Internet is evolving toward an environment in which objects (sensors and various computing devices) interact in a seamless way. This is known nowadays as the Internet of Things (IoT). In this type of environment, sensors, wireless sensor networks, mobile devices, smart phones, personal computers, servers, RFID devices, home appliances, cars, health monitoring equipment, and many other daily objects communicate, exchange information, produce and combine knowledge, and provide the infrastructural support to create advanced services, dynamically adaptable to the changing user needs.
The IoT is a unifying framework in which sensing, computing, web technologies
and services, and human-computer interface converge and integrate each other,
enabling easy collaboration among the components and interaction with the
humans. The IoT requires therefore adaptive, evolving computational paradigms to
manage the sensor data, aggregate the information and extract the relevant
knowledge which need to be communicated in the network.
This workshop is directed to present and discuss theoretical foundations,
technology, design methodology, and applications of computational intelligence
for the IoT.
Papers are solicited on all aspects related to computational intelligence for
IoT, encompassing new computational paradigms, design methodologies, system
design, application cases, and experimental studies.
Topics include, but are not limited to, computational
intelligence for:
- sensor management and sensor networks in IoT
- energy management in IoT
- RFID management and applications in IoT
- data fusion and knowledge extraction in IoT
- communication and network management in IoT
- dependability and resilience in IoT
- security in IoT
- privacy in IoT
- biometrics in IoT
- activity scheduling in IoT
- human interfaces in IoT
- services in IoT
- web services for IoT
- context-aware environments in IoT
- applications in IoT
- performance and quality measurements in IoT
- monitoring and management of IoT systems
- design and optimization of the IoTPlease forward your proposals with detailed abstract and bio-sketches of the speakers to Symposium Co-Chairs and SSCI Keynote-Tutorial Chair, Dr S. Das.
Please forward your special session proposals to Symposium Co-Chairs.
Antonio Manzalini, TelecomItalia, Italy
Hussein Mouftah, University of Ottawa, Canada
Vincenzo Piuri, Università degli Studi di
Milano, Italy
Vincenzo Loia, Università di Salerno, Italy
Jianhua Ma, Hosei University, Japan
Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
Rui L. Aguiar, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Julien Bourgeois, UFC/FEMTO-ST Institute, France
Raouf Boutaba, University of Waterloo, Canada
Kwang-Cheng Chen, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Eugen Dedu, UFC/FEMTO-ST Institute, France
Erol Gelenbe, Imperial College London, UK
Hossam Hassanein, Queen's University, Canada
Brigitte Kervella, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France
Jaime Lloret Mauri, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Huansheng Ning, Beihang University, China
Jose Neuman De Souza, Federal University of Ceara, Brazil
Francoise Sailhan, Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers, France
John R. Williams, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Fatos Xhafa, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain
Feng Xia, Dalian University of Technology, China
Yan Zhang, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway