Developments in Engineering are characterized by a
growing complexity, which is balanced by an extensive utilization of
computational resources. This complexity is not only a feature of engineering
systems, processes and products, it is primarily a key attribute of the
respective algorithms for analysis, control and decision-making to develop those
engineering solutions. To cope with complexity in this broad spectrum of
demands, Computational Intelligence is implemented increasingly in virtually all
engineering disciplines. This emerging approach provides a basis for
developments of a new quality.
This Symposium is focused on the utilization of
Computational Intelligence in this context in the entire field of engineering.
Examples concern the control of processes of various kinds and for various
purposes, monitoring with sensors, smart sensing, system identification,
decision-support and assistance systems, visualization methods, prediction
schemes, the solution of classification problems, response surface
approximations, the formulation of surrogate models, etc. The engineering
application fields may comprise, for example, bioengineering with prostheses
design and control, civil and mechanical engineering processes, systems and
structures concerned with vehicles, aircraft or bridges, industrial and systems
engineering with design and control of power systems, electrical and computer
engineering with developments in robotics, etc. All kinds of approaches from the
field of Computational Intelligence are welcome.
As a part of the Symposium
special attention is paid to sustainable engineering solutions to address
current and future challenges of environmental changes and uncertainty. This
includes developments dealing with climate change, environmental processes,
disaster warning and management, infrastructure security, lifecycle analysis and
design, etc. Events, disasters and issues under consideration may be natural
such as earthquakes or tsunamis, man-made such as human failure or terrorist
attacks, or a combination thereof including secondary effects such as failures
in nuclear power plants, which may be critical for systems, the environment and
the society. Developments which include a comprehensive consideration of
uncertainty and techniques of reliable computing are explicitly invited. These
may involve probabilistic including Bayesian approaches, interval methods, fuzzy
methods, imprecise probabilities and further concepts. In this context robust
design is of particular interest with all its facets as a basic concept to
develop sustainable engineering solutions.
The symposium topics include, but are not limited to:
Please forward your proposals with detailed abstract and bio-sketches of the speakers to Symposium Co-Chairs and SSCI Keynote-Tutorial Chair, Dr S Das.
"COMPUTATIONAL METHODS FOR ELECTRIC VEHICLES" organized by Aldo Sorniotti, University of Surrey, UK ( & Valentin Ivanov, Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany ( (To submit a paper to this session, please select "15s1" as the main research topic)
(Please forward your special session proposals to Symposium Co-Chairs.)
Michael Beer, University of
Liverpool, UK
Vladik Kreinovich, The
University of Texas at El Paso, TX, USA
Rudolf Kruse, University of
Magdeburg, Germany
Hojjat Adeli, The Ohio
State University, USA
James L. Beck, California
Institute of Technology, USA
Oscar Castillo, Tijuana
Institute of Technology, Mexico
Chang Che Sau, National
University of Singapore, Singapore
Dimitar P. Filev, Ford
Motor Company, USA
Michael Fisher, University
of Liverpool, UK
Hitoshi Furuta, Kansai
University, Japan
Wolfgang Graf, Dresden
University of Technology, Germany
Jorge E. Hurtado, National
University of Colombia, Colombia
Lambros S. Katafygiotis,
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong, China
Valentin Ivanov, Ilmenau
University of Technology, Germany
Kevin S.C. Kuang, National
University of Singapore, Singapore
Tenreiro Machado,
Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal
Ralf Mikut, University of
Karlsruhe, Germany
Paluri S. V. Nataraj,
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
Detlef Nauck, British
Telecom, UK
Quek Ser Tong, National
University of Singapore, Singapore
Thomas Runkler, Siemens AG,
Tai Kang, Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore
Enrico Zio, Polytechnic of
Milan, Italy