Invitation to Review Journal Manuscripts

I have been invited by the following journals to review submitted manuscript(s):


  1. ACM Computing Surveys

  2. ACM T. on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems

  3. Acta Applicanda Mathematicae

  4. AI Communications

  5. AIEDAM: Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing

  6. Amino Acids

  7. Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing

  8. Applied Mathematical Modelling

  9. Applied Mathematics & Computation

  10. Applied Soft Computing

  11. Automatica

  12. Biochimie

  13. Bioinformatics

  14. Biosystems

  15. BMC Bioinformatics

  16. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis

  17. Computational Optimization and Applications

  18. Computers & Electrical Engineering

  19. Computers & Industrial Engineering

  20. Computers and Mathematics with Applications

  21. Data & Knowledge Engineering

  22. Digital Signal Processing

  23. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society

  24. Energy Conversion and Management

  25. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence

  26. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine

  27. Engineering Optimization

  28. Evolutionary Computation Journal, MIT Press

  29. EURASIP J – Applications of Signal Processing

  30. European Journal of Industrial Engineering

  31. European Journal of Operational Research

  32. Frontiers of Computer Science in China 

  33. Image and Vision Computing

  34. Information Sciences

  35. Information Technology Research Journal

  36. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters

  37. IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine

  38. IEEE Power Engineering Letters

  39. IEEE Sensors Journal

  40. IEEE Systems Journal

  41. IEEE T. on Automation Science and Engineering

  42. IEEE T. on Circuits and Systems I

  43. IEEE T. on Control Systems Technology

  44. IEEE T. on Evolutionary Computation

  45. IEEE T. on Fuzzy Systems

  46. IEEE T. on Knowledge and Data Engineering

  47. IEEE T. on Nanobioscience

  48. IEEE T. on Neural Networks

  49. IEEE T. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

  50. IEEE T. on Signal Processing

  51. IEEE T. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics A

  52. IEEE T. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics B

  53. IEEE T. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics C

  54. IEEE/ACM T. on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

  55. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution

  56. Int J of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing

  57. Int. J. Advances in Structural Engineering

  58. Int. J. of Antennas and Propagation

  59. Int. J. of Bio-Inspired Computation

  60. Int. J. of Computational Intelligence Research

  61. Int. J. of Computational Science and Engineering

  62. Int. J. of Electronics and Communications

  63. Int. J. of Electrical Power and Energy Systems

  64. Int. J. for Human-Computer Studies

  65. Int. J. of Machine Learning and Cybernetics

  66. Int. J. of Metaheuristics

  67. Int.  J. of Modelling, Identification and Control

  68. International Journal of Molecular Sciences

  69. Int. J of Neural Systems

  70. Int. J for Numerical Methods in Engineering

  71. Int. J. of Production Economics

  72. Int. J. of Production Research

  73. Int. J. of System Science

  74. Int. J of Technology Management

  75. J. of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics

  76. J. of Artificial Evolution and Applications

  77. J. of Computational and Graphical Statistics

  78. J. of Biomechanics

  79. J. of Computer Science and Technology

  80. J.  of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research (JEEER)

  81. J. of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications (JEMWA)

  82. J. of Electronic Imaging

  83. J. of Global Optimization

  84. J. of Heuristics

  85. J of Industrial and Management Optimization

  86. J. of the Institute of Engineers, Singapore

  87. J. of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems.

  88. J. of Internet and Information Systems

  89. J. of Mathematical Imaging and Vision

  90. J. of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms

  91. J. of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis

  92. J. of the Operational Research Society

  93. J. of Supercomputing

  94. J. of Theoretical Biology

  95. J. of Zhejiang University- Science A

  96. Knowledge-Based Systems

  97. Mathematical Problems in Engineering

  98. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation

  99. Modelling and Simulation in Engineering

  100. Molecular Diversity

  101. Neural Computing & Applications

  102. Neural Computation

  103. Neural Networks

  104. Neurocomputing

  105. Pattern Analysis and Applications

  106. Pattern Recognition

  107. Pattern Recognition letters

  108. Proc. of Inst. of Mechanical Engineers, Part G, J. of Aerospace Engineering

  109. Progress in Electromagnetic Research

  110. Optical Engineering

  111. Optics Express

  112. Optimization and Engineering

  113. Optimization Letters

  114. Scientific Research and Essays

  115. Sensors

  116. Soft Computing

  117. South African Computer Journal

  118. South African Journal of Science

  119. The Computer Journal

  120. Theoretical Computer Science

  121. and several others ...