Engineering Design V
TCAD: Process and Device Simulation
Design 1 - Virtual Wafer Fabrication (VWF)
CMOS - TSUPREM-4 results of the cross-sectional
views for the 2-µm N-Well CMOS process (239 KB)
Design 2 - Virtual Device Characterization (VDC)
Id-Vg (lin) / Id-Vg (log)
- Drain current vs. gate voltage characteristic (linear and logarithm)
Id-Vd - Drain current vs. drain voltage characteristic
BandQny-Vg - Energy band and channel electron
concentration at different gate bias (40 KB)
BandQnx-Vg - Energy band and channel electron
concentration across the channel at different gate bias (36 KB)
BandQnx-Vd - Energy band and channel electron
concentration across the channel at different drain bias (37 KB)
Electron-Vg - Electron (inversion charge)
distribution at different gate bias (93 KB)
Potential-Vd - Potential distribution at
different drain bias (63 KB)
Velocity-Vd - Electron velocity distribution
at different drain bias (89 KB)
Flowline-Vd - Current flowline at different
drain bias (53 KB)
Design 3 - Virtual Process Integration (VPI)
3D plots
Vt-Vb_F - Threshold voltage vs. substrate bias
and implant dose
Vt-Vb_t - Threshold voltage vs. substrate bias
and gate oxidation time
Vt-F_t - Threshold voltage vs. implant dose and
gate oxidation time
Contour plots
Vt-Vb_F - Threshold voltage contours as a function
of substrate bias and implant dose
Vt-t_Vb - Threshold voltage contours as a function
of gate oxidation time and substrate bias
Vt-t_F - Threshold voltage contours as a function
of gate oxidation time and implant dose
Projection plots
Vt-Vb_F - Threshold voltage vs. implant
dose at fixed substrate bias with different gate oxidation time
Vt-F_Vb - Threshold voltage vs. substrate
bias at fixed implant dose with different gate oxidation time
Vt-t_Vb - Threshold voltage vs. gate oxidation
time at fixed substrate bias with different implant dose
Vt-Vb_t - Threshold voltage vs. substrate
bias at fixed gate oxidation time with different implant dose
Vt-t_F - Threshold voltage vs. gate oxidation
time at fixed implant dose with different substrate bias
Vt-F_t - Threshold voltage vs. implant dose
at fixed gate oxidation time with different substrate bias