NTRC Publications (2003)




NTRC publications



1.      B. C. Seet, B. S. Lee, and C. T. Lau, “On optimizing route discovery of topology-based on-demand routing protocols for ad hoc networks”, IEEE ComSoc/KICS Journal of Communications and Networks, 2003, accepted.

2.      B. S. Koay, S. S. Cheah, Y. H. Sng, P. H. J. Chong, P. Shum, Y. C. Tong, X. Wang, Y. Zuo, and H. W. Kuek, “Design and implementation of Bluetooth energy meter,” Proc-ICICS ’03, Singapore, Dec. 2003.

3.      C. J. Ong, and P. H. J. Chong, “Effects of various packet scheduling algorithms on the performance of high speed downlink shared channel in a WCDMA network,” Proc-IEEE PacRim 03, Victoria, BC, Canada, Aug. 2003.

4.      C. L. Chua, K. S. Koh, P. H. J. Chong, P. Shum, Y. C. Tong, X. Wang, Y. Zuo, and H. W. Kuek, “Embedded human interface device for voice and data communication,” Proc-ICICS ’03, Singapore, Dec. 2003.

5.      C. P. Low, and C. L. Tan, “On anycast routing with bandwidth constraint”, Intl. Journal on Computer Communications, Vol. 26, pp.1541-50, Sep. 2003.

6.      C. P. Low, and C. Yuen, “Energy efficient multicast routing in mobile ad hoc networks,” Proc. IFIPWG 6.8 Intl Conference on Personal Wireless Communications (PWC2003), Venice, Italy, Sep. 2003.

7.      C. P. Low, and N. Wang, “On group multicast routing with bandwidth constraint: A lower bound and performance evaluation”, accepted, IEICE Transactions on Communications, 2003.

8.      D. Goyal, P. Shum, and P. H. J. Chong, “Design & Implementation of user interface for mobile devices,” Proc-ICICS ’03, Singapore, Dec. 2003.

9.      F. Xie, G. Feng, C. K. Siew, and J. Zhang, “Joint local recovery and congestion control for reliable multicast”, Proc. Globecom’2003, accepted.

10.  G. Feng, C. K. Siew, and K. L. Yeung, “Active resource allocation for active reliable multicast”, Communications, IEE Proceedings-, Vol. 150, pp. 69-79, Apr. 2003.

11.  G. Shen, S. K. Bose, T. H. Cheng, C. Lu, T. Y. Chai, “The impact of the number of add-drop ports in wavelength-routing all optical networks”, accepted, Optical Networks Magazine, 2003.

12.  G. Xiao, and J. Liu, “Multi-path parallel reservation scheme for distributed lightpath establishment in wavelength-routed WDM networks”, Proc. ECOC, Italy, 2003.

13.  H. Fu, and L. Zhang, “Variable segmentation based on intrinsic rate characteristics for efficient dynamic bandwidth allocation to transport pre-stored video”, Computer Communications, Elevier Science, Jul. 2003, accepted.

14.  H. M. M. Hosseini and F. Huang, “A proxy-based system for fingerprinting of streaming MPEG Video”, Proc. IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications Computers and Signal Processing (PACRIM ’03), Victoria, B.C., Canada, Aug. 2003.

15.  H. Meng, S. Chen, Y. L. Guan, C. L. Law, P. L. So, E. Gunawan, and T. T. Lie, “Modeling of transfer characteristics for the broadband power line communication channel”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2003, accepted.

16.  H. Meng, S. Chen, Y. L. Guan, E. Gunawan, P. L. So, and T. T. Lie, “Modeling and analysis of Singapore household power network for implementing broadband power line communications”, Proc. International Power Engineering Conference (IPEC), Singapore, Nov. 2003.

17.  H. T. Hui, “Compensating for the mutual coupling effect in direction finding based on a new calculation method for mutual impedance,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 2, pp. 26-29, 2003.

18.  H. T. Hui, E. K. N. Yung, X. Q. Sheng, and C. H. Chan, “A hybrid evaluation method for the full-wave analysis of microstrip structures,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 51, pp. 1656-1658, Jul. 2003.

19.  H. T. Hui, K. Y. Chan, and E. K. N. Yung, “The low-profile hemispherical helical antenna with circular polarization radiation over a wide angular range,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 51, pp. 1415-1418, Jul. 2003.

20.  H. Yuan, and W. D. Zhong “Partially reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexers for dense WDM networks,” Optics Communications, Vol. 219, pp. 165-170, Apr. 2003.

21.  J. H. Chong and M. K. Rao, “Development of a system for laser splicing photonic crystal fiber”, Optics express, Vol. 11, pp. 1365-1368, Jun. 2003.

22.  J. H. Chong, E. Huang, H. Ye, M. K Rao, and P. Shum, “Coupling considerations for fabrication of acoustooptic tunable filter”, Proc. OECC, Shanghai, 2003.

23.  J. H. Chong, M. K. Rao, Y. Zhu, and P. Shum, “Effective laser splicing on photonic crystal fiber,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 15, Jul. 2003, pp. 942-944.

24.  J. H. Hu, G. Feng, and K. L. Yeung, “Hierarchical cache design for enhancing TCP over heterogeneous networks with wired and wireless links”, IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications, Vol. 2, pp. 205-217, Mar. 2003.

25.  J. M. Ng, S. Sridharan, and C. P. Low, “A computationally efficient energy-aware multicast tree recovery algorithm for ad hoc network,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, 2003, accepted.

26.  J. Q. Li, G.S. Poo and W. D. Zhong, “Degree of sharing for protection paths in WDM networks,” Proc. COIN/ACOFT’03, Melbourne, Australia, Jul. 2003.

27.  J. Sun, G. S. Poo, and H. Zhang, ”Model of GMPLS enabled router”, Proc. ICICS-PCM, Singapore, 2003.

28.  J. Tang, C. K. Siew, and L. Zhang, “Optical nonlinear effects on the performance of IP traffic over GMPLS based DWDM networks”, Computer Communications, Vol. 26, pp. 1330-40, 2003.

29.  J. Tang, L. Zhang, and C. K. Siew, “The effect of IP traffic burstiness on four-wave mixing crosstalk in WDM networks”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol.37, pp. 212-214, May 2003.

30.  J. Tang, L. Zhang, and C. K. Siew, “The effect of stimulated raman scattering in WDM based IP backbone”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol.38, pp. 247-249, Aug. 2003.

31.  J. Y. Yu, and P. H. J. Chong, “3hBAC (3-hop between adjacent clusterheads): A novel non-overlapping clustering algorithm for mobile ad hoc networks”, Proc-IEEE PacRim 03, Victoria, BC, Canada, Aug. 2003.

32.  K. Lu, J. P. Jue, G. Xiao, I. Chlamtac, and T. Ozugur, “Intermediate-node initiated reservation (IIR): A new signaling scheme for wavelength-routed networks”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 21, no.8, Oct. 2003.

33.  L. Ding, W. D. Zhong, C. Lu, H. K. Cheah, and H.C. Ng, “A new bit error rate monitoring method based on histograms and curve fitting”, Proc. ICICS’03, Singapore, Dec. 2003.

34.  L. T. Tang, P. L. So, E. Gunawan, Y. L. Guan, S. Chen, and T. T. Lie, “Characterization and modeling of in-building power lines for high-speed data transmission”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 18, pp. 69-77, Jan. 2003,

35.  L. T. Tang, P. L. So, E. Gunawan, Y. L. Guan, S. Chen, and T. T. Lie, “Development of a power line channel model for high-speed data transmission in HDB flats”, IES Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Journal, Vol. 43, pp. 10-19, 2003.

36.  L. Zhang, M. N. Zaw, and H. Fu, “Scalable QoS over broadband Internet”, IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking, Apr. 2003, accepted.

37.  M. Liu, P. Shum, and N. Q. Ngo, “Analysis of nonlinear directional couplers”, Proc. OECC, Shanghai, 2003.

38.  M. Ma, “A cost-based scheduling algorithm for differentiated service on WDM optical networks”, accepted, IEEE Communication Letters, 2003.

39.  M. Ma, and Z. Xiang,” An efficient scheduling scheme for DQRUMA to support real-time traffic in wireless packet-switched networks,” Proc. ICICS, Singapore, Dec. 2003.

40.  M. Ma, Y. Zhu, and T. H. Cheng, “ A bandwidth guaranteed polling MAC protocol for ethernet passive optical networks,” Proc. INFOCOM’03, USA, Apr. 2003

41.  N. Q. Ngo, S. Y. Li, R. T. Zheng, S. C. Tjin, and P. Shum, “Electrically tunable dispersion compensator with fixed center wavelength using fiber Bragg grating”, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 21, pp. 1568-1575, 2003.

42.  P. H. J. Chong, and C. Leung, “Performance of reuse partitioning in cellular systems with mobile users”, International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, Vol. 10, pp. 17-31, Jan. 2003.

43.  P. H. J. Chong, Y. Ming, and C. W. Chen, “Performance study of GPRS/EDGE systems for both voice and data transmission in a cellular environment”, Proc-ICICS’03, Singapore, Dec. 2003.

44.  P. Zhu, and K. R. Subramanian, “ Time domain equalizer for OFDM/DMT transceivers”, International Symposium on Telecommunications IST 2003, Iran, Aug. 2003.

45.  R. Kwan, P. H. J. Chong, E. Poutiainen, and M. Rinne, “The effect of code-multiplexing on the high speed downlink packet access (HSDPA) in a WCDMA network,” Proc-IEEE WCNC, New Orleans, USA, Mar. 2003.

46. S. L. Chen, and P. H. J. Chong, “Capacity improvement in cellular systems with dynamic channel assignment and reuse partitioning,” Proc-IEEE PIMRC 2003, Beijing, Sept. 2003.

47.  S. Leng, K. R. Subramanian, N. Sundararajan, and P. Saratchandran, “Novel neural network approach to call admission control in high-speed networks”, International Journal of Neural Systems, Vol.13, pp. 1-12, Aug. 2003

48.  S. Pranata, V. Wahadaniah, Y. L. Guan, H. C. Chua, and H. M. M. Hosseini, “Enhancement of blind watermark retrieval in drift-compensated MPEG video”, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuit and System (ISCAS), Bangkok, Thailand, May 2003.

49.  S. Y. Li, N. Q. Ngo, S. C. Tjin, P. Shum, J. X. Huang, and J. Zhang, “Development of tunable optical filter with switchable passband using linearly chirped fiber Bragg grating “, Proc. COIN/ACOFT, Australia, Jul. 2003.

50.  T. Y. Chai, T. H. Cheng, S. K. Bose, C. Lu, G. Shen, “Array interconnection in micro-electromechanical system based optical switch,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 21, May 2003.

51.  W. Fang, W. D. Zhong, H. Ghafouri-Shiraz, X. Yi, and C. Lu, “Impact of inband crosstalk arising at the synchronization module of photonic packet switches”, Proc. OFC’03, USA, 2003.

52.  W. Fang, W. D. Zhong, X. Yi, and C. Lu, “Inband crosstalk analysis of wavelength-routing based photonic packet buffers “, IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett, Vol. 15, pp. 1315-1317, Sep. 2003.

53.  W. Zhong, and X. Niu, “Impact of number of add/prop ports on LSP blocking performance”, Proc. OECC’03, Shanghai, China, Oct. 2003 (invited paper).

54.  X. Dong, J. H. Ng, N. Q. Ngo, and P. Shum, “CFBG-based tunable dispersion compensator with fixed center wavelength”, Proc. ECOC, Italy, 2003.

55.  X. Dong, N. Q. Ngo, P. Shum, H. Y. Tam, and X. Dong, “Liner cavity erbium-doped fiber laser with over 100nm tuning range”, Optics Express, Vol. 11, pp. 1689-1694, 2003.

56.  X. Niu, W. D. Zhong, G. Shen, and T. H. Cheng, “Connection establishment of label switched paths in IP/MPLS over optical networks,” Photonic Networks Communications, Vol. 6, pp. 33-41, 2003.

57.  X. Yi, C. Lu, W. Fang, W. D. Zhong, and Y. Wang , “New method for chromatic dispersion measurement of WDM components using photonic microwave technique”, IEICE Trans. Electronics, Vol. E86-C, pp. 1359-1365, 2003.

58.  X. Yi, C. Lu, W. Fang, W. D. Zhong, X. Yang, and Y. Wang “Optical device for PMD compensation by using high-birefringence linear chirped grating,” Proc. OFC’03, USA, 2003.

59.  X. Yi, C. Lu, X. Yang, W. Fang, W. D. Zhong, L. Ding, and Y. Wang, “Continuously tunable microwave photonic filter design using Hi-Bi linear chirped grating”, IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett, Vol.15, pp.754-756, May 2003.

60.  X. Zhang, A Alphones, and A. Q. Liu, “ A simplified hybrid calculation method for the surface fields and near fields of surface current patches”, Microwave and Optical Tech. Letters, Vol.. 36, Mar. 2003, pp.471-474.

61.  Y. H. Ma, P. L. So, Y. L. Guan, E. Gunawan, K. Y. See, S. Chen, and T. T. Lie, “Evaluation of MAC protocols for broadband PLC networks”, Proc. International Power Engineering Conference (IPEC), Singapore, Nov. 2003.

62.  Y. K. Pang, and K. R. Subramanian, “QoS over demand-assigned TDMA satellite network”, Proc- APAN conference, Japan, 2003.

63.  Y. N. Singh, A. Kushwaha, S. K. Bose, “Exact and approximate analytical modeling of a FLBM-based all-optical packet switch,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 21, Mar. 2003.

64.  Y. Qin, “Heuristic wavelength assignment for virtual topology setup in optical WDM networks with wavelength continuity constraints”, Optical Society of America (OSA), Journal of Optical Networking, May 2003.

65.  Y. Qin, C. K. Siew, and B. Li, “Effective routing and wavelength assignment algorithms in a wavelength routed network”, SPIE Optical Networks Magazine, Mar./Apr. 2003.

66.  Y. Qin, L. Mason, and K. Jia, “Studying of a joint multiple-layer restoration scheme for IP over WDM networks”, IEEE Networks Magazine, Mar/Apr. 2003.

67.  Y. Zhu, B. M. Lacquet, P. L. Swart, S. J. Spammer, P. Shum, and C. Lu, “Device for concatenation of phase-shifted long-period grating and its application as gain-flattening fiber filter,” Optical Engineering, Vol. 42, May 2003, pp. 1445-1450.

68.  Y. Zhu, P. Shum, C. Lu, B. M. Lacquet, P. L. Swart, and S. J. Spammer, “Temperature insensitive fiber Bragg grating accelerometer,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 15, Oct. 2003.

69.  Y. Zhu, P. Shum, J.-H. Chong, M. K. Rao, and C. Lu, “Strong resonance and a highly compact long-period grating in a large-mode-area photonic crystal fiber,” Optics Express, Vol. 11, Aug. 2003, pp. 1900-1905.

70.  Z. Zhang, and W. D. Zhong, “Design of survivable WDM networks using p-cycles,” Proc. COIN/ACOFT’03, Melbourne, Australia, Jul. 2003.

71.  Z. Zhang, W. D. Zhong, and B. Mukherjee, “A heuristic algorithm for P-cycles configuration in optical WDM networks,” Proc. OECC’03, Shanghai, China, Oct. 2003.







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