Adaptive (or Approximate) dynamic programming (ADP) is a general and effective approach for solving optimal control problems by adapting to uncertain environments over time. ADP optimizes a user-defined cost function with respect to an adaptive control law, conditioned on prior knowledge of the system, and its state, in the presence of system uncertainties. A numerical search over the present value of the control minimizes a nonlinear cost function forward-in-time providing a basis for real-time, approximate optimal control. The ability to improve performance over time subject to new or unexplored objectives or dynamics has made ADP an attractive approach in a number of application domains including optimal control and estimation, operation research, and computational intelligence. ADP is viewed as a form of reinforcement learning based on an actor-critic architecture that optimizes a user-prescribed value online and obtains the resulting optimal control policy.
Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms learn to optimize an agent by letting it interact with an environment and learn from its received feedback. The goal of the agent is to optimize its accumulated reward over time, and for this it estimates value functions that predict its future reward intake when executing a particular policy. Reinforcement learning techniques can be combined with many different function approximators and do not assume any a priori knowledge about the environment. An important aspect in RL is that an agent has to explore parts of the environment it does not know well, while at the same time it has to exploit its knowledge to maximize its reward intake. RL techniques have already been applied successfully for many problems such as controlling robots, game playing, elevator control, network routing, and traffic light optimization.
The symposium topics include, but are not limited to:
Please forward your proposals with detailed abstract and bio-sketches of the speakers to Symposium Co-Chairs and SSCI Keynote-Tutorial Chair, Dr S Das.
Special Session 1:
Online planning
Lucian Busoniu
[ ]
Rémi Munos
submit a paper to this session, please select "01s1" as the main
research topic)
Special Session 2: Evolutionary Algorithms for ADPRL
Hisashi Handa
[ ]
& Kazuhiro Ohkura
submit a paper to this session, please select "01s2" as the main
research topic)
Special Session 3:
Based Adaptive Dynamic Programming: Algorithms and Applications
Yanhong Luo,
[ ], Qinglai
Zengguang Hou
submit a paper to this session, please select "01s3" as the main
research topic)
Please forward your special session proposals to Symposium Co-Chairs.
Marco Wiering, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Jagannathan Sarangapani, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
Huaguang Zhang, Northeastern University, China
Robert Babuska | Delft University of Technology, Netherlands |
El-Sayed Mohamed El-Alfy | King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia |
Abhijit Gosavi | Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA |
Frank L. Lewis | University of Texas at Arlington, USA |
Haibo He | University of Rhode Island, USA |
Warren Powell | Princeton University, USA |
Jennie Si | Arizona State University, USA |
Danil Prokhorov | Toyota Technical Center, USA |
Shimon Whiteson | University of Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Charles W. Anderson | Colorado State University, USA |
Matteo Gagliolo | Vrije Universiteit Brussel,
Belgium |
Hisashi Handa | Okayama University, Japan |
Dong-Bin Zhao | Chinese Academy of Sciences, China |
Kazuhiro Ohkura | Hiroshima University, Japan |
Damien Ernst | University of Liege, Belgium |
Lucian Busoniu | University of Lorraine, France |
Zhong-Ping Jiang | Polytechnic Institute of NYU, USA |
Marcus Hutter | Australian National University, Australia |
Yasutake TAKAHASHI | University of Fukui, Japan |
Derong Liu | University of Illinois Chicago, USA |
Koichi Moriyama | Osaka University, Japan |
Emo Todorov | University of Washington,USA |
Yanhong Luo | Northeastern University, China |
Wen Yu | CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico |
Ann Nowé | Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium |
Zeng-Guang Hou | Chinese Academy of Sciences, China |
Rémi Munos | INRIA Lille - Nord Europe, France |
Draguna Vrabie | United Technologies Research Center, USA |
Xin Xu | National University of Defense Technology, China |
Yan Zhao | Shenyang Institute of Engineering, China |
Dedong Yang | Hebei University of Technology |
Tiedong Ma | Chongqing University, China |
Xin Zhang | Northeastern University, China |
Raphael Fonteneau | University of Liege, Belgium |
Antonios Tsourdos | Defence Academy of the United Kingdom |
Mingcong Deng | Tokyo University, Japan |
Hossein Javaherian | General motors Warren, USA |
Martijn van Otterlo | Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands |
Harm van Seijen | University of Alberta, Canada |
Hado van Hasselt | CWI Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Marc Deisenroth | University of Washington,USA |
Gerhard Neuman | Technical University Darmstadt, Germany |
Abdeslam Boularias | Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems Tübingen, Germany |
Frans Oliehoek | University of Maastricht. Netherlands |
Nikos Vlassis | University of Luxembourg |
Matthijs Spaan | Delft University of Technology, Netherlands |
Martin Riedmiller | University of Freiburg, Germany |
Thomas Gabel | University of Freiburg, Germany |
Todd Hester | University of Austin, Texas, USA |
Karl Tuyls | University of Maastricht. Netherlands |
Istvan Szita | Google. Switzerland |
Shahab Mehraeen | Louisiana State University |
Travis Dierks | DRS Technologies, St. Louis |
Kyriakos Vamvoudakis | University of California |
Guang-Bin Huang | Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
Jian Fu | Wuhan University of Technology, China |
Zhanshan Wang | Northeastern University, China |
Qinglai Wei | Chinese Academy of Sciences, China |
Chunbin Qin | Henan University, China |
Itamar Arel | University of Tennessee, USA |