CompSens 2013

2013 IEEE Workshop on Merging Fields of Computational Intelligence and Sensor Technology

The workshop CompSens brings together researchers, engineers, practitioners, and students from the fields of sensor technology (ST) and computational intelligence (CI) in order to cross-fertilize and to initiate possible collaborations between these fields. Researchers in the sensor fields will have the opportunity to enhance their CI background, and CI researchers will gain valuable feedback on the problems and the needs for "real world" applications. Sensor technology is the gate that connects computational intelligence to the real world and understanding and awareness of ST issues is important for meaningful developments of CI. Among others, CI is more and more utilized to support the quality of ST and its outcomes. Sufficient knowledge and experience in these fields is a timely effort and there is naturally a gap between theoretical research of CI and its applications to "real-world" problems. Research in CI is often conducted by data sets that leak important aspects of real world measurement. Sensor drift, hysteresis, calibration errors, sensitivities, cross selectivity, are only a few parameters mentioned which falsify the results but does not yet get many attention in most CI algorithms. On the other side, ST researchers are going to apply more and more computational intelligence for steadily growing fields of multi sensor set-ups, to gain a "plus" out of the continuously increasing larger sets of acquired sensor data. However, often there is still a lack in experience or knowledge of how to use and optimize the CI algorithms correctly. Mostly, algorithms get simply applied in one or the other form that a software toolbox is offering without deep analysis of the possible advantages or disadvantages of the method for a particular task.


§   Computer Intelligence and Sensors

§   CI and Data Acquisition

§   Data Validation and Data Reconciliation

§   Fault and Error Detection for Sensor Technology

§   Fuzzy Logic and Sensor Technology

§   Genetic Algorithms and Sensor Technology

§   Neural Networks and Sensor Technology

§   Intelligent Sensory Networks

§   Sensor Calibration and CI

§   CI and Smart Sensors

§   Virtual Sensors

§   Theoretical Aspects of Sensor Technology for CI

§   Theoretical Aspects of CI towards Applications to Sensor Technology

§   CI in Biosensors and Sensor Fusion for Improved Diagnosis

§   CI and Sensors in Energy Systems

§   CI and Sensors in Combustion Process Technologies

§   Reviews of CI in Sensor Technology

§   Further Challenges of  Merging CI and Sensor Technologies

Keynote, Tutorial and Panel Sessions

Please forward your proposals with detailed abstract and bio-sketches of the speakers to Workshop Co-Chairs and SSCI Keynote-Tutorial Chair, Dr S Das.

Special Sessions

Please forward your special session proposals to Workshop Co-Chairs.

Workshop Co-Chairs

Ivo Bukovsky, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic. 
Wagner, Tohoku University, Japan

Program Committee

Jiri Bila (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic)
Mohamed Elgendi (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Demetrios Eliades (University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
Madan M. Gupta (University of Saskatchewan, Canada)
Olivier C. Haas (Coventry University, UK)
Homma (Tohoku Univeristy, Japan)
Zeng-Guang Hou (Chinese Academy of Science, China)
Jan Hrdlicka (
Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic)
Erdal Kayacan (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Witold Kinsner (University of Manitoba, Canada)
Jan Pitel (Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia)
Michael J. Schöning (University of Applied Sciences Aachen, Germany)
Ashu M. G. Solo (Maverick Technologies America, Inc., USA)
Basak Yüksel (
Arcelik R&D Center,Turkey)
to be completed

Additional Information


Accepted papers to IEEE CompSens 2013 should be original works that present achievements related to the merge of sensor technology and computational intelligence. Review papers and papers that fruitfully discuss issues and contribute to the cross-fertilization of the ST and CI fields are also welcome.