A predictive semi-analytical
threshold voltage model for deep-submicron MOSFET's
- Lim, K.Y.; Zhou, X.; Lim, D.; Zu, Y.; Ho, H.M.;
Loiko, K.; Lau, C.K.; Tse, M.S.; Choo, S.C.
Sch. of Electr. & Electron. Eng., Nanyang Technol. Inst., Singapore
This Paper Appears in :
Electron Devices Meeting, 1998. Proceedings. 1998
IEEE Hong Kong
on Pages: 114 - 117
This Conference was Held : 29 Aug. 1998
IEEE Catalog Number: 98TH8368
Total Pages: vii+164
References Cited: 2
Accession Number: 6209579
A compact threshold voltage model is developed
for the prediction of deep-submicron MOSFETs scaling characteristic based
on comprehensive 2-D device simulation, empirical formulation, and correlation
to experimental data. The model incorporates the nonuniformities and nonlinearities
from 2-D device physics, relates to process variables, and yet is efficient
to use.
Subject Terms:
MOSFET; semi-analytical model; deep-submicron
MOSFET; threshold voltage; 2D device simulation; scaling characteristics