2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Control and
The purpose of the IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence
in Control and Automation (CICA 2013) is to bring together
researchers, engineers, practitioners, and students from around the
world to discuss the latest advances in the theory and application
of computational intelligence in control and automation.
Topics covered include theories and applications of computational
intelligence technologies, such as neural networks, fuzzy systems,
evolutionary computation, and other emerging techniques in the
following areas (but not limited to):
- Control and Decision
- Neural Networks Control
- Fuzzy Systems and Control
- Evolutionary Control
- Intelligent and AI Based Control
- Model-Predictive Control
- Adaptive and Optimal Control
- Large-scale Systems and Decentralized Control
- Intelligent Control Systems
- Industrial Automations
- Intelligent Decision Making and Support
- Expert and Decision Support Systems
- System Modeling and Learning
- System Identification and Learning
- Fault Detection and Diagnosis
- Complex System Modelling
- Dynamic Systems Modeling
- Time Series and System Modeling
- Hybrid Control
- Fuzzy Evolutionary Systems and Control
- Fuzzy Neural Systems and Control
- Neural Genetic Systems and Control
- Hybrid Intelligent Control
- Hierarchical Systems and Control
- Granular Computing and Control
- Applications of Control and Automation
- Energy and Power Systems
- Robotics
- Manufacturing Systems
- Transportation Systems
- Medical and Health Care Systems
- Rehabilitation Systems
- Socio-economical Systems
- Environmental Systems
- Communication Networks and Protocol
Keynote, Tutorial and Panel Sessions
Please forward your proposals with detailed abstract and bio-sketches of the
speakers to Symposium Chair and SSCI Keynote-Tutorial Chair, Dr S. Das.
Special Sessions
Please forward your special session proposals to Symposium Chair.
Symposium Chair
Xiao-Jun Zeng, University of Manchester, UK
Program Committee
- Ivo Bukovský, Departmentof Instrumentation and Control
Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical
University in Prague, Czech Republic.
- Oscar Castillo, Tijuana Institute of Technology, Tijuana,
- Yuehui Chen, School of Information Science and Engineering
University of Jinan, Jinan, China
- Joao Miguel da Costa Sousa, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
- Mariagrazia Dotoli, Department of Electrotechnical and
Electronic Engineering, Politecnico di Bari, Italy
- Meng Joo Er, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- John Q. Gan, Department of Computer Science, University of
Essex, Colchester, U.K.
- Kevin Guelton, Research Center for Information and
Communication Sciences and Technology University of de Reims
Champagne-Ardenne, France
- Haibo He, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Stevens Institute of Technology Hoboken, NJ, USA
- Hak-Keung Lam, Division of Engineering, King's College
London, London, U.K.
- Fusaomi Nagata, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo
University of Science, Japan
- Ying Tan, Department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
- Tan Woei Wan, Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
- Di Wang, Department of Computing Science and Mathematics,
University of Stirling, U.K.
- Hua-Liang Wei, Department of Automatic Control and Systems
Engineering, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, U.K.
- Hao Ying, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA
- Wen Yu, Departamento de Control Automatico, CINVESTAV-IPN,
Mexico D.F., Mexico
- Tiejun Zhang, Center for Automation Technologies and
Systems, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY, USA.