Dr Qian Kemao is an Associate Professor in the College of Computing and Data Science (CCDS) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). He graduated from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), where he got his BE, ME and PhD degrees. His research interests include optical metrology, image processing, parallel computing, computer vision, and machine learning. 

Email: mkmqian(at)ntu(dot)edu(dot)sg



·         You may consider to attend these conferences

o   International Symposium on Computational Optical Measurement and its Education (COME 2025), June 27-29, 2025, Shanghai, China (free event)

o   International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering (icOPEN 2026), stay tuned.


·         You may consider to submit your works to these journals

o   Advanced Imaging (China Laser Press)

o   Journal of Optics (IOP)

o   Light: Advanced Manufacturing (Light Publishing Group)

o   Visual Intelligence (Springer)


·         Articles

o   Trigonometric Functions and Complex Numbers

o   Understanding the Fourier Transform


·         Books

o   Windowed Fringe Pattern Analysis: SPIE | Amazon | Errata | Slides

o   GPU Acceleration for Optical Measurement: SPIE

o   写诗与写PAPER (Writing Poems and Writing Papers): Lingzi Media | +随园诗话的科研启示


·         Special issues

o   OLEN: Computational Optical Measurement

o   OLEN: Progress in Photomechanics

o   OLEN: Progress in Photomechanics (II)

o   Laser & Optoelectronics Progress: 3D Imaging Techniques and Applications


·         Software for testing

o   Windowed Fourier transform for fringe analysis: MATLAB code

o   Quality-Guided Phase Unwrapping (QGPU): program | sample phase | sample quality

o   Sinusoids-assisted EMD: RPSEMD


·         I am deeply involved in these societies. If you have concerns or suggestions, please send me an email

o   Optics and Photonics Society of Singapore

o   SPIE