K.Y. Lim, X. Zhou
Fig. 1 Measured (symbols) and modeled (lines) linear and saturation Ids - Vgs characteristics, with data in solid symbols used for parameter extraction. Model prediction to data with different body bias is shown by the open symbols.
Fig. 2 Prediction of the unified Ids model (lines) to the measured (symbols) Ids - Vds characteristics
Fig. 3 Behavior of the extracted log(µeff) - log(Eeff) curve (solid line) compared to that of the UMC model extracted from the same Ids - Vgs data in the Vgs range indicated. The same curves on linear-linear scale are shown in the inset. Asymptotes of the same meff model with µ2 = inf and µ3 = inf are shown in dashed lines.
Fig. 4 Measured saturation current (solid symbols) and modeled
threshold voltage (open symbols) from the four wafers with different Vt-implant
dose. The average relative error in Idsat versus gm is shown in the
inset. The modeled Idsat with gm = 0 and 0.035
are shown by the solid and dotted lines, respectively.