States Dependent Fair Service: A New Packet Scheduling Algorithm for CDMA”, accepted, Computer Networks, 2004. 15. F. Xie, G. Feng, C.K. Siew, and J.Y. Zhang, “Joint Local Recovery and Congestion Control for Reliable Multicast”, Proc. IEE Communications, 2004. 16. G. Feng, and Avanish et.al. “ A Modified RED gateway Algorithm for Congestion Avoidance under Bursty Traffic”, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 323-325, May 2004. 17. G. Feng, C.K. Siew, L. K. Wee, and L.K. Yeung, “ Caching Policy and Cache Placement for Active Reliable Multicast”, accepted, IEICE Trans. Communications, 2004. 18. G. Hu, L. Zhang, G. Bi, and S. Zhu, “Fractal based channel estimation for WCDMA systems”, Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Oct. 2004. 19. G. Xiao, and X. Pan, “Heuristic for the Maximum Disjoint Paths Problem in Wavelength-Routed Networks with Shared Risk Link Groups”, OSA Journal of Optical Networking, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 38-49, Jan. 2004. 20. G. Xiao, K. Lu, and I. Chlamtac, “An Evaluation of Distributed Wavelength Provisioning in WDM Optical Networks with Sparse Wavelength Conversion”, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 22. No. 7, pp. 1668-1678, July 2004. 21. G. Zhang, G. Bi, and L. Zhang, “Blind Multi-User Detection for Asynchronous MC-CDMA System without Channel Estimation,” accepted, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Jan. 2004. 22. G. Zhang, G. Bi, and L. Zhang, “Group-Blind Inter-Symbol Multi-User Detection for Downlink CDMA with Multi-Path,” accepted, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Jan. 2004. 23. G.B. Huang, P. Saratchandran, and N. Sundararajan, “A Generalized Growing And Pruning RBF (GGAP-RBF) Neural Network for Function Approximation”, accepted, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks. 24. G.B. Huang, P. Saratchandran, and N. Sundararajan, “An Efficient Sequential Learning Algorithm for Growing and Pruning RBF (GAP-RBF) Networks”, accepted, IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part B. 25. G.B. Huang, Q.Y. Zhu, and C.K. Siew, “Extreme Learning Machine: A New Learning Scheme of Feedforward Neural Networks”, Proc. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN2004), Hungary. Jul. 2004. 26. H. Fu, and L. Zhang, “Variable Segmentation Based on Intrinsic Rate Characteristics for Efficient Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation to Transport Pre-Stored Video”, accepted, Computer Communications, Elevier Science, Vol 27. No.1, pp. 61-70, 2004 27. H. Meng, S. Chen, Y.L. Guan, C.L. Law, P.L. So, E. Gunawan, and T.T. Lie, “Modeling of transfer characteristics for the broadband power line communication channel”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 1057-1064, Jul. 2004. 28. H. Meng, Y.L. Guan, and S. Chen, “Modeling and analysis of noise effects on broadband power line communications”, accepted, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2004. 29. H. Yuan, W.D. Zhong, and W. Hu, “FBG-based bidirectional optical crossconnects for bidirectional WDM ring networks”, accepted, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology. 30. H.M.M. Hosseini, and F. Huang, “Error Resilient Watermarking for MPEG Video Streams”, Proc. IEEE TENCON 2004, Thailand, 2004. 31. J. He, L. Zhang, and K. Ma, “Modeling Two-Windows TCP Behavior in Differentiated Service Networks”, accepted, Computer Communications, Elsevier Science, Vol. 27, No.12, pp. 1198 – 1207, 2004. 32. J. Ng, and R. Susilo, “Controlled Shared Backup Strategy based on Channel Availability”, accepted, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology. 33. J. Ng, C.P. Low, and H.S. Teo, “On-demand QoS Multicast Routing and Reservation Protocol for MANETs”, Proc. 15th IEEE International Symposium On Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Spain, Sep. 2004. 34. J. Sun, and G.S. Poo, “Network deployment with GMPLS enabled Multilayer IP-Photonic Router”, Proc. APOC, China, Nov. 2004. 35. J.C. Rajapakse, D. Srinivasan, M.J. Er, G.B. Huang, and L.P. Wang, “Excerpts of Research in Brain Sciences and Neural Networks in Singapore”, Proc. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN2004), Hungary, Jul. 2004. 36. J.H. Tang, C.K. Siew, G. Feng, “ Parallel Path Routing For MPLS traffic Engineering”, Proc. IEE Communications, 2004. 37. K. Lu, G. Xiao, and I. Chlamtac, “Analysis of Blocking Probability for Distributed Lightpath Establishment in WDM Optical Networks”, accepted, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2004. 38. K. Lu, G. Xiao, J.P. Jue, and I. Chlamtac, “Blocking Analysis of Multifiber Wavelength-Routed Networks”, Proc. IEEE Globecom, 2004. 39. K.Y. See, A. Kamarul, P.L. So, and E. Gunawan, “Measurement of common-mode propagating path of power line for EMI study”, Proc. International Symposium on Power-Line Communications and its Applications, Spain, Mar. 2004. 40. K.Y. See, P.L. So, A. Kamarul, and E. Gunawan, “Radio frequency common mode noise propagation model for power line cable”, accepted, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2004. 41. L. Sun, G. Bi, and L. Zhang, “Fast Converging Blind Adaptive Multi-User Detectors with Linearly Constrained CMA for DS/CDMA Systems”, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications, Australia, Aug. 2004. 42. L. Sun, G. Bi, and L. Zhang, “Modified Linearly Constrained CMA for Blind Adaptive Multi-User Detector in DS/CDMA Systems”, Electronics Letters, Vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 248 – 250, 2004. 43. L. Zhang, and G.S. Poo, “Delay constraint dynamic bandwidth allocation in Ethernet Passive Optical Networks”, Proc. IEEE 9th International Conference on Communication Systems, Singapore, Sep. 2004. 44. L. Zhang, M.N. Zaw, and H. Fu, “Comparison of Scalable QoS Schemes Over Broadband Internet”, accepted, Computer Communications, Elevier Science, Apr. 2004. 45. L. Zhang, M.N. Zaw, and H. Fu, “MPLS Based Scalable QoS Provisioning in Mobile Networks”, accepted, Computer Communications, Elevier Science, May 2004. 46. L.C. Hau, B.H. Soong, and S.K. Bose, “Preemption Algorithm with Re-routing to Minimize Service Disruption”, Proc. International Conference on Communication Systems, 2004. 47. M. Yang, and P.H.J. Chong, “Capacity Optimizing Channel Allocation Schemes for Multi-Service Cellular Systems”, Special Issue: QoS Support and Service Differentiation in Wireless Network, International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 16, pp. 575-590, Aug. 2004. 48. M. Yang, and P.H.J. Chong, “Dynamic Channel Allocation Scheme Supporting Multiple Services in Cellular Systems”, Proc. IEEE PIMRC ’04, Spain, Sep. 2004. 49. M.B. Li, N. Sundararajan, G.B. Huang, and P. Saratchandran, “A Complex-Valued Growing And Pruning RBF (CGAP-RBF) Neural Network for Communication Channel Equalization Problems”, Proc. 2nd IASTED International Conference on Communication and Computer Networks (CCN 2004), USA, Nov. 2004. 50. M.D. Ma, and M. Hamdi, “An Adaptive Scheduling Algorithm for Differentiated Services on WDM Optical Networks”, Computer Communications, Vol. 27, Issue 9, pp. 857-867, Jun. 2004. 51. M.D. Ma, and X. Huang, “Adaptive Scheduling for Integrated Traffic on WDM Optical Networks”, Computer Networks, Vol. 44, No. 6, pp. 773-788, Apr. 2004. 52. N.Q. Ngo, S.F. Yu, S.C. Tjin, and C.H. Kam, “A New Theoretical Basis of Higher-Derivative Optical Differentiators“, Optics Communications, Vol. 230, pp. 115-129, 2004. 53. P.K. Tang, L.C. Ong, A. Alphones, B. Luo, and M. Fujise, “PER and EVM measurements of a Radio over Fiber network for cellular and WLAN system applications”, accepted, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2004. 54. Q. Yu, G. Bi, and L. Zhang, “Bayesian Blind Multi-User Detection for Long Code Multi-Path DS-CDMA Systems,” Proc. ICCCAS, China, May 2004. 55. R. Yang, Y.F. Wang, and Y.L. Lu, “Dispersion control for photonic crystal fiber design by genetic algorithm”, Digests of the 11th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC 2004), Korea, Jun. 2004. 56. R.T. Zheng, N.Q. Ngo, L.N. Binh, S.C. Tjin, and J.L. Yang, “Nonlinear group delay using asymmetric chirped gratings written in fibers under pre-stretched conditions”, accepted, Optics Communications, 2004. 57. R.X. Zhang, N. Sundararajan, G.B. Huang, and P. Saratchandran, “An Efficient Sequential RBF Network for Bio-medical Classification Problems”, Proc. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN2004), Hungary, Jul. 2004. 58. S. Pranata, V. Wahadaniah, Y.L. Guan, and H.C. Chua, “Improved Bit Rate Control for Real-Time MPEG Watermarking”, accepted, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing (JASP) – Special Issue on Multimedia Security and Rights Management, 2004. 59. S. Shen, G. Xiao, and T.H. Cheng, “Evaluating Link-State Update Triggers in Wavelength-Routed Networks”, Proc. SPIE APOC, 2004.32. S. Shen, G. Xiao, and T.H. Cheng, “Evaluating the impact of the link-state update period on the blocking performance of wavelength 60. S.L. Chan, and P.H.J. Chong, “Dynamic Channel Assignment with Flexible Reuse Partitioning in Cellular Systems”, Proc. IEEE ICC ’04, France, Jun. 2004. 61. W. Fang, and W. D. Zhong, “Noise analysis of photonic packet synchronizer”, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 343 – 350, Feb. 2004. 62. W. Wang, and G.S. Poo, “Blocking performance of the hose model and the pipe model for VPN service provisioning over WDM optical networks”, OSA Journal of Optical Networking, Vol. 3, No.8, pp. 623-635, U.A., Aug. 2004. 63. W.D. Zhong, X.M. Niu, B. Chen, S.K. Bose, and Y.J. Jin, “Performance Comparison of Overlay and Peer Models in IP/MPLS over Optical Networks,” accepted, Photonic Networks Communications. 64. X. Dong, N.Q. Ngo, P. Shum, J.H. Ng , X. Yang , and C. Lu, “Tunable Compensation of first-order PMD Using A High-Birefringence Linearly Chirped Fiber Bragg Grating”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 846-848, 2004. 65. X. Huang, and M.D. Ma, “Efficient Message Scheduling for WDM Optical Networks with Minimizing Flow Time”, Journal of Communications and Networks, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp 147-155, Jun. 66. X. Huang, and M.D. Ma, “Message Scheduling in WDM Optical Networks with Reduced Transmitter Tuning Overhead”, accepted, IEEE Communications Letters, 2004. 67. X. Huang, and M.D. Ma, “Message Scheduling in WDM Optical Networks with Reduced Transmitter Tuning Overhead”, accepted, IEEE Communications Letters, 2004. 68. X. Huang. and M.D. Ma, “Efficient Message Scheduling for WDM Optical Networks with Minimizing Flow Time”, Journal of Communications and Networks, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp 147-155, Jun. 2004. 69. X. Pan, and G. Xiao, “Algorithms for the Diverse Routing Problem in WDM Networks with Shared Risk Link Groups”, Proc. IEEE ICCS, 2004. 70. X. Yang, G. Feng, and C.K. Siew, “\t “PaperShow” A New Call Admission Control Scheme for Multi-services Mobile Network with Asymmetrical Bandwidth between Uplink and Downlink”, Proc. IEEE Globecom, 2004 71. Y. H. Ma, P.L. So, E. Gunawan, and Y.L. Guan, “Analysis of impulsive noise and multipath effects on broadband power line communications”, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Power System Technology (PowerCon2004), Singapore, Nov. 2004. 72. Y. Li, G. Xiao, and H. Ghafouri-Shiraz, “Fixed Wavelength Conversion for Contention Resolution in Optical Packet Switches”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 185-187, May 2004. 73. Y. Qin, and C.K. Siew, “ Framework for dynamic optical virtual private networks (VPN): architecture and analysis”, IEE Proceedings - Communication, Vol. 151, No. 1, Feb. 2004. 74. Y. Qin, and C.Y. Lee, “ A Probability Random Scheme of Distributed Routing Algorithm for MANETs”, Proc. 9th IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS), Singapore, Sep. 2004. 75. Y. Qin, M. Ma, J. Lin, and H. Li, “Scheduling Transmission of Multimedia Video Traffic on Optical Access Networks”, Proc. 9th IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS), Singapore, Sep. 2004. 76. Y. Zhang, and B.H. Soong, “Multi-Slot Capability Increases GPRS Network Performance”, Proc. First International Symposium of Wireless Communication Systems, IEEE ISWCS, Mauritius, Sep. 2004. 77. Y. Zhang, and B.H. Soong, “Performance Evaluation of GSM/GPRS Networks with Channel Re-allocation Scheme”, IEEE Communication Letters, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 280-282, 2004. 78. Y. Zhou, and G.S. Poo, “A new Multi-Wavelength Multicast Wavelength Assignment (MMWA) algorithm in wavelength-routed WDM networks”, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications Systems, Jun. 2004. 79. Y.B. Lu, P.L. Chu, A. Alphones, and P. Shum, “A 105nm ultra wideband gain flattened amplifier combining C-band and L- band dual core EDFAs in a parallel configuration”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letter, pp. 1640-1642, Jul. 2004. 80. Y.B. P. Reddy, and A. Alphones, “Modeling of optical link for OCDMA based cascaded optical networks”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 40, pp.122-124, Jan. 2004. 81. Y.F. Wang, C.L. Zhao, and Y.L. Lu, “Numerical investigation on air filling microstructured fibres”, Proc. IC-SEC, Singapore, Jul. 2004. 82. Y.H. Ma, P.L. So, and E. Gunawan, “Performance analysis of OFDM systems for broadband power line communications under impulsive noise and multipath effects”, accepted, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2004. 83. Y.H. Ma, P.L. So, E. Gunawan, and Y.L. Guan, “Modeling and analysis of the effect of impulsive noise on broadband PLC networks”, Proc. International Symposium on Power-Line Communications and its Applications, Spain, Mar. 2004. 84. Z. Zhang, W.D. Zhong, and B. Mukherjee, “A heuristic method for design of survivable WDM networks with p-cycles”, IEEE Communication Letters, Vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 467-469, Jul. 2004. 85. Z.W. Lian, W.D. Zhong, S.K. Bose, and Y.X. Wang, “Resilient ETHERNET Ring for Metropolitan Area Networks”, Proc. International Conference on Communication System, 2004.
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