Travel Grants

The IEEE CIS will offer a limited number of travel grants for Students and Researchers from Developing Countries who are presenting a paper at IEEE CIS-sponsored conferences. One application system will be used. Both IEEE CIS Student Members and Graduate Student Members can benefit from the IEEE CIS Outstanding Student Paper Travel Grant award. Students and Researchers from Developing Countries must have both IEEE and IEEE CIS memberships (CIS is listed as an optional society membership under IEEE). If you do not currently have membership, then you must apply before submitting your application.

Past history of the IEEE CIS travel grants, as well as more information, can be viewed at the travel grants webpage.

To apply for the support one must first register in the Grant Application System at Submissions are to be entered into the Grant Application system. Paper and email applications will not be accepted. Please note the following date for submission, review, and notification of travel grants:

Only complete applications from eligible student members and members will be accepted. Please, note that there is no need to send proof of IEEE and IEEE CIS membership as membership will be verified through the IEEE member databases.

The student applicants will be required to present proof of university attendance documentation at the conference (this is not a student card; please see the website for details).

Travel grant amounts have not been determined yet. See previous travel grant results for an indication of possible travel grant amounts. If you have any questions please contact Dr. Manuel Roveri.