NTRC Publications (2002)



NTRC publications


  1. Andy L. Y. Low, H. Ghafouri-Shiraz and H. T. Chuah, “Analysis of Coupling Coefficient in a Laterally Tapered Waveguide Distributed Feedback Laser Using Ray Optics Technique”, Journal of Optical Communications, vol.23, no.1, pp.2-7, Feb. 2002.

  2. B. C. Seet, B. S. Lee and C. T. Lau, “Route Discovery Optimization Techniques in Ad Hoc Networks”,  Invited Book Chapter, Handbook of Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Boca Raton, Florida, CRC Press, Dec. 2002, in press.

  3. B. S. Lee, C. K. Yeo, R. Fu, “Hybrid Quality Adaptation Mechanism for Layered Multicast Over the Internet”, to appear in Journal of Networks and Applications.

  4. C. K. Lim, P. L. So, E. Gunawan, S. Chen, T. T. Lie and Y. L. Guan, “Development of a Power Line Test Bed for High-speed Data Communications”, Fifth International Power Engineering Conference (IPEC2001), Singapore, 17-19 May 2001, Vol. 1, pp. 13-18.

  5. C. K. Lim, P. L. So, E. Gunawan, S. Chen, T. T. Lie and Y. L. Guan, “Development of a Test Bed for High-speed Power Line Communications”, Fourth International Conference on Power System Technology (PowerCon 2000), Perth, Australia, 4-7 December 2000, pp. 451-456.  

  6. C. K. Yeo, B. S. Lee and M. H. Er, “A Peering Architecture for Ubiquitous IP Multicast Streaming”, Operating Systems Review, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 82-95, Jul. 2002.

  7. C. K. Yeo, B. S. Lee and M. H. Er, “An Overlay for Ubiquitous Streaming over Internet”, Proc. Networking 2002, Pisa, Italy, May 2002.

  8. C. K. Yeo, B. S. Lee, M. H. Er, “A Dynamic Peering Network for Multicast Streaming”, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Networking, ICN 2002, Aug. 2002.

  9. C. K. Yeo, S. C. Hui, B. S. Lee, “Java-based, WAP-enabled Unified Messaging System”, to appear in International Journal of Computers and Applications.

  10. C. P. Low and N. Wang, “On Finding Feasible Solutions for the Group Multicast Routing Problem”, IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol. E58-B, no. 1, pp. 268-279, Jan. 2002.

  11. C. P. Low and N. Wang, “On Group Multicast Routing with Bandwidth Constraint: A Lower Bound and Performance Evaluation”, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Computers.

  12. C. P. Low and X Song, “On Finding Feasible Solutions for the Delay Constrained Group Multicast Routing Problem”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 51, no. 5, pp. 581-587, May 2002.

  13. C. P. Low, “An Efficient Retrieval Selection Algorithm for Video Servers with Random Duplicated Assignment Storage Technique”, to appear in Information Processing Letters.

  14. C. P. Low, N. Wang and J. M. Ng, “Dynamic Group Multicast Routing with Bandwidth Reservations”, International Journal of Communication Systems, vol.15, no. 7, 2002.

  15. Chee-Kheong Siew, Junhua Tang, Guang-Bin Huang, Jin Sheng, and Meng-Hwa Er, “Dynamic Priority Scheduling Discipline”, IASTED International Conference on Communications and Computer Networks (CCN 2002), Nov 2002, Cambridge, USA

  16. G. Feng, C. K. Siew and T. S. Yum, “Architectural Design and Bandwidth Demand Analysis for Multiparty Videoconferencing on SONET/ATM Rings”, IEEE Journal Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on , Volume: 20 Issue: 8 , Oct. 2002  Page(s): 1580 –1588

  17. H. Ghafouri-Shiraz, “Distributed Feedback Laser Diodes and Optical Tunable Filters”, John Wiley and Sons, 2002.

  18. H. Ghafouri-Shiraz, “Principles of Semiconductor Laser Diodes and Amplifiers: Analysis and Transmission Line Laser Modelling,” Imperial College Press, 2002.

  19. H. Liu, W. Zou and H. Ghafouri-Shiraz, “ Analysis of Multiple Phase Shift DFB Laser using Transmission Line Laser Model”, Proc. APOC, Shanghai, China, Oct. 2002.

  20. H. Meng, S. Chen, Y. L. Guan, C. L. Law, P. L. So, E. Gunawan and T. T. Lie, “A Transmission Line Model for High-Frequency Power Line Communication Channel”, IEEE/PES-CSEE International Conference on Power System Technology (PowerCon 2002), Kunming, China, 13-17 October 2002.

  21. H. Meng, S. Chen, Y. L. Guan, E. Gunawan, P. L. So and T. T. Lie, “Modeling and Analysis of Singapore Household Power Network for Implementing Broadband Power line Communications”, Accepted for publication in the Sixth International Power Engineering Conference (IPEC2003), Singapore, 27-29 November 2003.

  22. H. Meng, S. Chen, Y. L. Guan, E. Gunawan, T. T. Lie and P. L. So, “High-speed Power Line Communication Model for Singapore”, Electrical & Electronic Engineering Research, School of EEE, NTU, Singapore, January 2002, pp. 88-89.

  23. J. M. Ng and R. N. Susilo, “Evaluation of a Controlled Shared Backup Mechanism”, Proc. Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing, HPSR 2002, Kobe, Japan, May 2002.

  24. K. Jia, L. Mason and Y. Qin, “ A two layer restoration scheme for IP over optical network with MPLS”, The 8th IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS),2002, Singapore, Nov. 25-28, 2002

  25. K. K Ma and H. Wang, “Region-based Nonparametric Optical Flow Segmentation with Preclustering and Post-clustering”, Proc. International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME2002), Lausanne, Switzerland, Aug. 2002.

  26. K. Lu, G. Xiao and I. Chlamtac, “Blocking Analysis of Dynamic Lightpath Establishment in Wavelength-Routed Networks”, Proc. IEEE ICC2002, vol. 5, pp. 2912-2916, Apr. 2002.

  27. L. Gan and K. K. Ma, “Theory and Lattice Factorization of Oversampled Linear-phase Perfect Reconstruction Filter Banks”, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2002), Orlando, Florida, May. 2002.

  28. L. Gan, K. K. Ma, T. Q. Nguyen, T. Q. Tran and R. L. de Queiroz, “On the Completeness of the Lattice Factorization for Linear-Phase Perfect Reconstruction Fiber Banks”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 133-136, Apr. 2002.

  29. L. Jian and E. Gunawan, “Performance Analysis of a Modified CDMA/PRMA MAC Protocol”, to appear in International Journal of Computer Communications.

  30. L. T. Tang, P. L. So, E. Gunawan, S. Chen, T. T. Lie and Y. L. Guan, “Characterization of In-house Power Distribution Lines for High-speed Data Transmission”, Fifth International Power Engineering Conference (IPEC2001), Singapore, 17-19 May 2001, Vol. 1, pp. 7-12.

  31. L. T. Tang, P. L. So, E. Gunawan, S. Chen, T. T. Lie and Y. L. Guan, “Characterization of Power Distribution Lines for High-speed Data Transmission”, Fourth International Conference on Power System Technology (PowerCon 2000), Perth, Australia, 4-7 December 2000, pp. 445-450.

  32. L. T. Tang, P. L. So, E. Gunawan, Y. L. Guan, S. Chen and T. T. Lie, “Characterization and Modelling of In-building Power Lines for High-speed Data Transmission”, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery.

  33. L. T. Tang, P. L. So, E. Gunawan, Y. L. Guan, S. Chen and T. T. Lie, “Characterization and Modelling of In-building Power Lines for High-speed Data Transmission”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 18, No. 1, Jan 2003.

  34. L. T. Tang, P. L. So, E. Gunawan, Y. L. Guan, S. Chen and T. T. Lie, “Development of a Power Line Channel Model for High-speed Data Transmission in HDB Flats”, Institution of Engineers Singapore (IES) Mechanical & Electrical Journal, Vol. 43, No.1, 2003, pp. 10-19.

  35. L. Tao, K. R. Subramanian, H. Feng and X. Deng, “Weighted Fair Discard Scheme for Buffer Management in the Presence of Network Congestion”, Journal of Computer Communications, vol. 25, no. 10, pp. 944-953, 2002.

  36. L. Zhang and C. H. Eyoh, “Performance of ATM Traffic in Optical CDMA”, to appear in Journal of Communication Systems, 2002.

  37. L. Zhang and H. Fu, “Adaptive Bandwidth Allocation Based on Playback Tunnel to Support Video-on-Demand Service over ATM Networks”, International Journal of Communication Systems, vol. 14, pp. 941-960, 2002.

  38. L. Zhang and J. Tang, “Characterisation for IP traffic in DWDM Networks”, Journal of Communications, vol. 24, no. 23, pp. 1702-1713, 2002.

  39. L. Zhang and L. Zheng, “IPv6 Traffic with Multi-Class QoS in VPN”, Journal of Computer Networks, vol. 37, pp. 263-275, 2002.

  40. L. Zhang, L. Zheng and S. N. Koh, “Effect of Delay and Delay Jitter on Voice/Video over IP”, Journal of Computer Communications, vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 863-873, 2002.

  41. M. Hamdi and M. Ma,” Multimedia Access Protocols”, Book Chapter, Encyclopedia of Telecommunications, John Wiley& Sons, in press.

  42. M. Liu, P. Shum and N. Q. Ngo, “Nonlinear Pulse Switching of Fiber Coupler with Two Non-Identical Cores”, Proc. APOC, Shanghai, China, Oct. 2002.

  43. M. Liu, P. Shum and Z. Shen, “Pulse Switching Dynamics in Nonlinear Directional Couplers with Two Non-Identical Cores”, Proc. WOC 2002, Banff, Canada, Jul. 2002.

  44. M. Ma and E. Gunawan, “Performance Analysis for Voice/Data Integration on a CDMA-based Wireless System“, International Journal of Computer Communications, vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 905-913, Jun. 2002.

  45. P. Shum and M. Liu “Effects of Intermodal Dispersion on Two Non-Identical Core Coupler with Different Radii”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letter, vol. 14, no. 8, pp. 1106-1108, Aug. 2002.

  46. S. Leng, K. R. Subramanian, N. Sundararajan and P. Saratchandran “Call Admission Control Using Minimal Resource Allocation Neural Network”, Proc. International Conference on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP 2002), Stafford, UK, Jul. 2002.

  47. T. M. Ong, T. M. Lim, B. S. Lee and C. K. Yeo, “Unicorn: Voluntary Computer over Internet”, Operating Systems Review, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 36-51, Apr. 2002.

  48. W. Fang, W. Zhong, X. Yi and C. Lu “Inband Crosstalk Analysis in Wavelength-Routing based Photonic Packet Buffers”, Proc. WOC 2002, Banff, Canada, Jul. 2002.

  49. W. Zhong, X. Niu and T. H. Cheng, “Comparison of Overlay and Peer Models in IP over Optical Networks”, Proc. COIN’2002, Cheju, South Korea, Jul. 2002.

  50. W. Zou and H. Ghafouri-Shiraz, “Proposal of a Novel Code for Spectral Amplitude-Coding Optical CDMA System”, IEEE Journal of Photonics Technology Letters, vol.14, no.3, pp. 414-416, Mar. 2002.

  51. X. Niu, W .D. Zhong and G. Shen, “Connection Admission Control in IP over Optical Networks”, Proc. WOC 2002, Banff, Canada, Jul. 2002.  

  52. X. Yang, X. Guo, C. Lu and T. H. Cheng, “Apodized Long-Period Grating with Low Insertion Loss”, to appear in Microwave and Optical Technology Letters.

  53. X. Yi, C. Lu, W. Fang, Y. Wang and W. Zhong, “A New Method for Chromatic Dispersion Measurement of WDM Components by Using Photonic Microwave Technique”, Proc. MWP2002.

  54. X. Yi, F. Wei, Y. Wang, C. Lu and W. Zhong, “Chromatic Dispersion Measurement using Photonic Microwave Technique”, Proc. OFC 2002, 2002.

  55. X. Yi, W. Fang, Y. Wang, C. Lu and W. Zhong, “Group Delay Measurement of WDM Components Using Photonic Microwave Technique”, to appear in Microwave and Optical Technology Letters.

  56. Y. B. Duan, C. Y. Wen and B. H. Soong, “Design of a New Globally Stable Explicit Rate Controller for ABR Service with Saturation”, Journal of Computer Communications, vol. 25 no. 8, pp. 772-801, 2002.

  57. Y. Gong, D. Tang, P. Shum and T. H. Cheng, “Mechanism of Bound Soliton Pulse Formation in a Passively Mode Locked Fiber Ring Laser”, to appear in Journal of Optical Engineering.

  58. Y. Gong, P. Shum and D. Tang, “298 fs Passively Mode Locked Ring Fiber Soliton Laser”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.32, no.5, pp. 320-333, 2002.

  59. Y. Gong, P. Shum, D. Tang and T. H. Cheng, “Bound Soliton Pulses with FWHM Duration of 326fs and Separation of 938fs in a Passively Mode Locked Fiber Laser”, Proc. OFC’2002, Anaheim, California, Mar. 2002.

  60. Y. H. Ma, P. L. So, Y. L. Guan, E. Gunawan, K. Y. See, S. Chen and T. T. Lie, “Evaluation of MAC Protocols for Broadband PLC Networks”, Accepted for publication in the Sixth International Power Engineering Conference (IPEC2003), Singapore, 27-29 November 2003.

  61. Y. Qin and B. Li “ Efficient and low cost wavelength assignment algorithms in wavelength routed optical networks”, accepted by IEICE Transaction of Communication.

  62. Y. Qin, B. Li, W. Lim and S. Yeo, “ A Design for on-line virtual private networks (VPN) over optical WDM networks”, IEEE Globecom2002, Taipei, Nov. 17-21, 2002

  63. Y. W. Leung, G. Xiao and K. W. Hong, “Design of Node Configuration for All-Optical Multifiber Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 135-145, Jan. 2002.

  64. Y. Wang, Y. L. Guan, T. T. Lie, S. Chen, E. Gunawan and P. L. So, “A Novel Frequency-Domain Frame Synchronization Algorithm for Digital Communication Systems”, IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems, Carlton Hotel, Singapore, 25-28 November 2002.

  65. Y. Zhu, B. M. Lacquet, P. L. Swart, S. J. Spammer and C. Lu, “Wavelength Tunable Add/Drop Multiplexer for Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing Using Long-Period Gratings and Fiber Stretchers”, Journal of Optics Communications, vol. 208, pp. 337-344, Jul. 2002.

  66. Y. Zhu, P. Shum and C. Lu, “Development of Photonic Crystal Fibers and their Applications in Optical Communications and Sensors”, Proc. SPIE, vol. 4904-8, 2002.

  67. Y. Zhu, P. Shum, C. Lu, B. M. Lacquet, P. L. Swart and S. J. Spammer, “Concatenated Phase-Shifted Long-Period Grating and its Application as Gain-Flattening Device”, to appear in Journal of Optical Engineering, 2002.