Meeting Minutes

IEEE EDS VLSI Technology and Circuits Committee

December 7, 2002


A.                 Attendees: Jim Hutchby (SRC), Jason Jenq (UMC), Mark Law (U. Florida), Kwyro Lee (KAIST), Lalita Manchanda (SRC/Agere), Huiling Shang (IBM), S. C. Sun (Chartered Semiconductor), Albert Wang (Illinois Inst. of Tech.)

B.            Agenda:

¨      Annual report (Jim Hutchby)

¨      Ideas for future activities

-      Specific ideas

-      Responsible committee member

¨      Identify new candidate members for the committee


C.        Key Decisions Made:


Decisions Made

Next Steps


For the Committee activities for 2003, decided to pursue initiating and publishing: (Tentative Title – Responsible Committee Member)

¨      One special collaborative issue between the Transactions on Electron Devices and the Journal of Solid State Circuits

1.        Non-classical CMOS Device Design and Related Circuit Concepts – Huiling Shang

¨      Three special issues of the Transactions on Electron Devices

1.        New Materials and Process Technologies – Huiling Shang

2.        RF and Mixed Signal Technologies: Active and Passive Devices, Modeling and Simulation – Albert Wang & S. C. Sun

3.        Heterogeneous Integration of Dissimilar Technologies – Kwyro Lee

¨      One special issue of the Journal for Nanoelectronics

1.        Information Processing Technology and Circuit Architectures beyond CMOS – Lalita Manchanda



Discuss with colleagues at IBM




Discuss with colleagues at IBM

Pursue filing an application with TED and decide editors


Pursue filing an application with TED and decide editors

Explore this idea with the Editor of the Journal for Nanoelectronics


Sponsor two workshops

¨      Compact Modeling – Xing Zhou

¨      International Workshop for Future Information Processing Technologies – Lalita Manchanda


Conduct workshop in Feb 2003


Collaborate with Japanese colleagues to conduct workshop in Japan in August or Sept 2003


Collaborate with the 2003 IEDM Executive Committee to explore possible collaboration in organizing the IEDM’s Emerging Devices Session – Jim Hutchby

Stay in Touch with Jeff Welser


D.        Action (AI) Items:


Action Item Description


Due date


Special Issues of IEEE Transactions and Journals – See Decisions above for owners and next steps.




Present the outcomes of this meeting and the Committee’s 2002 accomplishments to the EDS Adcom


Dec. 20, 2002


Recruit 4 new committee members from the international community.

Hutchby and Committee