CIDM 2013

2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining

2013  IEEE Symposium  on  Computational Intelligence  and Data  Mining  (IEEE  CIDM  2013)  will  bring  together  scientists,  engineers  and students from around  the world to discuss the  latest advances in the field  of computational  intelligence applied  to issues  in  data and process  mining.  This  conference   will  provide  a  forum  for  the presentation   of   recent   results   in  data   mining   algorithms, applications, software and data and process mining systems.


Some  of  the topics  covered  include  applications of  computational  intelligence technologies,  such as neural  networks, graphical models and  fuzzy  systems for  data  modeling  and  data understanding,  new approaches  for  handling  uncertainty, evolutionary  computation  and other  emerging optimization  techniques in  the following  or similar areas:

  •  CI/probabilistic/statistical and other methods
  •  Data understanding, rule extraction, logical models
  •  Feature extraction, selection, aggregation, construction
  •  Multimedia data mining, recognition and interpretation of image and video sequences
  •  Mining of signals and data streams
  •  Mining spatial and spatio-temporal data
  •  Mining of very large datasets, scalability
  •  Text, graph and web mining
  •  Meta-learning, predictive data mining
  •  Visual data mining
  •  Process Mining
  •  Medical Data Analysis
  •  Case studies
  •  Applications  to biometrics,  biomedicine, chemistry,  drug design,  e-commerce,   engineering,   finance   and   marketing   research,  intelligence,  industry, remote  sensing, scientific  data mining,  security, sensory networks and others.

Accepted Special Sessions

Title: Interpretable systems in machine learning, data analysis, and visualization
rganizers: Michael Biehl , Fabrice Rossi
(To submit a paper to this session, please select "12s2" as the main research topic)


Title: Process Mining

Organizers: Andrea Burattin, Fabrizio M. Maggi

(To submit a paper to this session, please select "12s3" as the main research topic)


Title: Data Mining in Industrial Applications

Organizers: Yi Lu Murphey, Mahmoud Abou-Nasr, Steven E. Muldoon, Hafiz Malik, Zhiwei Xu

(To submit a paper to this session, please select "12s4" as the main research topic)


Call for Keynote, Tutorial and Panel Session Proposals

Please forward your proposals with detailed abstract and bio-sketches of the speakers to Symposium Co-Chairs and SSCI Keynote-Tutorial Chair, Dr S. Das.

Call for Special Session Proposals

Please forward your special session proposals to Symposium Co-Chairs.

Symposium Co-Chairs

Barbara Hammer, Bielefeld University, Germany
Zhi-Hua Zhou, Nanjing University, China
Lipo Wang, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Nitesh Chawla, University of Notre Dame, USA

Program Committee

Hussein Abbass, Australia Defence Force Academy, Australia
Michael Aupetit, CEA LIST, France
Monica Bianchini, University of Siena, Italy
Michael Biehl, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Jonathan Chan, KMUTT, Thailand
Shu-Ching Chen, Florida International University, USA
Songcan Chen, NUAA, China
Sung-Bae Cho, Yongsei University, Korea
Seungjin Choi, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea
Jose Alfredo F Costa, Federal University at RN State, Brazil
Sven F. Crone, Lancaster University Management School, UK
Hai-Bin Duan, Beihang University, China
Mark Embrechts, RPI, USA

Ugo Erra, University of Basilicata, Italy

Floriana Esposito, University of Bari, Italy
Colin Fyfe, University of Glasgow, UK
Yang Gao, Nanjing University, China
Larry Hall, University of South Florida, USA
Haibo He, Univ. Rhode Island, USA
Xiaofei He, Zhejiang University, China
Francisco Herrera, University of Granada, Spain
Tom Heskes, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Cao Tru Hoang, Ho Chi Minh City Univ Tech., Vietnam
Joshua Huang, CAS Shenzhen, China
Xiaodi Huang, Charles Sturt University, Australia
Eyke Huellermeier, Uni-Marburg, Germany
Johannes Jain, Berlin University of Technology, Germany
Janusz Kacprzyk, Polish Academy of Science, Poland
Mehmed Kantardzic, University of Louisvill, USA
Nikola Kasabov, AUT University, New Zealand
Philip Kegelmeyer, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Tamara Kolda, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
James Kwok, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong
Wai Lam, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Vincent C S Lee, Monash University, Australia
Yuh-Jye Lee, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
John A. Lee, Universite Catholique du Louvain, Belgium
Philippe Lenca, Telecom Bretagne, France
Ming Li, Nanjing University, China
Tianrui Li, Southwest University, China
Guozheng Li, Tongji University, China
Xue Li, University of Queensland, Australia
Xiaolin Li, Nanjing University, China
Shou-De Lin, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Paulo Lisboa, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Xu-Ying Liu, Southeast University, China
Baoding Liu, Tsinghua University, China
Ying Liu, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
Erzsebet Merenyi, Rice University Houston, USA
Alessio Micheli, University of Pisa, Italy
Ian Nabney, Aston University, UK
Oliver Obst, CSIRO ICT Centre Sydney, Australia
Rong Pan, Zhongshan University, China
Jose M. Pena, Univ. Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
Martin Riedmiller, University of Fribourg, Germany
Fabio Roli, University of Cagliari, Italy
Fabrice Rossi, University Paris 1, France
Ulrich Rueckert, Bielefeld University, Germany
Joseph Rynkiewicz, University Paris 1, France
Isaam Saeed, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Benjamin Schrauwen, University of Gent, Belgium
Friedhelm Schwenker, University of Ulm, Germany
Udo Seiffert, Fraunhofer-Institut IFF Magdeburg, Germany
Diego Sona, NI Lab Fondazione Bruno Kessler Trento, Italy
Yangqiu Song, Microsoft, China
Alessandro Sperduti, University of Padova, Italy
Ashok Srivastava, NASA, USA
Jochen Steil, Bielefeld University, Germany
Karsten Steinhaeuser, University of Minnesota, USA
Mu-Chun Su, National Central University, Taiwan
Changyin Sun, Southeast University, China
Johan Suykens, K. U. Leuven University, Belgium
Ryszard Tadeusiewicz, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Roberto Tagliaferri, University of Salerno, Italy
Peter Tino, University of Birmingham, UK
Dat Tran, University of Canberra, Australia
Vincent Tseng, National Cheng Kong University, Taiwan
Laurens van der Maaten, Delft University, The Netherlands
Sebastian Ventura, University of Cordoba, Spain
Michel Verleysen, Universite Louvain la Neuve, Belgium
Brijesh Verma, Central Queensland University, Australia
Hifeng Wang, Baidu, China
Hao Wang, St Francis Xavier University, Canada
Michal Wozniak, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Hui Xiong, Rutgers University, USA
Hujun Yin, University of Manchester, UK
Yang Yu, Nanjing University, China
Xiaoqin Zeng, HoHai University, China
Du Zhang, California State Univ at Sacramento, USA
Yanqing Zhang, Georgia State University, USA
Junping Zhang, Fudan University, China
Changshui Zhang, Tsinghua University, China
Mengjie Zhang, Victoria Univ Wellington, New Zealand
Min-Ling Zhang, Southeast University, China
Xinquan Zhu, Technology University Sydney, Australia
Fan Wang,  Microsoft Research, USA