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InterContinental Hotel

Room Type Corporate Rate Published Rate
Deluxe Room S$180 S$310
Shophouse Room S$210 S$340
Club InterContinental S$240 S$370
Studio Suite S$260 S$390
Shophouse Suite S$300 S$430


Terms & Conditions:

  1. In accordance with legislation, Corporate Rates are subject to prevailing service charge and taxes, currently at 10%, 1% cess and 5% GST and is computed as 16.55%.

  2. Corporate Rates quoted are applicable to individual travellers or reservations for 9 guestrooms or less.  Please contact the hotel for group rates.

  3. Confirmation of guestrooms by the hotel is subject to availability at time of reservation. 

  4. Guestroom reservations may be guaranteed by credit card or a letter of guarantee by the company* in the form of a written facsimile or email.  *(Applicable to companies with existing credit facilities with the hotel).

  5. Non-guaranteed reservations will be held until 6 PM on the day of scheduled check-in and released thereafter without notice.

  6. If a reservation is cancelled less than 24 hours prior to the date of check-in, a cancellation fee equivalent to one (1) night’s accommodation rate will apply.  A no-show fee equivalent to one (1) night’s accommodation rate will also apply.

  7. The check-in time is 2 PM and check-out time is 12 Noon.  Requests for earlier check-in or extended check-out are subject to availability and this may be guaranteed by reserving an additional night prior to or after the intended length of stay.

  8. During these city-wide convention dates the Corporate Rates will be unavailable and you may ask the hotel for its Best Flexible Rates:

    8.1   Tax Free Conference (15-18 May 2005)

    8.2   Communic Asia (13-16 June 2005)

    8.3   ITMA (16-20 October 2005)


For Reservations

Telephone6431 1000

Facsimile6431 1257

Email : sinhb-resvn@interconti.com

Online Booking