Academic Profile

Assoc Prof Appa Iyer Sivakumar
Director, Undergraduate Research Experience on Campus Programme Office
Associate Professor
Division of Systems and Engineering Management
School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
College of Engineering

Phone: (+65)6790 5050
Office: N3-02c-77


Dr. Appa Iyer Sivakumar   B.Eng, PhD, C.Eng, MIMechE, MIET(Lond)
Associate professor
Dr. Sivakumar is an Associate Professor in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and a Faculty Fellow of Singapore - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Alliance (SMA-MST programme).  He was at Gintic Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Singapore prior to this appointment. He has many years of industrial and research experience in the UK prior to the post in Singapore in 1993. He received a Bachelors of Engineering in Manufacturing Systems Engineering and a PhD in Manufacturing Systems Engineering from University of Bradford, UK. He has made many contributions at international conferences and journals (over 48 international journal papers and over 66 international conference proceedings papers, one Book on Management Research Methodology). He has trained and supervised a number of PhD students (7 graduated PhD students) and many Master’s level students.  He leads a research group in Operations Research which focuses on the area of in Manufacturing Systems and Health Systems.  Dr. Sivakumar Currently he serves as the Director of the NTU Undergraduate Research Experience on CAmpus (URECA) programme (  Dr. Sivakumar was formerly the Associate Chair Graduate Studies School at the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, NTU from 2009-2012 and the Chairman of the school’s  Engineering Innovation and Design (EID) programme from 2002-2008.

Research Interests

Operations Research, Advanced Manufacturing Systems engineering, Health Systems, Discrete Event Simulation, Scheduling, Logistics, Supply chain design, and Research Methodology.

Research Grant

  • Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) Centre (2010-)
  • Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) Centre (2008-)
  • NOL Fellowship- (2009-)

Recent Researchers

Recent PhD students

Dr. M Mathirajan

John Benedict Cheng Tajan

Dr. John Tajan

Hendra Teja Wirawan

Dr. Qi Chao

Nguyen Thi Thu Ba

Dr. P Ramkumar

Rajagopal Lakshmanan Mohanavalli

Dr. Jin Xianfei

Li Kunpeng

Dr. Vishwanath Kumar Ganesan

Fu Qing

Dr. Li Kunpeng

Jin Xianfei

Dr. C Lakshmi

Qi Chao

Mr N Kalyanasundaram

Ang Tee Hwee Adeline


Amit Kumar Gupta

Current Projects

  • Design and Planning of Supply Chains for Emerging Industries
  • Analysis of specialist outpatient clinic system Collaboration with Tan Tok Seng hospital, Singapore
  • Analysis of congestion reduction in mass casualty events. Collaboration with Tan Tok Seng hospital, Singapore.
  • Optimization Semiconductor Manufacturing Systems.  Collaboration with Global Foundries, Singapore(Chartered Semiconductor manufacturing)
  • Optimization Studies on Production Differentiation In Price/Time Sensitive Supply Chains

Selected Publications

Selected Papers:

  • Ram Kumar, P.N., Sivakumar, A.I., “Simulated annealing-based algorithm for the capacitated hub routing problem”, International Journal of Services and Operations Management, Volume 14, Number 2, Pp 221-235, DOI 10.1504/IJSOM.2013.051830, 2013.
  • Fu, Qing; Sivakumar, Appa Iyer; Li, Kunpeng, “Optimisation of flow-shop scheduling with batch processor and limited buffer”, International Journal of Production Research,  Volume: 50   Issue: 8   Pages: 2267-2285   DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2011.565813, 2012.
  • Tajan, John Benedict C.; Sivakumar, Appa Iyer; Gershwin, Stanley B., “Control of a Single Batch Processor with Incompatible Job Families and Future Job Arrivals”, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing,  Volume: 24   Issue: 2   Pages: 208-222,  art. no. 5720553 DOI: 10.1109/TSM.2011.2120850,  2011.
  • P.N. Ram Kumar, Appa Iyer Sivakumar, “On solving the Capacitated Hub Routing Problem”, International Journal Logistics Systems and Management, Volume 8, Issue 4, Pages 392-402, 2011
  • Gupta, A.K., Sivakumar, A.I., Lendermann, P. “Cycle time simulation study for cluster tool operation in IC fabrication”, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 23 (3-4) , pp. 179-192, 2011.
  • Ang, A.T.H., Sivakumar, A.I., Qi, C., Criteria selection and analysis for single machine dynamic on-line scheduling with multiple objectives and sequence-dependent setups, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 56 (4), pp. 1223-1231, 2009.
  • Gupta, A.K., Ganesan, V.K., Sivakumar, A.I., Cycle time variance minimization in dynamic scheduling of single machine systems, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 42 (5-6), pp. 544-552, 2009.
  • Qi C, Sivakumar AI, Gershwin SB, An efficient new job release control methodology, International Journal of Production Research   Volume: 47   Issue: 3   Pages: 703-731, 2009.
  • Li KP, Sivakumar AI, Ganesan VK,  Analysis and algorithms for coordinated scheduling of parallel machine manufacturing and 3PL transportation, International Journal of Production Economics   Volume: 115   Issue: 2   Pages: 482-491, 2008.
  • Li K, Sivakumar AY, Ganesan VK., Complexities and algorithms for synchronized scheduling of parallel machine assembly and air transportation in consumer electronics supply chain, European Journal of Operational Research   Volume: 187   Issue: 2   pp. 442-455, 2008.
  • Mathirajan M, Sivakumar AI.,  A literature review, classification and simple meta-analysis on scheduling of batch processors in semiconductor, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology   Volume: 29   Issue: 9-10   pp. 990-1001, 2006
  • Ko S-S, Serfozo R, Sivakumar AI.,  Reducing cycle times in manufacturing and supply chains by input and service rate smoothing, IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers), Volume: 36 Issue: 2 pp. 145-153, 2004


  • K N Krishnaswamy, Appa Iyer Sivakumar, M Mathirajan. (2006). Management Research Methodology: Integration of Principles, Methods and Techniques. Pearson Education.