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Journal or Magazine = JNL   Conference = CNF   Standard = STD

1 MOSFET subthreshold compact modeling with effective gate overdrive
Khee Yong Lim; Xing Zhou
Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 49 Issue: 1 , Jan 2002
Page(s): 196 -199

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text]   JNL

2 Unified MOSFET compact I-V model formulation through physics-based effective transformation
Xing Zhou; Khee Yong Lim
Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 48 Issue: 5 , May 2001
Page(s): 887 -896

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text]   JNL

3 A physically-based semi-empirical series resistance model for deep-submicron MOSFET I-V modeling
Lim, K.Y.; Zhou, X.
Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 47 Issue: 6 , June 2000
Page(s): 1300 -1302

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text]   JNL

4 Exploring the novel characteristics of hetero-material gate field-effect transistors (HMGFETs) with gate-material engineering
Xing Zhou
Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 47 Issue: 1 , Jan. 2000
Page(s): 113 -120

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text]   JNL

5 A general approach to compact threshold voltage formulation based on 2D numerical simulation and experimental correlation for deep-submicron ULSI technology development [CMOS]
Xing Zhou; Khee Yong Lim; Lim, D.
Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 47 Issue: 1 , Jan. 2000
Page(s): 214 -221

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text]   JNL

6 A new "critical-current at linear-threshold" method for direct extraction of deep-submicron MOSFET effective channel length
Zhou, X.; Lim, K.Y.; Lim, D.
Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 46 Issue: 7 , July 1999
Page(s): 1492 -1494

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text]   JNL

7 A simple and unambiguous definition of threshold voltage and its implications in deep-submicron MOS device modeling
Zhou, X.; Lim, K.Y.; Lim, D.
Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 46 Issue: 4 , April 1999
Page(s): 807 -809

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text]   JNL

8  An experimentally-based DC model for the Bi-MOS structure and its adaptation to a circuit simulation environment
Rofail, S.S.; Yeo, K.S.; Chew, K.W.; Zhou, X.; Tang, T.W.
Electrical and Computer Engineering, 1998. IEEE Canadian Conference on , Volume: 1 , 1998
Page(s): 37 -40 vol.1

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text]   CNF

9  A predictive semi-analytical threshold voltage model for deep-submicron MOSFET's
Lim, K.Y.; Zhou, X.; Lim, D.; Zu, Y.; Ho, H.M.; Loiko, K.; Lau, C.K.; Tse, M.S.; Choo, S.C.
Electron Devices Meeting, 1998. Proceedings. 1998 IEEE Hong Kong , 1998
Page(s): 114 -117

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text]   CNF

10 Numerical investigation of subpicosecond electrical pulse generation by edge illumination of silicon transmission-line gaps
Xing Zhou; Tianwen Tang; Lee Seng Seah; Chong Jin Yap; Seok Cheow Choo
Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of , Volume: 34 Issue: 1 , Jan. 1998
Page(s): 171 -178

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text]   JNL

11 A novel hetero-material gate (HMG) MOSFET for deep-submicron ULSI technology
Xing Zhou; Wei Long
Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 45 Issue: 12 , Dec. 1998
Page(s): 2546 -2548

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text]   JNL

12  A dynamic timing delay for accurate gate-level circuit simulation
Tang, T.; Zhou, X.
Circuits and Systems, 1996., IEEE 39th Midwest symposium on , Volume: 1 , 1996
Page(s): 325 -327 vol.1

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text]   CNF

13 Numerical physics of subpicosecond electrical pulse generation by nonuniform gap illumination
Xing Zhou
Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of , Volume: 32 Issue: 9 , Sept. 1996
Page(s): 1672 -1679

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text]   JNL

14 Regional Monte Carlo modeling of electron transport and transit-time estimation in graded-base HBT's
Xing Zhou
Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 41 Issue: 4 , April 1994
Page(s): 484 -490

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text]   JNL

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