NTRC Publications (2001)



NTRC publications


  1. L. Zhang, H. Fu and C. H. Ng, “Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation and Buffer Dimensioning under Equal Segment Scheme to Support Video-on-Demand Services”, International Journal of Communication Systems, vol. 14, Jul. 2001

  2. L. Zhang, L. Zheng and S. N. Koh, “Effects of Delay and Delay Jitter on Voice/Video Traffic over Internet”, Journal of Computer Communications, Jul. 2001

  3. L. Zhang and Z. Chen, “Interlayer Index Analysis for the Transmission of Layered Video Stream over the Internet”, to appear in Journal of Real-Time Image

  4. S. Xu, C. H. Ng and L. Zhang, “Enabling Scalable Multicast Protocols Using Dynamics Overlap Tree Path”, International Journal of Communication Systems, vol. 14, no. 11, pp. 361-375, 2001

  5. L. Cheng, C. H. Ng and L. Zhang, “Representatives Selection for Feedback Suppression in Reliable Multicast Protocols”, Electronics Letters, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 23-25, 2001 

  6. Z. Cai, K. R. Subramanian and T. H. Cheng, “Modifications on Morphology-based Image Coding”, IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 37, no. 7, Mar. 2001

  7. Z. Cai, T. H. Cheng, C. Lu and K. R. Subramanian, “Efficient Wavelet-Based Image Denoising Algorithm,” Electronics Letters, vol. 37, issue: 11, May 2001, pp. 683 –685

  8. X. Wu, C. Lu, Z. Ghassemlooy and Y. Wang, “Evaluation of Intraband Crosstalk in an FBG-OC-Based Optical Cross Connect”, accepted by IEEE Photonics Technology Letters

  9. X. Wu, Z. Ghassemlooy and C. Lu, “Tunable Fiber Bragg Grating Based Optical Cross Connects using Multi-port Optical Circulators: Structure and Crosstalk Analyses", accepted by Int. J. Commun. System, Special Issue on Advances on Optical Networks: Architectures, Performance and Protocols

  10. X. Wu and C. Lu, “Impact of Crosstalk in an TFBG-OC-Based Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer”, Chinese Journal of Lasers B, vol. B10, Supplement, pp I69-I73, April 2001

  11. Z. Chen, C. Lu, J. H. Ng, X. Yang and T. H. Cheng, “Tunable Chirped Fiber Bragg Gratings by a Distributed Heater,” SPIE Optical Engineering Letters, April 2001

  12. G. Shen, S. K. Bose, T. H. Cheng, C. Lu and T. Y. Chai, “Heuristic Algorithms for Efficient Light-Path Routing and Wavelength Assignment in WDM Networks under Dynamically Varying Loads,” Computer Communications, vol. 24, no. 3-4, Feb. 2001, pp. 364-373

  13. G. Shen, T. H. Cheng, S. K. Bose, C. Lu and T. Y. Chai and H. H. M. Hosseini, "Approximate Analysis of Limited-Range Wavelength Conversion All-Optical WDM Networks, " Computer Communications, vol. 24, May 2001, pp. 949-957

  14. G. Shen, T. H. Cheng, S. K. Bose, C. Lu and T. Y. Chai, “Performance Study on a WDM Packet Switch with Limited-Range Wavelength Converters,” accepted for publication in IEEE Comm. Letters

  15. X. Zhou, C. Lu, H. M. H. Shalaby and T. H. Cheng, “Performance Analysis of an All-Optical Clock Extraction Circuit Based on a Fabry - Perot Resonator”, IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technology, vol. 19, May 2001, pp. 603-613

  16. X. Zhou, C. Lu, P. Shum and T. H. Cheng, "A Simplified Model and Optimal Design of a Multi-Wavelength Backward-Pumped Fibre Raman Amplifier”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Sep. 2001

  17. T. Y. Tan, T. H. Cheng, S. K. Bose and T. Y. Chai, “Adaptive Resource Negotiation Based Control for Real Time Applications,” Computer Communication, vol. 24, Aug. 2001, pp. 1283-1298

  18. H. Ghafouri-Shiraz and P. W. Tan, “Analysis of Cross-Gain Modulation Wavelength Conversion in Tapered-Waveguide Laser Diode Amplifiers”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.28, no.2, pp.147-150, Jan. 2001

  19. H. Ghafouri-Shiraz, G. Zhu and F. Yuan, “Effective Wavelength Assignment Algorithms for Optimizing Design Costs in SONET/WDM Rings”, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 19, no. 9, Oct. 2001

  20. A. R. Faidz, H. Ghafouri-Shiraz, K. Takahashi and H. T. Chuah, “Analysis of Combined Ball Lens and Conically Lensed Fibre Scheme to Improve the Coupling Efficiency and Misalignment Tolerance Between Laser Diodes and Single Mode Fibres”, Journal of Optical Communications, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 82-86, May 2001

  21. W. Zhong and R. S. Tucker, “A new wavelength-routed packet buffer combining traveling delay-lines with delay-line loops", IEEE Journal on Lightwave Technology, vol. 19, pp. 1085-1092, Aug. 2001

  22. A. V. Tran, W. Zhong, R. S. Tucker and K. Song, “A Novel Low-Loss Reconfigurable Multichannel Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 13, Oct. 2001

  23. Y. Gong and P. Shum, “Novel B/Ge Codoped Photosensitive Fibres and Their Dispersion Compensation Applications”, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, vol.51, no.2, 2001, pp.163-173

  24. H. L. Eng and K. K. Ma, “Noise Adaptive Soft-Switching Median Filter”, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 242-251, Feb. 2001

  25. L. Gan and K. K. Ma, “A Simplified Lattice Factorization for Linear-Phase Perfect Reconstruction Filter Bank”, IEEE Signal Processing Lett., vol. 8, no. 7, Jul. 2001

  26. R. Fu, B. S. Lee and A. K. Gupta, "Scalable Layered MPEG-2 Video Multicast Architecture", IEEE Transaction on Consumer Electronics, vol. 47, no. 1, Feb. 2001, pp. 55-62 

  27. P. Chew and A. K. Gupta, "Fairness Performance of Dynamic Weights in the ATM ABR Service", International Journal on Performance Evaluation, vol. 43, 2001, pp. 241-257 

  28. P. T. Tan, C. B. Soh, and E. Gunawan, “Dynamic Flow Model for Borrowing Channel Ordering Assignment Scheme in Cellular Mobile Systems”, Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 16, no. 3, Mar. 2001, pp 287-306

  29. X. M. Peng, E. Gunawan, “Performance of DS/SSMA System Using Turbo TCM/FPM Over Multipath Rician Fading Channel”, IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 37, no. 2, 18 Jan. 2001, pp 124-126

  30. S. W. Oh and K. H. Li, “Evaluation of Forward-Link Performance in Cellular DS-CDMA with Rayleigh Fading and Power Control,” International Journal of Communication Systems, UK, vol. 14, 2001, pp. 243-250

  31. J. T. Ong and C. F. Hu, “Fade Depth and Diversity for an Over-Water Line-of-Sight Link in Singapore”, IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 37, no. 2, Jan. 2001, pp 123-124

  32. X. J. Yuan and B. H. Soong, "Adaptive ABR Congestion Control with Active Buffer Control", Int. Journal of Communication Systems, vol. 14, pp. 521-530, 2001

  33. X. J. Yuan, Z. G. Li, B. H. Soong and C. Wen, "A Switching Mechanism for ATM ABR Traffic Control", Computer Communications", vol. 24, pp.622-630, 2001

  34. Z. G. Li, X. J. Yuan, C. Wen and B. H. Soong, "A Switch Priority Scheduling Mechanism for ATM Switches with Multi-Class Output Buffers", Computer Networks, vol. 35, pp.203-221, 2001

  35. Y. B. Duan, C. Wen and B. H. Soong, “Design of a New Globally Stable Explicit Rate Controller for ABR Service with Saturation”, accepted for publication, Computer Communications

  36. Z. Chen, C. Lu, J. H. Ng and T. H. Cheng, “Electrically Tunable Chirped Fibre Bragg Gratings by a Bulk Distributed Heater,” Proc-Photonics West, USA, January 2001

  37. X. Zhou, H. M. M. Shalaby, C. Lu, P. Shum and T. H. Cheng, "Theoretical Investigation of Fibre Raman Amplifier with Dynamic Gain Control”, Proc-OFC 2001, WDD 17

  38. Y. Shen, J. H. Ng, D. Liu, C. Lu, T. H. Cheng and M. K. Rao, “Single to Multi Wavelength Conversion using Amplified Spontaneous Emission of Semiconductor Optical Amplifier,” Proc-Photonics West, USA, Jan. 2001

  39. Y. Shen, X. Zhou, X. Wu, C. Lu, T. H. Cheng and M. K. Rao, “Novel Single-Fiber Bidirectional Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer for Optical Distribution Networks,” Proc-Photonics West, USA, Jan. 2001

  40. Y. Shen, J. H. Ng, C. Lu, T. H. Cheng, M. K. Rao and D. Liu, “Single to Multi Wavelength Conversion using Amplified Spontaneous Emission of Semiconductor Optical Amplifier,” Proc-OFC 2001, vol. 1, 2001, pp ME1_1 -ME1_3

  41. W. Zhong, A. V. Tran, R. S. Tucker and K. Song, “Multichannel Optical Add-Drop Multiplexers Using Optical Fibre Bragg Gratings and Circulators”, Proc-ICICS2001, Singapore, Oct. 2001

  42. M. Ma, "A Cost-Based Scheduling Algorithm for Differentiated Service on WDM Optical Networks,” Proc-ICICS2001, Singapore, October 2001

  43. M. Ma and M. Hamid, "An Adaptive Scheduling Algorithm for Differentiated Services on WDM Optical Networks,” Proc-GLOBECOM'00, USA, Nov. 2001

  44. Y. L. Guan and J. Jin, “An Objective Comparison Between Spatial and DCT Watermarking Schemes for MPEG Video”, Proc. International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing, pp. 207-211, Las Vegas, USA, Apr. 2001

  45. D. Yu, F. Sattar and K. K. Ma, “Watermark Detection and Extraction Using An Independent Component Analysis Method”, Proc. IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing (NSIP-01), Baltimore, USA, Jun. 2001

  46. P. Shum, L. W. Yu, K. H. Wee, W. J. Lai, C. C. Tian, W. C. Loh, W. S. Ng, Y. W. Wong and M. Yang, “Network Enabled Shape Measurement” Proc-2001 IEEE International Workshop on Networked Appliances 2001, Singapore, Mar. 2001

  47. M. Shamsuzzaman, A. K. Gupta and B. S. Lee, "A New Consolidation Algorithm for Point-to-Multipoint ABR Service in ATM Networks", International Conference on Networking, Colmer, France, Jul. 2001, pp. 815-824

  48. X. Ye and A. K. Gupta, "Improving Soft Guarantee Service without Sacrificing Hard Delay Bound", IEEE International Conference on Communications, Finland, Jun. 2001, pp. QOS17.3.1-5

  49. M. Shamsuzzaman and A. K. Gupta, "A Noble Consolidation Algorithm for Point-to-Multipoint ABR Service in ATM Networks", IEEE International Conference on Communications, Finland, Jun. 2001, pp. G75.1.1-5

  50. B. C. Seet, B. S. Lee and C. T. Lau, “Study of a Unicast Query Mechanism for Dynamic Source Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, International Conference on Networking, Colmar, France, Jul. 2001, pp. 168-176

  51. T. M. Lim, B. S. Lee and C. K Yeo, “BBDP: Bandwidth Broker Discovery Protocol”, to appear in Proc. ICICS 2001, Singapore, Oct. 2001

  52. M. Ma and E. Gunawan, “Performance of Handoff Priority Oriented MAC Protocol for CDMA-Based Voice/Data Integration Systems”, Proc. IEE Second International Conference on 3G Mobile Communication Technologies, London, UK, 26-28 Mar. 2001, pp. 272-276

  53. L. T. Tang, P. L. So, E. Gunawan, S. Chen, T. T. Lie and Y. L. Guan, “Characterization of In-House Power Distribution Lines for High-Speed Data Transmission”, Proc-5th International Power Engineering Conference (IPEC2001), Singapore, May 2001

  54. C. K. Lim, P. L. So, E. Gunawan, S. Chen, T. T. Lie and Y. L. Guan, “Development of a power line test bed for high-speed communications”, Proc-5th International Power Engineering Conference (IPEC2001), Singapore, May 2001

  55. Z. Gu, E. Gunawan and Z. Yu, “Joint Spatiotemporal Parameter Estimation for DS-CDMA System in Fast Fading Multipath Channel”, Proc-IEEE VTC 2001, Rhodes, Greece, May 2001

  56. Y. Li and K .H. Li, “Accuracy of Gaussian Approximation in DS-CDMA Systems,” Proc-ICICS2001, Singapore, Oct. 2001

  57. J. T. Ong, K. I. Timothy, T. Kozu, J. W. F. Goddard, J. Eastment, C. Wilson and J. Tan, “Studies on Tropical Rainfall Structure with RAL S-band radar, TRMM PR and Radiosonde-Inter Comparison”, Proc-European Geophysical Society, XXVI general assembly, France, Mar. 2001

  58. J. T. Ong, K. I. Timothy and B. L. Choo, "Characterisation of Tropical Rainfall: A Remote Sensing Approach”, Proc-2001 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference – AP-RASC’01, Japan, Aug. 2001 (Invited Paper)

  59. G. Liu, J. T. Ong, B. Y. Choo and C. L. Law, “A Real-Time Prediction of Rainfall Attenuation for Short LOS Links”, Proc-ICICS01, Singapore, Oct. 2001

  60. A. Y. L. Tan, B. H. Soong and Y. L. Guan, “Optimization of Base Station Locations for Wireless CDMA Systems, Proc-ICICS2001, Singapore Oct. 2001

  61. J. Li, B. H. Soong and Y. L. Guan, "Studying the effects of non-uniform traffic models on channel assignment for PCS via genetic algorithms", Proc-ICICS2001, Singapore, Oct. 2001

  62. D. Y. Chen, B. H. Soong and K. S. Trivedi, "Optimal Call Admission Control policy for wireless communication networks", Proc-ICICS’2001, Singapore Oct. 2001