Numerical physics of subpicosecond electrical pulse generation by nonuniform gap illumination
Xing Zhou
Sch. of Electr. & Electron. Eng., Nanyang Technol. Inst., Singapore

This Paper Appears in :
Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of

on Pages: 16721679
Sept. 1996 Vol. 32 Issue: 9 ISSN: 0018-9197
References Cited: 21
Accession Number: 5382736

The physical mechanism of subpicosecond electrical pulse generated by nonuniform illumination of transmission-line gaps is studied in detail using a two-dimensional numerical model. This model agrees very well with existing theories as well as experimental observations and further explains the observed highly nonuniform field distributions, which have been neglected in previous theories. The pulse dependence on light intensity, bias voltage, substrate doping, and beam size and location are studied and discussed. It also confirms that this mechanism should be observable in silicon.

Subject Terms:
pulse generators; high-speed optical techniques; photoconducting devices; substrates; semiconductor doping; Monte Carlo methods; integrated optics; numerical physics; subpicosecond electrical pulse generation; nonuniform gap illumination; physical mechanism; nonuniform illumination; transmission-line gaps; two-dimensional numerical model; highly nonuniform field distributions; pulse dependence; light intensity; bias voltage; substrate doping; beam size; silicon; beam location; photoconducting devices

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