Special Session and Competition
on Real Parameter Single Objective Optimization @ CEC-13,
20th-23th June 2013
objective optimization algorithms are the basis of the more complex optimization
algorithms such as multiobjective optimizations algorithms, niching algorithms,
constrained optimization algorithms and so on. Research on the single objective
optimization algorithms influence the development of these optimization branches
mentioned above. In the recent years various kinds of novel optimization
algorithms have been proposed to solve real-parameter optimization problems.
Eight years have passed since the CEC’05 Special Session on Real-Parameter
Optimization. Considering the comments on the CEC’05 test suite received by us,
we propose to organize a new competition on real parameter single objective
optimization. In the CEC’13 test suite, the previously proposed composition
functions are improved and additional test functions are included.
This special session is devoted to the approaches, algorithms and techniques for
solving real parameter single objective optimization without knowing the exact
equations of the test functions. We encourage all researchers to test their
algorithms on the CEC’13 test suite which includes 28 benchmark functions. The
participants are required to send the final results in the format specified in
the technical report to the organizers. The organizers will present an
overall analysis and comparison based on these results. We will also use
statistical tests on convergence performance to compare algorithms that
eventually generate similar final solutions. Papers on novel concepts that help
us in understanding problem characteristics are also welcome.
For the CEC 2013 submission, it is sufficient to include only 10D, 30D and 50D problems. Results of 10D and 30D problems are acceptable for the first review submission. However, 50D should also be included in the final version. Thus final results in the format introduced in the report should be zipped and sent to the organizers after the final version of the paper is submitted. Please Notice, that in this competition, error values smaller than 10^-8 will be taken as zero.
You can download the C and Matlab codes for CEC’13 test suite from the website
given below:
We now invite you give your feedback on the test suite and would like to know if
you would be willing to participate in this exercise. Please could you kindly
send an email to the organizers with the following details?
Preferred email:
I am interested in participating in this special session: Yes/No
My preferred procedure for real-parameter optimization:
GA/ES/DE/PSO/EP/SA/TS/QN/ Others (please specify):
If you know of researchers who might be interested in making contribution(s),
please kindly provide names/email addresses.
Thank you.
Special Session Organizers:
A/Prof. J. J. Liang (liangjing@zzu.edu.cn)
Dr. B-Y Qu (e070088@e.ntu.edu.sg )
A/Prof. P. N. Suganthan (epnsugan@ntu.edu.sg
Important Dates:
Initial Submission:
Mar 15,2013
Notification of Acceptance: April 22, 2013
Final Paper Submission:
May 06, 2013
Paper submission:
For submission information please visit:
All accepted papers will be published in the CEC electronic proceedings and
included in the IEEE Xplore digital library, and indexed by EI Compendex,
Scopus, SCI proceedings, etc.
Please Note:
When submitting, please make sure
you select "Real Parameter Single Objective Optimization" as the "Main
Research Topic".