NTRC Publications (2000)



NTRC publications


  1. A. W. Umrani and V. K. Dubey, “Downlink Performance of Multi-Beam Multi-Satellite CDMA-based LEO Satellite System with Power Control”, Proc-IEEE GLOBECOM 2000, USA.

  2. A. W. Umrani and V. K. Dubey, “Role of PAF in a Multi-Satellite CDMA-based LEO Satellite System”, Proc-IEEE Fall Veh. Tech. Conf, 2000, USA.

  3. C. F. Ye and S. Y. Tan, “A Reflective Half-Cylindrical Fresnel Zone Plate Antenna with Low Backward Radiation for Wireless LAN”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Aug 2000.

  4. C. L. Chua, S. Y. Tan and H. S. Tan, “New Cellular Communication Propagation Models and Measurements Incorporating Diffraction from Orthogonal Edges”, to appear in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications.

  5. C. Liang, C. H. Ng and L. Zhang, “Feedback Control using Representatives and Timer in Reliable Multicast Protocol”, TECCON’2000, Sep 25-27, 2000, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

  6. C. Liang, C. H. Ng and L. Zhang, “Feedback Suppression in Reliable Multicast Protocol”, ICCT2000/WCC2000, Aug 21-27 , 2000, Beijing, China.

  7. E. M. W. Wong, H. P. Chan, P. Shum, W. A. Gambling, H. P. Ho and S. T. Lee, “Fabrication of V-Sensitive Waveguides for Integrated Photonics Applications”, Proc-The International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, San Diego, California, USA, July 2000.

  8. G. Bi, G. Li, K. K. Ma and T. C. Tan, “On the Computation of Two-dimensional DCT”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 1171 - 1183, 2000.

  9. G. Liu, J. T. Ong, E. B. L. Choo and C. G. Teo, “Techniques to Separate the Radome Loss from Measured Rain Attenuation Data during Rain Events”, IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 36, No. 10, pp 904-905, 2000.

  10. G. Shen, S. K. Bose, T. H. Cheng and C. Lu, “Designing WDM Optical Network for Reliability: Algorithm with Efficient Light-path Routing for Path Protection,” OFC ‘2000, Mar 2000.

  11. G. Shen, S. K. Bose, T. H. Cheng, C. Lu and T. Y. Chai, “Heuristic Algorithms for Efficient Light-Path Routing and Wavelength Assignment in WDM Networks under Dynamically Varying Loads,” to appear in Computer Communications.

  12. G. Shen, S. K. Bose, T. H. Cheng, C. Lu and T. Y. Chai, “Operation of WDM Networks with Different Wavelength Conversion Capabilities,” IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 4,No. 7, pp.239-241, 2000.

  13. G. Shen, T. H. Cheng, S. K. Bose, C. Lu and T. Y. Chai “Impact of Transceiver Number and Tunability on Network Performance in All-Optical WDM Networks,” IEEE Communications Letters.

  14. G. Shen, T. H. Cheng, S. K. Bose, C. Lu and T. Y. Chai, “Efficient Wavelength Assigment Algorithms for Light Paths in WDM Optical Networks with/without Wavelength Conversion,” to appear in Journal Photonic Network Communications.

  15. G. Shen, T. H. Cheng, S. K. Bose, C. Lu and T. Y. Chai, “Performance Analysis under Dynamic Loading of Wavelength Continuous and Non-Continuous WDM Networks with Shortest Path Routing,” to appear in International Journal of Communication Systems.

  16. G. Shen, T. H. Cheng, S. K. Bose, C. Lu, T. Y. Chai and H. M. M. Hosseini, “Use Multi-Fiber Analytical Model to Approximately Analyze Limited-Range Wavelength Conversion All-Optical WDM Networks,” to appear in Computer Communications.

  17. H. Fu and L. Zhang, “Adaptive Bandwidth Allocation Based on Playback Tunnel in Support of Video on Demand Service over ATM Networks”, the Fifth International Conference on Computer Science and Informatics (CS&I’2000), Atlantic City, NJ, USA, Feb 27 - Mar 3, 2000.

  18. H. Ghafouri-Shiraz and C. H. Yip, “Analysis of Facet Reflectivity of InGaAsP Separate Confinement Heterostructure (SCH) Laser Diodes”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 26, pp.196-202, 5 Aug, 2000.

  19. H. Ghafouri-Shiraz and W. M. Wong, “Matching Network for Microwave Applications of Semiconductor Laser Diodes (LD) Consideration of the Effects of Electrical Parasitics and LD Carrier Dependent Impedance”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 25, pp.197-200, May 2000.

  20. H. Ghafouri-Shiraz, Chapter 10 Integrated Transmit-Receive Circuit-Antenna Modules for Radio on Fibre Systems of the book entitled Analysis and design of integrated circuit-antenna module, edited by K.C. Gupta and P.S. Hall, 2000, Publisher: John Wiley and Sons.

  21. H. L. Eng and K. K. Ma, “Noise Adaptive Soft-switching Median Filter”, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.

  22. H. P. Ho, S. Y. Wu, K. S. Chan, E. Y. B. Pun and P. Shum, “A Multi-Layered Optical Disc Scheme for High Density Storage Using Transparent Media”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 39, 2000.

  23. J. He and K. R. Subramanian, “Analysis of New Broadcast Protocol for Satellite Communications” to appear in the IEEE Communications Letters.

  24. J. He and K. R. Subramanian, “Novel Methods for the Performance Analysis of Adaptive Hybrid Selective Repeat ARQ”, to appear in Journal of Computer Communications.

  25. J. He and K. R. Subramanian, “Performance Evaluation of a Reliable Broadcast Scheme for Satellite Communications”, Proc. ICON2000, Singapore.

  26. J. He and K. R. Subramanian, “Performance Evaluation on the Satellite based Reliable Multicast with and without Local Recovery”, Proc. 1st IEEE European Conference on Universal Multiservice Networks, France, 2000.

  27. J. Jin and Y. L. Guan, “Digital Video Watermark Modulated by Chaotic Sequence”, Proc-International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing, Special Session on Multimedia Content Protection, USA, March 2000.

  28. J. Jin and Y. L. Guan, “Robust Compressed Video Watermark”, Proc-IS&T/SPIE’s Electronic Imaging 2000; International Symposium on Science & Technology, USA, Jan 2000.

  29. J. Li, B. H. Soong and Y. L. Guan, “Personal Communication Service Network Planning using Genetic Algorithm”, IST Mobile Communications Summit, Ireland, Oct 2000.

  30. J. Li, Y. L. Guan and B. H. Soong, “The Effect of GA Parameters on PCS Network Planning”, 25th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2000), Florida, USA, Nov 2000.

  31. J. T. Ong, E. B. L. Choo, K. I. Timothy, C. Wilson and H. Saito, “Comparison of Rainfall Rates using Different Rain Gauges in Singapore”, AP2000, Davos, Switzerland, 2000.

  32. J. T. Ong, K. I. Timothy and E. B. L. Choo, “Performance of Site Diversity and Uplink Control Techniques in Singapore-Preliminary Results”, IEEE Antennas and Propagation International Symposium and USNC/URSI Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 17-20, July 2000.

  33. J. T. Ong, K. I. Timothy and E. B. L.Choo, “Effective Rain Height Statistics for Slant Path Attenuation Prediction in Singapore”, IEE Electronics Letters (UK), Vol. 36, No. 7, pp 661-662, 2000.

  34. J. Y. Pan, C. B. Soh and E. Gunawan, “Reduced-Complexity Iterative Multiuser Detection Scheme for CDMA”, IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 36, pp. 839-840, 27 Apr 2000.

  35. K. C. Teh and W. Xia, “Performance Analyses of Reed-Solomon Coded FFH/BFSK Linear-Combining Receiver over Multitone Jamming and AWGN Channels,” Proc-IEEE Military Conference 2000, USA, Oct 2000.

  36. K. C. Teh, A. C. Kot and K. H. Li, “Error Probabilities of an FFH/BFSK Self-Normalizing Receiver in a Rician-Fading Channel with Multitone Jamming”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 48, pp. 308-315, Feb 2000.

  37. K. C. Teh, A. C. Kot and K. H. Li, “Performance Analysis of an FFH/BFSK Self-Normalizing Receiver against Multitone Jamming over Fading Channel”, IEEE Trans. Commun., Vol. 48, pp. 308-315, Feb 2000.

  38. K. I. Timothy, J. T. Ong and E. B. L. Choo, “Descriptive Fade Slope Statistics on INTELSAT Ku-Band Communication Link”, IEE Electronics Letters, 2000 (in press).

  39. K. I. Timothy, J. T. Ong and E. B. L. Choo, “Fade Non-Fade Duration Statistics for Earth-Space Satellite Link at Ku-Band in Singapore”, IEE Electronics Letters (UK), Vol. 36, No. 10, pp. 894-895, 2000.

  40. K. K. Ma and S. Zhu, ‘’Fundamental Error Analysis and Geometric Interpretation of Block Truncation Coding Techniques,’’ Signal Processing: Image Communication, Elsevier Science, (15), pp. 859-867, July 2000.

  41. L. Wan and V. K. Dubey, “Performance of Frequency and Time Domain Coded OFDM over Fast Fading LEO Channels,” Proc-EuroComm Conf., Germany 2000.

  42. L. Wan and V. K. Dubey, “Theoretical Analysis of the Pilot Tones Assisted COFDM System over Fast Multipath Fading Channels”, Proc. IEEE Veh. Technol. Conf., USA 2000.

  43. L. Zhang and H. Fu, “A Novel Scheme of Transporting Pre-Stored MPEG Video to Support Video-on-Demand Services”, Journal of Computer Communications, Elsevier Science, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp.133-148, 2000.

  44. L. Zhang and H. Fu, “Adaptive Bandwidth Allocation Based on Playback Tunnel to Support Video on Demand Service over VPN Networks”, Networld+Interop 2000 Engineers Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, May 2000.

  45. L. Zhang and H. Fu, “Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation and Buffer Dimensioning for Supporting Video-on-Demand Services in Virtual Private Networks”, Journal of Computer Communications, Elsevier Science, Vol. 23, No. 14-15 pp. 1410-1424, 2000.

  46. L. Zhang and H. Fu, “Optimal Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Based on Play-back Tunnel to Support Video on Demand Service over Networks”, Journal of Computer Communications, Elsevier Science, Jul 2000.

  47. L. Zhang and J. Tang, “Label Switching Architecture for IP Traffic over WDM Networks”, IEE Proceedings-Communications, May 2000.

  48. L. Zhang and J. Tang, “The Effects of IP Traffic on WDM-Based Networks”, IEEE Communications Letters, April 2000.

  49. L. Zhang, A. Vaidhiyanathan, C. H. Ng and K. R. Subramanian, “Characterisation of Singapore One ATM Network”, to appear in IEE Proceedings on Communications.

  50. L. Zhang, H. R. Fu and C. H. Ng, “A Novel Scheme for Transporting Pre-Stored MPEG Video to Support Video-On-Demand Services”, to appear in Journal on Computer Communications, Elsevier Science.

  51. L. Zhang, X. Cheng and K. R. Subramanian, “The Admission Control for Integrated Video-Conferencing/Voice/Data Services in Broadband CDMA Networks”, Journal of Computer Communications, Elsevier Science, Vol. 23, No. 5-6, pp. 499-510, 2000.

  52. P. Shum, H. P. Chan, E. M. W. Wong, W. A. Gambling, S. P. Li, C. K. Chow and Z. Chen, “Fabrication of Long-Period Waveguide Gratings”, Proc-The International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, San Diego, California, USA, July 2000.

  53. P. Shum, K. S. Chiang and A. K. Ghatak, “Non-linear Instabilities of Bragg Grating Device”, Proc-The International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, San Diego, California, USA, July 2000.

  54. P. Shum, S. F. Yu and C. Lu, “Non-linear Soliton Propagation by Use of the Split-Step Reconstruction Technique”, Applied Optics, Vol. 39, No. 21, 20 July 2000.

  55. P. Shum, S. F. Yu and E. H. Li, “A Split-Step Reconstruction Technique for the Analysis of Soliton Propagation”, Photonics West 2000, S22, 22-28 Jan 2000, pp. 3944-100.

  56. P. Shum, S. F. Yu and H. Ghafouri-Shiraz, “Analysis of Non-linear Soliton Propagation by the Improved FMAT”, Proc-The International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, San Diego, California, USA, July 2000.

  57. S. F. Yu, P. Shum, W. N. Wong and E. H. Li, “Self-Sustained Pulsation in Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers under External Optical Feedback”, Photonics West 2000, S22, 22-28 Jan 2000, pp. 3944-113.

  58. S. Xu, C. H. Ng and L. Zhang, “Enabling Scalable Multicast Protocols using Dynamics Overlap Tree Path,” International Journal of Communications Systems, 2000.

  59. S. Xu, C. H. Ng and L. Zhang, “Enabling Scalable Multicast Protocols using Dynamics Overlap Tree Path”, to appear in International Journal of Communications Systems.

  60. S. Y. Tan, M. Y. Tan and H. S. Tan, “Multipath Delay Measurements and Modelling for Inter-Floor Wireless Communications”, to appear in IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology.

  61. S. Zhu and K. K. Ma, ‘’A New Diamond Search Algorithm for Fast Block Matching Motion Estimation,’’ IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 287 -290, Feb 2000.

  62. T. P. Song, P. S. Hall, H. Ghafouri-Shiraz and D. Wake, “Multi-Circular Loop Monopole Antenna”, IEE Electron. Lett., Vol.36, pp.391-393, March 2000.

  63. T. Tan, T. H. Cheng and S. K. Bose, “QoS for Interactive Network Applications under Priority Control Scheme,” IPCCC 2000, Feb 2000, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, pp. 449-455.

  64. T. Y. Chai, T. H. Cheng, S. K. Bose, C. Lu and G. Shen, “Analytical Model for a WDM Optical Cross-Connect with Limited Conversion Capability,” to appear in IEEE Communications Letters.

  65. W. Li, C. L. Law, J. T. Ong and V. K. Dubey, “Ka-Band Land Mobile Satellite Channel Model: With Rain Attenuation and other Weather Impairments in Equatorial Zone”, Proc-VTC2000, Vol.3, pp.2468-2472, May 2000.

  66. W. Wang, K. R. Subramanian and L. Zhang, “Medical Imaging Transmission for Telemedicine” Proc. SCS Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference 2000, Apr 2000, USA.

  67. W. Wang, K. R. Subramanian and L. Zhang, “Reliable Medical Imaging Transmission for PACS over ATM Networks”, Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging Conference 2000, Feb 2000, USA.

  68. W. Wang, K. R. Subramanian and L. Zhang, “Simulation of Multimedia Transmission over packet Networks”, SCS Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference 2000, USA, Apr 2000.

  69. W. Wang, K. R. Subramanian and S. M. Krishnan, “3D Fractal Image Coding Scheme for Telemedicine Applications”, Proc. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Jul 2000, Chicago, USA.

  70. W. Wang, K. R. Subramanian and S. M. Krishnan, “A Novel Progressive Medical Image Compression Technique with Quality-Ensured ROIs for Teleradiology”, Proc. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Jul 2000, Chicago, USA.

  71. X. Chang and K. R. Subramanian, “An Approximate Algorithm for Optimal Resource Allocation in Multi-Service Networks”, Proc. ICC2000, Jun 2000, USA.

  72. X. D. Dong, C. B. Soh and E. Gunawan, “Codes over Finite Fields for Multidimensional Signals”, to appear in the Journal of Algebra.

  73. X. Wu, Y. Shen, C. Lu, T. H. Cheng and M. K. Rao, “Fiber Bragg Grating-based Rearrangeable Nonblocking Optical Cross Connects Using Multi-port Optical Circulators,” IEEE Photonic Technology Letters, Vol. 12, No.6, pp.696-698, 2000.

  74. X. Zhang and C. H. Tan, “Providing Minimum Bandwidth Guarantees to TCP Traffic in ATM Networks”, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Networks, Sep 2000, Singapore.

  75. X. Zhou, H. M. H. Shalaby, C. Lu and T. H. Cheng, “ A Performance Analysis of All-optical Clock Extraction Circuit Based on Stimulated Brillouin Scattering,” to appear in Journal of Lightwave Technologies.

  76. X. Zhou, H. M. H. Shalaby, C. Lu and T. H. Cheng, “A New Code for Spectral-Amplitude-Coding Optical CDMA Systems”, to appear in IEE Electronic Letters.

  77. Y. Li and Y. L. Guan, “Modified Jakes’ Model for Simulation of Multiple Uncorrelated Fading Waveforms”, Proc-IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference VTC2000 - Japan, May 2000.

  78. Y. Shen, C. Lu, T. H. Cheng and M. K. Rao, “Effect of Bit Pattern Misalignment on Coherent Crosstalk in Optical Add/Drop Multiplexers,” IEEE Photonic Technology Letters, July 2000.

  79. Y. Zhu and E. Gunawan, “Performance of MC-CDMA System using Controlled MRC with Power Control in Rayleigh Fading Channel”, IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 36, pp. 752-753, April 2000.

  80. Z. Cai., K. R. Subramanian and L. Zhang, “DMT Scheme with Multidimensional Turbo Trellis Code”, IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 36, No. 4, Feb 2000.

  81. Z. Chen and L. Zhang, “Transient Solution for Index Analysis of Layered Video Stream Transmission”, ISAS’2000, Orlando, USA, July 2000.

  82. Z. Chen, P. Shum, J. Peng and D. Gu, “Application of Mechanical Fiber Mode Converter and Asymmetric Fibre as Optical Isolator”, Proc-The International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, San Diego, California, USA, July 2000.

  83. Z. Qin and K. C. Teh, “Iterative Multiuser Detection for serially Concatenated Convolutionally Coded Asynchronous CDMA,” IEE Electron. Lett., Vol. 36, pp. 898-899, May 2000.

  84. Z. Qin and K. C. Teh, “Reduced State Turbo Multiuser Detection for Convolutionally Coded Asynchronous CDMA,” Proc-2 nd International Symposium on Turbo Codes and Related Topics, France, Sept 2000.