Co-Located IEEE CIS Meetings


As one of the largest solely sponsored conferences of the Computational Intelligence Society (IEEE CIS), the IEEE SSCI 2011 in Paris, France has attracted over 1100 paper submissions. Hence, the IEEE CIS has decided to organize several society level meetings during the IEEE SSCI 2013 conference period in Singapore. The planned meetings include the Executive Committee (EXCOM) meeting and TC meetings of 7 Committees of the IEEE CIS. In addition, some of the IEEE CIS Awards will also be given during the SSCI 2013 banquet. Hence, the IEEE SSCI 2013 provides an excellent opportunity for researchers to meet, interact and network with the EXCOM  and TC members of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society during IEEE SSCI-13 in Singapore in April 2013.


Planned Committee Meetings

(Final Listing of Meetings is given in the FINAL Online Program & SSCI-13 Conference Report)

1. The IEEE CIS EXCOM meeting

2.   ADPRLTC,  Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning Technical Committee

3  BBTC, Bioinformatics and Bioengineering Technical Committee

4.   CFETC, Computational Finance and Economics Technical Committee

5.   DMTC, Data Mining Technical Committee

6ETTC, Emergent Technologies Technical Committee

7.   ISATC, Intelligent System Applications Technical Committee

8.  Standards Committee Meeting