2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security
and Defense Applications
Given the current global security environment, there has been
increased interest within the security and defense communities in
novel techniques for solving challenging problems. The genesis of
this interest lies in the fact that repeated attempts of using
traditional techniques have left many important problems unsolved,
and in some cases, not addressed.
New problems have emerged within the broad areas of security and
defense that are difficult to tackle with conventional methods, thus
requiring new techniques for detecting and adapting to emerging
threats. The purpose of the symposium is to present current and
ongoing efforts in computational intelligence (e.g., neural
networks, fuzzy systems, evolutionary computation, swarm
intelligence, and other emerging learning or optimization
techniques) as applied to security and defense problems.
- A. Advanced Architectures for Defense Operations
- Multi-Sensor Data Fusion
- Employment of Autonomous Vehicles
- etc. Intelligence Gathering and Exploitation
- Mine Detection
- Situation Assessment
- Automatic Target Recognition
- Mission Weapon Pairing and Assignment
- Sensor Cueing and Tasking
- B. Modeling and Simulation of Defense Operations
- Logistics Support
- Mission Planning and Execution
- Resource Management
- Course of Action Generation
- Models for War Games
- Multi-Agent Based Scenarios
- Strategic and Tactical Planning
- Human Behavior Modeling
- Human Emotion Modeling
- Human Motion Modeling
- Mission Scheduling
- Serious Games
- C. Security Applications
- Video Surveillance
- Non-video surveillance methods
- Suspect Behavior Profiling
- Automated handling of dangerous situations or people in
a security application
- Stationary or Mobile Object Detection
- Stationary or Mobile Object Recognition
- Stationary or Mobile Object Classification
- Air Security
- Maritime Security
- Land Security
- Joint Security
- Network Security
- Biometrics Security
- Authentication Technologies
- D. Special Sessions
- Applied Computational Intelligence in Biometrics
- Military Operational Logistics Modeling and Simulation
- Adaptive Network Security and Management
- Advanced Information Systems, Intelligence Exploration
- Utilization, and Computer Architectures for Military and
- Applications
- Complex Systems Engineering: Defence and Security
- E. Other Security and Defence Applications
- F. Evolutionary Computation
- Ant colony optimization
- Artificial life
- Autonomous mental & behaviour development
- Coevolution & collective behaviour
- Cultural algorithms
- Differential evolution
- Dynamic & uncertain environments
- Evolving fuzzy systems
- Evolving neural networks
- Hybrid evolutionary algorithms
- Multi-objective optimization
- Swarm intelligence
- G. Adaptive Statistical Methods and Neural Netowrks
- Adaptive Dynamic Programming
- Reinforcement Learning
- Computational neuroscience
- Neuro-engineering
- Brain-machine interfaces
- Data mining
- Pattern recognition
- Time series analysis
- Hybrid neural-symbolic
- Hybrid neuro-fuzzy
- Hybrid neuro-evolutionary systems
- Bayesian models
- Statistical machine learning methods
- Support vector machines
- Kernel methods
- Supervised Learning methods
- Unsupervised Learning Methods
- Neural dynamics, complex systems, and chaos
- Hardware implementations of neural networks and related
- Expert systems
- Multi-agent systems
- H. Fuzzy Systems
- Fuzzy image, speech and signal processing
- Fuzzy control
- Fuzzy optimization and design
- Fuzzy decision analysis and support
- Fuzzy systems design, modeling, and identification
- Fuzzy clustering and classifiers
- Fuzzy information extraction and retrieval
- Fuzzy information fusion
- Fuzzy text mining
- Type-2 fuzzy sets
- Computing with words
- Granular computing
- Rough sets
- Fuzzy human computer interaction
- Multi-criteria decision making
- I. Other Computational Intelligence Methods
Keynote, Tutorial and Panel Sessions
Please forward your proposals with detailed abstract and bio-sketches of the
speakers to Symposium Co-Chairs and SSCI Keynote-Tutorial Chair, Dr S Das.
Special Sessions
Special Session Title:
Computational Intelligence in Unmanned
Aerial Vehicle
Special Session Organizer:Sundaram
Suresh, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Wang Jianliang, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
P. B. Sujit, University of Porto, Portugal
ejlwang@ntu.edu.sg, and
submit a paper to this session, please select "25s1" as the main
research topic)
Special Session Title:
Autonomy for sensor networks, communication networks, and cyber operations
Special Session Organizer:
Dr. Misty Blowers, Dr. Bryant Wysocki; Air Force Research Laboratory, Rome,
submit a paper to this session, please select "25s2" as the main research
Special Sessions
Please forward your special session proposals to Symposium Co-Chairs.
Symposium Chair
Akira Namatame, Japan
Symposium Program Co-Chairs
Nur Zincir-Heywood, Dalhousie University, Canada
Rami Abielmona, Larus Technologies, Canada
Program Committee
(to be announced)
Slawo Wesolkowski, DRDC, Canada