© 2015-2023
Design and Modeling of Nanodevices
With the spatial scale of structures employed in devices getting to nanometer scale, the underlying physics, chemistry and materials properties in nano-scale are important for the emerging nanodevices, either nanoelectronics or nano-optoelectronics. In such nanometer scale, quantum effects can not be ignored that traditional equivalent-circuit type models may not be sufficient to explain or predict the performance of the nanodevices. The objectives of this course are
1. To gain sufficient physics-concepts for practical engineers in emerging nanodevices
2. To understand the basic of quantum transport from atoms, nano-wire to transistor level
3. To gain knowledge of band structures of quantum well semiconductors, density of state and Fermi level calculations.
4. To apply the knowledge to design and analyze quantum well photodetector and quantum cascade emitter.
Design Exercise
Compact Model Plots - 0.25 um
NM6604 Data (3-level splits)
Simon Sze and Ming-Kwei Lee, Semiconductor Devices - Physics and Technology, 3rd ed., Wiley (2013). Chenming Calvin Hu, Modern Semiconductor Devices for Integrated Circuits, Pearson (2010). Yuan Taur and Tak H. Ning, Fundamentals of Modern VLSI Devices, Cambridge Univ. Press (2009). Arora Narain, MOSFET Models for VLSI Circuit Simulation – Theory and Practice, Springer-Verlag (1993). Reprinted by World Scientific (2006).
This website is maintained by Dr. Zhou Xing. Send any comments to: exzhou@ntu.edu.sg. |
Last update: 31 October 2023