







School of MAE

 Nanyang Technological University


PhD Graduate Scholarship (new in 2008)


The Modular Robot and locomotion Group in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, invites applications for post graduate studies toward PhD toward the following research areas: (project description, please refer to http://interactiverobotics.blogspot.com) 

  • Wearable embedded sensor and actuator network for human motion replication

Preferred background - robotics, wearable embedded system design, and wireless sensor network

  • Biomechanics and interaction for human motion replication 

Preferred background - robotics, biomechanics, or human-robot interaction

  • Micro actuator design for micro digestive capsule 

Preferred background - robotics, electromagnetic actuators


All graduate students will receive scholarship while maintaining full-time studentship in NTU. The time of study for the PhD degree is 4 years. Nanyang Technological University is one of the two universities in Singapore, which is the main R&D and technology hub in South East Asia. To pursue advanced studies in Singapore is the best opportunity to get you familiar with the SE Asia, and Pacific rim countries. Interested party please send email inquiry and brief CV to

Prof. I-Ming Chen 
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 
Nanyang Technological University 
Email: michen@ntu.edu.sg 
Tel: 65-6790-6203 
Fax: 65-6791-1859 


Research Staff Positions (research fellow, research associate, project officer)
School of MAE
, Nanyang Technological University


     NOT OPENED YET – to be announced.


Copyright © 2008 Modular robotic & Robot locomotion Group, School of MPE, NTU