School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 


Associate Professor
(BEng, and MEng,, Tsinghua Univ.; PhD,  Univ. of Illinois at Chicago
Tel: 6790-4860
Email: history & Professional experience

1997 -- present Associate Professor , Nanyang Technological University

1992 -- 1997 Assistant Professor , Nanyang Technological University

1990 --1992 Research fellow, Northwestern University. activities and selected publications

    • Micromechanics and fracture mechanics modeling 
    1. Fan, H. Xu J.G. and Sze K.Y., (2006), " Energy rate consideration in wafer bonding  Finite Element in Analysis and Design, Vol.42, 709-714 
    2. Fan, H. and Wang G.F. (2003), "Screw dislocation interacting with imperfect interface", Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 35, pp943-953. 
    3. Fan, H. and Sze, K.Y., (2001), "A micromechanics model for imperfect interface in dielectric materials", Mechanics of Materials, Vol.33, 6, pp363-370. 
    • Micro-structural evolution 
    1. Gao, Y. X., Fan, H and Xiao, Z.M. (2000), "A simulation of asymmetrical voids evolution induced by electromigration", Mechanics and Materials, Vol.32, pp315-326. 
    2. Gao, Y. X., Fan, H and Xiao, Z.M. (2000), "A thermodynamics model for solder profile evolution", Acta Materialia Vol.48, pp863-874. 
    3. Fan H, Gao, X.Y and Huang X.Y, (2001), "Thermodynamics modeling for moving contact line in gas/liquid/solid system: Capillary rise problem revisited", Physics of Fluids, Vol.13, 6, pp1615-1623. 
    • Contact Mechanics
    1. Fan, H., L.M. Keer, W.W. Cheng and H.S. Cheng, (1993), "Competition between fatigue crack propagation and wear'', ASME Journal of Tribology, Vol.115, No.1, pp141-147.
    2. Fan, H. and L.M. Keer, (1994), "Two dimensional contact on anisotropic half space", ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics. Vol.61, No.2, pp250-255
    3. Fan, H and Gao Y.X., (2001) "Elastic solution for liquid-bridging induced micro-scale contact", J. Applied Physics, Vol.90, No.12, pp5904-5910.
    • Anisotropic elasticity and piezoelectricity 
    1. Fan, H. (1995),"Decay rates in a piezoelectric strip", International Journal of Engineering Science. Vol.33, No.8, pp1095-1103. 
    2. Fan,.H. , Sze, K.Y. and Yang W., (1996), "Two dimensional contact on a piezoelectric half space", International Journal of Solids and Structures. Vol.33, No.9, pp1305-1315. 
    3. K.Y.Sze , Hai-tao Wang and Fan H. (2001) "A Finite Element Approach for Computing Edge Singularities in Piezoelectric Materials", International Journal of Solids and Structures Vol.38, pp9233-9252. list (updated on 20/2/2009) Research Projects 

  •  Micro defects and materials evolution" --- Research project sponsored by National Science and Technology Board of Singapore, (Sept. 1996-Dec.1999) 
  • "Damage evaluation in honeycomb sandwich plates"--- sponsored by Singapore Ministry of Defense (1997-1998) 
  • "Micro-mechanics of defects in solids", sponsored by Academic Research Fund, Nanyang Technological University (1997-1999) 
  • "Micromechanics in Micro-tribology", sponsored by NSTB, (Jan. 2000- Dec. 2003)
  • “Multi-scale study on reliability of MEMS and NEMS devices” funded by A*STAR (2004-2007)

            Research fellowship is available for potential post-graduate students.