A dynamic timing
delay for accurate gate-level circuit simulation
- Tang, T.; Zhou, X.
Editor(s): Cameron, G., Hassoun, M., Jerdee, A., Melvin, C.
Sch. of Electr. & Electron. Eng., Nanyang Technol. Inst., Singapore
This Paper Appears in :
Circuits and Systems, 1996., IEEE 39th Midwest symposium
on Pages: 325 - 327 vol.1
This Conference was Held : 18-21 Aug. 1996
1996 |
Vol. 1 |
ISBN: 0-7803-3636-4 |
IEEE Catalog Number: 96CH35995
Total Pages: 3 vol. xxxv+1439
References Cited: 5
Accession Number: 5602455
A dynamic delay model, which includes the
nonlinear loading effect, the effects of the input transition time and
the multiple-input triggering, is proposed for the gate-level timing simulation.
It is shown that the developed delay model gives near circuit-level accuracy
with comparable speed to other common delay models.
Subject Terms:
circuit analysis computing; dynamic timing delay;
gate-level circuit simulation; dynamic delay model; nonlinear loading effect;
input transition time; multiple-input triggering; gate-level timing simulation