Specification :-
HeadNode x1
Operating System :
Processor 1 : Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.06Ghz cache 512kb
Processor 2 : Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.06Ghz cache 512kb
Memory : 4Gb
ComputeNodes x15
Operating System :
Linux Redhat Enterprise
Processor 1 : Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.06Ghz cache 512kb
Processor 2 : Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.06Ghz cache 512kb
Memory : 2Gb
Softwares / applications
a. Matlab version 7.01
b. Java version 1.5.0_09
c. C++
Guide on how to use :-
Getting connected to
the server
1) Download Putty Software (for connect to server)
2) Download Winscp Software (for transfer file between server / pc)
Launching putty to get connected to the server by entering the IP or hostname
of the server and choose the connecting port which is port 22 or SSH in this
case. Click Open.
Proceed to enter your username & password as shown in the following screen.
Matlab version 7.01 guide
In the server, no direct execution of jobs is allowed. User
are required to use a calling script to submit a job to the server which
will scheduled to run.
Detail of the calling script are shown below :-
PS : "more" is a command use to list the content of a file/script, in
this case -
PS : In the script, myrun1.m is the Matlab file that
is going to be executed upon the submission of jobs.
User use command "qsub" to submit the job
to the server via the script (ie. shown earlier)
Important : User must remember the job number for later result/error checking.
User use command "qstat" to check the
status of the job submitted earlier.
Important : qw - queuing, t
- waiting, r - running.
User use command "ls" to list file in their
home directory.
File example : is a job error
output file.
File example : is a job result
output file.