CIHLI 2013

2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Human-like Intelligence

Symposium organizers welcome papers related to accomplishing human-like intelligence by artificial systems. In many research domains the existing state-of-the-art CI solutions significantly differ from the human competence level. Even though it is generally not clear whether human-like approach would show its upper-hand over existing methods, the exploration of this research path seems to be advantageous and challenging.

The main goal of this symposium is to promote and advance research activities related to all facets of human-like intelligence. The organizers encourage submission of the papers describing application of  various Computational Intelligence paradigms  including neural networks, genetic / memetic computing, fuzzy logic, machine learning, reinforcement learning techniques to human-like knowledge acquisition and representation and human-like problem solving.

HLI Topics

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

·         problem solving based on intuition, creativity, insight, curiosity and imagination;

·         chunk-based representations and the use of geometrical properties in problem solving,

·         hierarchical knowledge representation,

·         the role of motivation in autonomous behavior,

·         guiding role of emotions in discovery;

·         machine consciousness,

·         lifelong learning, transfer learning and multitask learning,

·         cognitively-plausible architectures and systems.

Keynote, Tutorial and Panel Sessions

Please forward your proposals with detailed abstract and bio-sketches of the speakers to Symposium Co-Chairs and SSCI Keynote-Tutorial Chair, Dr S Das.

Accepted Special Sessions

The "Complexity Brake," a Real or Imaginary Challenge to Human Level Machine Intelligence?, Organizer: Dr Stephen Thaler, Imagination Engines, Inc., USA ( (To submit a paper to this session, please select "18s1" as the main research topic)

General Intelligence in Embodied Agents, Dr Ben Goertzel, Novamente LLC and Hong Kong Polytechnic University, ( (To submit a paper to this session, please select "18s2" as the main research topic)


Special Sessions

Please forward your special session proposals to Symposium Co-Chairs.

Symposium Co-Chairs

Jacek Mańdziuk
Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

Włodzisław Duch
Nicolaus Compernicus University, Poland

Program Committee (tentative)

Igor Aleksander - Imperial College, Great Britain

Itamar Arel - University of Tennessee, USA

Mark Bishop – University of London, Great Britain 

Peter Boltuc - University of Illinois at Springfield, USA

Vadim Bulitko – University of Alberta, Canada

Sung Bae Cho – Yonsei University, Korea

David B. Fogel - Natural Selection, Inc., USA

Stan Franklin - University of Memphis, USA

Ben Goertzel – Novamente LLC, USA

Janusz Kacprzyk – Polish Academy of Science, Poland

Nikola Kasabov -  Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand

Luis C. Lamb - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Giuseppe Lo Re - University of Palermo, Italy

Bob McKay – Seoul National University, Korea

Yew Soon Ong – Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Giovanni Pilato – Institute for High Performance Computing and Networking ICAR, Italy

Michał Ptaszyński - Hokkai-Gakuen University, Japan

James A. Reggia – University of Maryland, USA

Leszek Rutkowski – Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland

Juergen Schmidhuber – Univesity of Lugano, Switzerland

J. Ignacio Serano – Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain
Hava Siegelmann - University of Massachusetts, USA
Janusz Starzyk – Ohio University, USA

Kay Chen Tan – National University of Singapore, Singapore

Ah-Hwee Tan - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Stephen Thaler – Imagination Engines, Inc., USA

Kristinn Thorisson – Reykjavik University, Iceland

Lipo Wang - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Pei Wang - Temple University, USA

Roseli Wedemann – State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil