An experimentally-based
DC model for the Bi-MOS structure and its adaptation to a circuit simulation
- Rofail, S.S.; Yeo, K.S.; Chew, K.W.; Zhou, X.;
Tang, T.W.
Editor(s): Hornsey, R.
Sch. of Electr. & Electron. Eng., Nanyang Technol. Univ., Singapore
This Paper Appears in :
Electrical and Computer Engineering, 1998. IEEE Canadian
Conference on
on Pages: 37 - 40 vol.1
This Conference was Held : 24-28 May 1998
1998 |
Vol. 1 |
ISBN: 0-7803-4314-X |
IEEE Catalog Number: 98TH8341
Total Pages: 2 vol. xliii+939
References Cited: 4
Accession Number: 6083756
This paper presents an experimentally-based
model that can accurately describe the hybrid-mode operation of deep submicron
LDD p-MOSFETs in a circuit environment. Unified equations for the MOS,
bipolar, and space charge currents of the Bi-MOS structure were derived
and later adapted to meet the circuit simulation requirements.
Subject Terms:
BIMOS integrated circuits; experimentally-based
model; DC model; Bi-MOS structure; circuit simulation environment; hybrid-mode
operation; space charge currents; bipolar currents; MOS currents; deep
submicron LDD p-MOSFET; XSIM model