Numerical investigation of subpicosecond electrical pulse generation by edge illumination of silicon transmission-line gaps
Xing Zhou; Tianwen Tang; Lee Seng Seah; Chong Jin Yap; Seok Cheow Choo
Sch. of Electr. & Electron. Eng., Nanyang Technol. Inst., Singapore

This Paper Appears in :
Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of

on Pages: 171178
Jan. 1998 Vol. 34 Issue: 1 ISSN: 0018-9197
References Cited: 17
Accession Number: 5812148

The phenomena involved in the subpicosecond electrical pulses generated by edge illumination of a charged coplanar transmission line on silicon substrate are investigated theoretically using a two-dimensional numerical model. The calculated terminal current, which is related to the observed electrical signal, is interpreted as being due to the dielectric relaxation of the spacecharge field based on an equivalent circuit model. The pulse dependence (including amplitude, delay, rise time, and shape) on the wavelength of the laser source is investigated in terms of light penetration and the generated photocarriers. The frequency limit of the laser pulse train is determined theoretically for different carrier lifetimes. The simulation results are in qualitative agreement with experimental observations, and the dielectric relaxation interpretation is consistent with other theories based on the full-wave analysis and the Monte Carlo model.

Subject Terms:
silicon; subpicosecond electrical pulse generation; edge illumination; silicon transmission-line gaps; charged coplanar transmission line; silicon substrate; two-dimensional numerical model; calculated terminal current; observed electrical signal; dielectric relaxation; spacecharge field; equivalent circuit model; pulse dependence; rise time; laser source wavelength; optical pulse shape; optical pulse generation; light penetration; generated photocarriers; frequency limit; laser pulse train; carrier lifetimes; dielectric relaxation interpretation; Si

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