- "The Java Tutorial - Generics" (JDK 8) @
- "The Java Tutorial - Generics" by Gilad Bracha (JDK 8) @
- "Java Generics FAQs" by Angelika Langer @
- "The Java Tutorial - Collections" @
JDK 5 introduces generics, which supports abstraction over types (or parameterized types) on classes and methods. The class or method designers can be generic about types in the definition, while the users are to provide the specific types (actual type) during the object instantiation or method invocation.
You are certainly familiar with passing arguments into methods. You place the arguments inside the round bracket ()
and pass them into the method. In generics, instead of passing arguments, we pass type information inside the angle brackets <>
The primary usage of generics is to abstract over types for the Collection Framework.
Before discussing generics, we need to introduce these related new Java language features introduced in JDK 5:
- Auto-Boxing and Auto-Unboxing between primitives and their wrapper objects.
- Enhanced for-each loop.
Auto-Boxing/Unboxing between Primitives and their Wrapper Objects (JDK 5)
A Java Collection
(such as List
and Set
) contains only objects. It cannot holds primitives (such as int
and double
). On the other hand, arrays can hold primitives and objects, but they are not resizable. To put a primitive into a Collection
(such as ArrayList
), you have to wrap the primitive into an object using the corresponding primitive wrapper class as shown below:

Prior to JDK 5, you need to explicitly wrap a primitive value into an object and unwrap the primitive value from the wrapper object, for example,
// Pre-JDK 5 Integer intObj = new Integer(5566); // wrap an int to Integer by constructing an instance of Integer int i = intObj.intValue(); // unwrap Integer to int Double doubleObj = new Double(55.66); // wrap double to Double double d = doubleObj.doubleValue(); // unwrap Double to double
The pre-JDK 5 approach involves quite a bit of codes to do the wrapping and unwrapping. JDK 5 introduces a new feature called auto-boxing and auto-unboxing to resolve this problem, by delegating the compiler to do the job. For example,
// JDK 5 Integer intObj = 5566; // auto-box from int to Integer by the compiler int i = intObj; // auto-unbox from Integer to int by the compiler Double doubleObj = 55.66; // auto-box from double to Double double d = doubleObj; // auto-unbox from Double to double
Primitive Wrapper Objects, Like Strings, are Immutable!
For example,
public class PrimitiveWrapperImmutableTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Integer iObj = 123; // auto-box System.out.println(Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(iObj))); // Print reference //36baf30c iObj += 1; // a new Integer object is created and assigned to i System.out.println(iObj); //124 System.out.println(Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(iObj))); //7a81197d (different reference!) // This is similar to the immutable String String str = "hello"; System.out.println(Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(str))); //5ca881b5 str += "world"; System.out.println(str); //helloworld System.out.println(Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(str))); //7adf9f5f } }
Enhanced for-each Loop (JDK 5)
JDK 5 also introduces a new for-each loop, which you can use to traverse through all the elements of an array or a Collection
The syntax is as follows. You should read as for each element in the collection/array.
for ( type item : array_collection ) { body ; }
For example,
import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; public class J5ForEachLoopTest { public static void main(String[] args) { // Use for-each loop on Array int[] numArray = {11, 22, 33}; for (int num : numArray) System.out.println(num); //11 //22 //33 // Same as: for (int idx = 0; idx < numArray.length; ++idx) System.out.println(numArray[idx]); // Use for-each loop on Collection List<String> coffeeLst = new ArrayList<>(); coffeeLst.add("espresso"); coffeeLst.add("latte"); for (String coffee : coffeeLst) System.out.println(coffee.toUpperCase()); //ESPRESSO //LATTE } }
Can you modify the Array/Collection via Enhanced for-each Loop?
For primitive arrays, the for-each loop's local variable clones a value for each item and, hence, you cannot modify the original array. (A Collection
cannot hold primitives.) For example,
import java.util.Arrays; public class ForEachLoopPrimitiveTest { public static void main(String[] args) { // Using for-each loop on an array of primitive (e.g., int[]) int[] iArray = {11, 22, 33}; for (int item : iArray) { System.out.print(item + " "); item += 99; // try changing } //11 22 33 System.out.println(Arrays.toString(iArray)); //[11, 22, 33] (no change) // You need to use the traditional for-loop to modify the array for (int i = 0; i < iArray.length; ++i) { iArray[i] += 99; } System.out.println(Arrays.toString(iArray)); //[110, 121, 132] (changed!) } }
For object arrays or Collection
s, an object reference is passed to the loop's local variable, you can modify the object via this reference. For example,
import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Arrays; class MyMutableInteger { private int value; // private variable, mutable via setter public MyMutableInteger(int value) { this.value = value; } // constructor public String toString() { return "MyMutableInteger[value=" + value + "]"; } public void setValue(int value) { this.value = value; } // setter } public class ForEachLoopMutableObjectTest { public static void main(String[] args) { // Using for-each loop on an array of primitive (e.g., int[]) MyMutableInteger[] iArray = {new MyMutableInteger(11), new MyMutableInteger(22)}; for (MyMutableInteger item : iArray) { System.out.println(item); item.setValue(99); // try changing via setter } //MyMutableInteger[value=11] //MyMutableInteger[value=22] System.out.println(Arrays.toString(iArray)); //[MyMutableInteger[value=99], MyMutableInteger[value=99]] (changed!) } }
However, for immutable object arrays and Collection
s (such as String
and Integer
), you cannot modify the contents, as new objects were created and assigned to the reference. For example,
import java.util.Arrays; public class ForEachLoopImmutableObjectTest { public static void main(String[] args) { // Using for-each loop on an array of immutable objects (such as String[]) String[] sArray = {"dog", "cat", "turtle"}; for (String item : sArray) { System.out.print(item + " "); item += "hello"; // a new String is created as Strings are immutable } //dog cat turtle System.out.println(Arrays.toString(sArray)); //[dog, cat, turtle] (no change) } }
A Brief Summary of Inheritance, Polymorphism and Type Casting
The following rules applied to inheritance substitution and polymorphism:
- A reference
of classC
accepts instances ofC
. It also accepts instances ofC
's subtypes (saysCSub
), which is known as substitution. This is becauseCSub
inherits all attributes and behaviors ofC
, and hence, can act asC
. - Once substituted, you can only invoke methods defined in
, notCSub
, sincec
is a reference ofC
. - If
overrides a methodm
of the supertypeC
, thenc.m()
runs the overridden version in the subtypeCSub
, not theC
's version.
The following rules applied to type casting:
- Casting from subtype up to supertype (up casting) is type-safe, and does not require an explicit type casting operator.
- Casting from supertype down to subtype (down casting) is NOT type-safe, and requires an explicit type casting operator.
For example,
class C1 { public void sayHello() { System.out.println("C1 runs sayHello()"); } public void methodC1() { System.out.println("C1 runs methodC1()"); } } class C2 extends C1 { // C2 is a subclass of C1 @Override public void sayHello() { System.out.println("C2 runs overridden sayHello()"); } public void methodC2() { System.out.println("C2 runs methodC2()"); } } public class PolymorphismTest { public static void main(String[] args) { // Substitution: Reference to C1 can accept instance of C1 and its subclasses C1 c1Ref = new C2(); // substituted with C1 subclass' instance c1Ref.methodC1(); //C1 runs methodC1() //c1Ref.methodC2(); // CANNOT reference subclass method //error: cannot find symbol // Polymorphism: run the overridden version c1Ref.sayHello(); //C2 runs overridden sayHello() // Upcasting is type-safe, does not require explicit type cast operator C1 c1Ref2 = new C2(); // Downcasting is NOT type-safe, require explicit type cast operator C2 c2Ref = (C2)c1Ref2; //C2 c2Ref = c1Ref2; //error: incompatible types: C1 cannot be converted to C2 } }
Introduction to Generics by Examples (JDK 5)
This section gives some examples on working with generics, meant for experienced programmers to get a quick review. For novices, start with the next section.
Example 1: Using Generic Collection: List<E> and ArrayList<E>
The class java.util.ArrayList<E>
is designed (by the class designer) to take a generics type <E>
as follows:
public class ArrayList<E> implements List<E> ... { public boolean add(E e) public void add(int index, E element) public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) public boolean addAll(int index, Collection<? extends E> c) public E get(int index) public E remove(int index) ....... }
To construct an instance of an ArrayList<E>
, we need to provide the actual type for E
. The actual type provided will then substitute all references to E
inside the class. For example,
import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; public class GenericArrayListTest { public static void main(String[] args) { // Set "E" to "String" ArrayList<String> fruitLst = new ArrayList<String>(); fruitLst.add("apple"); fruitLst.add("orange"); System.out.println(fruitLst); //[apple, orange] // JDK 5 also introduces the for-each loop for (String str: fruitLst) { // we need to know type of elements System.out.println(str); } //apple //orange // Adding non-String type triggers compilation error //fruitLst.add(99); //compilation error: incompatible types: int cannot be converted to String // JDK 7 introduces diamond operator <> for type inference to shorten the code ArrayList<String> coffeeLst = new ArrayList<>(); // can omit type in instantiation coffeeLst.add("espresso"); coffeeLst.add("latte"); System.out.println(coffeeLst); //[espresso, latte] // We commonly program at the specification in List instead of implementation ArrayList List<String> animalLst = new ArrayList<>(); // Upcast ArrayList<String> to List<String> animalLst.add("tiger"); System.out.println(animalLst); //[tiger] // A Collection holds only objects, not primitives // Try auto-box/unbox between primitives and wrapper objects List<Integer> intLst = new ArrayList<>(); intLst.add(11); // primitive "int" auto-box to "Integer" (JDK 5) int i1 = intLst.get(0); // "Integer" auto-unbox to primitive "int" System.out.println(intLst); //[11] //intLst.add(2.2); //compilation error: incompatible types: double cannot be converted to Integer // "Number" is a supertype of "Integer" and "Double" List<Number> numLst = new ArrayList<>(); numLst.add(33); // primitive "int" auto-box to "Integer", upcast to Number numLst.add(4.4); // primitive "double" auto- box to "Double", upcast to Number System.out.println(numLst); //[33, 4.4] } }
The above example showed that the class designers could be generic about type; while the users provide the specific actual type during instantiation. With generics, we can design one common class that is applicable to all types with compile-time type-safe checking. The actual types are passed inside the angle bracket <>
, just like method arguments are passed inside the round bracket ()
Example 2: Pre-Generic Collections (Pre-JDK 5) are not Compile-Time Type-Safe
If you are familiar with the pre-JDK 5's collections such as ArrayList
, they are designed to hold java.lang.Object
. Since Object
is the common root class of all the Java's classes, a collection designed to hold Object
can hold any Java objects. There is, however, one big problem. Suppose, for example, you wish to define an ArrayList
of String
. In the add(Object)
operation, the String
will be upcasted implicitly into Object
by the compiler. During retrieval, however, it is the programmer's responsibility to downcast the Object
back to a String
explicitly. If you inadvertently added in a non-String
object, the compiler cannot detect the error, but the downcasting will fail at runtime. Below is an example:
import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; // Pre-JDK 5 Collection public class PreJ5ArrayListTest { public static void main(String[] args) { // We create a List meant for String List strLst = new ArrayList(); // Pre-JDK 5 List holds Objects strLst.add("alpha"); // String upcasts to Object implicitly strLst.add("beta"); Iterator iter = strLst.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String str = (String); // need to explicitly downcast Object back to String System.out.println(str); } // We inadvertently add a non-String into the List meant for String strLst.add(new Integer(1234)); // Compiler and runtime cannot detect this logical error String str = (String)strLst.get(2); // Retrieve and downcast back to String // Compile ok, but runtime exception //java.lang.ClassCastException: class java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to class java.lang.String } }
We could use an instanceof
operator to check for proper type before downcasting. But again, instanceof
detects the problem at runtime. How about compile-time type-checking? JDK 5 introduces generics to resolve this problem to provide compile-time type-safe checking, as shown in the above example.
Generic Wildcard (?) and Bounded Type Parameters
Wildcard (?) can be used to represent an unknown type in Generics:
<? extends T>
: called upper bounded wildcard which accepts typeT
's subtypes. The upper bound type isT
.<? super T>
: called lower bounded wildcard which accepts typeT
's supertypes. The lower bound type isT
: called unbounded wildcard which accepts all types.
Bounded Type Parameters have the forms:
<T extends ClassName>
: called upper bounded type parameter which accepts the specifiedClassName
and its subtypes. The upper bound type isClassName
Example 3: Upper-Bounded Wildcard <? extends T> for Accepting Collections of T and T's Subtypes
As an example, the ArrayList<E>
has a method addAll()
with the following signature:
public class ArrayList<E> implements List<E> .... { public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) ....... }
The addAll()
accepts a Collection
of E
and E
's subtypes. Via substitution, it also accepts subtypes of Collection
import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashSet; public class GenericUpperBoundedTest { public static void main(String[] args) { // Set E to Number. // Number is supertype of Integer, Double and Float List<Number> numLst = new ArrayList<>(); numLst.add(1.1f); // primitive float auto-box to Float, upcast to Number System.out.println(numLst); //[1.1] // Integer is a subtype of Number, which satisfies <? extends E=Number> Collection<Integer> intColl = new LinkedList<>(); intColl.add(2); // primitive int auto-box to Integer intColl.add(3); System.out.println(intColl); //[2, 3] // Try .addAll(Collection<? extends E>) numLst.addAll(intColl); System.out.println(numLst); //[1.1, 2, 3] // Double is a subtype of Number, which satisfies <? extends E=Number> // Set is a subtype of Collection. Set<Double> is a subtype of Collection<Double> Set<Double> numSet = new HashSet<>(); numSet.add(4.4); // primitive double auto-box to Double numSet.add(5.5); System.out.println(numSet); //[5.5, 4.4] // Try .addAll(Collection<? extends E>) numLst.addAll(numSet); System.out.println(numLst); //[1.1, 2, 3, 5.5, 4.4] } }
- The
is not merge, but iterating through theCollection
and add elements one-by-one. - If
is defined asaddAll(Collection<E>)
without the upper bound wildcard, and E isNumber
, then it can acceptCollection<Number>
, but NOTCollection<Integer>
. - In generics,
is not a subtype ofCollection<Number>
, althoughInteger
is a subtype ofNumber
. You cannot substituteCollection<Integer>
. ButCollection<Number>
can containInteger
s. See next section for the explanation. - In generics,
is a subtype ofList<String>
, asSet
is a subtype ofList
and they have the same parametric type. - The upper bounded wildcard
<? extends E>
is meant to handle "Collection
's subtypes", for maximum flexibility.
Example 4: Lower-Bounded Wildcard <? super T> for Applying Operations on T and T's Supertype
As an example, the List
has a method forEach(Consumer<? super E> action)
(introduced in JDK 8 inherited from its supertype Iterable
), which accepts a Consumer
capable of operating on type E
and E
's super-types, to operate on each of the elements.
public class List<E> implements Iterable<E> .... { public void forEach(Consumer<? super E> action) ....... }
import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Consumer; // JDK 8 public class GenericLowerBoundedTypeTest { public static void main(String[] args) { // Set E to Double to create a List<Double> List<Double> dLst = List.of(1.1, 2.2); // JDK 9 to generate an unmodifiable List // Set up a Consumer<Double> that is capable of operating on Double // We can only use methods supported by Double, such as Double.doubleToRawLongBits(d) Consumer<Double> dConsumer = d -> System.out.printf("%x%n", Double.doubleToRawLongBits(d)); // Run .forEach() with Consumer<Double> operating on each Double element dLst.forEach(dConsumer); //3ff199999999999a //400199999999999a // Set up a Consumer<Number> // Number is a supertype of Double, which satisfies <? super E=Double>. // We can only use methods supported by Number, such as .intValue() Consumer<Number> numConsumer = num -> System.out.println(num.intValue()); // JDK 8 // Run .forEach() with Consumer<Number> operating on each Double element // Since Double is a subtype of Number. It inherits and supports all methods in Number. dLst.forEach(numConsumer); //1 //2 } }
- If
is defined asforEach(Consumer<E>)
without the lower bound wildcard, andE
, then it can only acceptsConsumer<Double>
, but NOTConsumer<Number>
. SinceNumber
is a supertype ofDouble
can also be used to processDouble
. Hence, it make sense to useConsumer<? extends Double>
to include the supertypesConsumer<Number>
for maximum flexibility. - The lower bounded wildcard
<? super E>
is meant to operate onE
, with function objects operating onE
's supertype, for maximum flexibility.
Example 5: Generic Method with Upperbound and Lowerbound Wildcards
As an example, the java.lang.String
class (a non-generic class) contains a generic method called transform()
(JDK 12) with the following signature:
public class String { public <R> R transform(Function<? super String, ? extends R> f) { return f.apply(this); } ...... }
This method takes a Function
object as argument and returns a generic type R
. The generic types used in generic methods (which is not declared in the class
statement) are to be declared before the return type, in this case, <R>
, to prevent compilation error "cannot find symbol".
The generic Function
object takes two type arguments: a String
or its supertypes <? super String
>, and a return-type R
or its subtypes <? extends R
For example,
import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; public class StringTransformTest { public static void main(String[] args) { String str = "hello"; // Set the return-type R to Number // Set up Function<String, Number>, which takes a String and returns a Number Function<String, Number> f1 = String::length; // int auto-box to Integer, upcast to Number // Run the .transform() on Function<String, Number> Number n1 = str.transform(f1); System.out.println(n1); //5 System.out.println(n1.getClass()); //class java.lang.Integer //Integer i1 = str.transform(f1); //compilation error: incompatible types: inference variable R has incompatible bounds Integer i1 = (Integer)str.transform(f1); // Explicit downcast System.out.println(i1); //5 // Double is a subtype of Number, satisfying <? extends R=Number> // Set up Function<String, Double>, which takes a String and returns a Double Function<String, Double> f2 = s -> (double)s.length(); // double -> Double Number n2 = str.transform(f2); // Double upcast to Number System.out.println(n2); //5.0 System.out.println(n2.getClass()); //class java.lang.Double Double d2 = str.transform(f2); // Okay // CharSequence is a supertype of String, which satisfies <? super String> // Integer is a subtype of Number, satisfying <? extends R=Number> // Set up Function<CharSequence, Integer>, which takes a CharSequence and returns a Integer Function<CharSequence, Integer> f3 = CharSequence::length; // int auto-box to Integer Number n3 = str.transform(f3); // Upcast Integer to Number System.out.println(n3); //5 } }
- Suppose that
,Function<? super String, ? extends R>
includesFunction<String, Number>
,Function<String, Integer>
,Function<CharSequence, Number>
,Function<CharSequence, Integer>
, and etc. - The upper bounded wildcard
<? super String>
allows function objects operating onString
and its supertypes to be used in processingString
, for maximum flexibility. See Example 4. - The return type of
and the lower bounded wildcard<? extends R>
permits function object producingR
's subtype to be used, for maximum flexibility. See Example 3.
Generics Explained
We shall illustrate the use of generics by writing our own type-safe resizable array (similar to an ArrayList
We shall begin with a non-type-safe non-generic version, explain generics, and write the type-safe generic version.
Example 1: Non-Type-Safe Non-Generic MyArrayList
Let us begin with a version without generics called MyArrayList
, which is a linear data structure, similar to array, but resizable. For the MyArrayList
to hold all types of objects, we use an Object[]
to store the elements. Since Object
is the single root class in Java, all Java objects can be upcasted to Object
and store in the Object[]
import java.util.Arrays; // A resizable array without generics, which can hold any Java objects public class MyArrayList { private int size; // number of elements private Object[] elements; // can store all Java objects public MyArrayList() { // constructor elements = new Object[10]; // allocate initial capacity of 10 size = 0; } // Add an element, any Java objects can be upcasted to Object implicitly public void add(Object o) { if (size >= elements.length) { // allocate a larger array and copy over Object[] newElements = new Object[size + 10]; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) newElements[i] = elements[i]; elements = newElements; } elements[size] = o; ++size; } // Retrieves the element at Index. Returns an Object to be downcasted back to its original type public Object get(int index) { if (index >= size) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index: " + index + ", Size: " + size); return elements[index]; } // Returns the current size (length) public int size() { return size; } // toString() to describe itself @Override public String toString() { return Arrays.toString(Arrays.copyOfRange(elements, 0, size)); } }
public class MyArrayListTest { public static void main(String[] args) { // Create a MyArrayList to hold a list of Strings MyArrayList strLst = new MyArrayList(); // Adding elements of type String strLst.add("alpha"); // String upcasts to Object implicitly strLst.add("beta"); System.out.println(strLst); // toString() //[alpha, beta] // Retrieving elements: need to explicitly downcast back to String for (int i = 0; i < strLst.size(); ++i) { String str = (String)strLst.get(i); System.out.println(str); } //alpha
//beta // Inadvertently added a non-String object. Compiler cannot detect this logical error. // But trigger a runtime ClassCastException during downcast. strLst.add(1234); // int auto-box to Integer, upcast to Object. Compiler/runtime cannot detect this logical error String str = (String)strLst.get(2); // compile ok // runtime ClassCastException: class java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to class java.lang.String } }
This MyArrayList
is not type-safe. It suffers from the following drawbacks:
- The upcasting to
is done implicitly by the compiler. But, the programmer has to explicitly downcast theObject
retrieved back to their original class (e.g.,String
). - The compiler is not able to check whether the downcasting is valid at compile-time. Incorrect downcasting will show up only at runtime, as a
. This is known as dynamic binding or late binding. For example, if you accidentally added anInteger
object into the above list which is intended to holdString
, the error will show up only when you try to downcast theInteger
back toString
- at runtime.
Why not let the compiler does the upcasting/downcasting and check for casting error, instead of leaving it to the runtime, which could be too late? Can we make the compiler to catch this error to ensure type safety at runtime?
Generics Classes with Parameterized Types
JDK 5 introduces the so-called generics to resolve this problem. Generics allow us to abstract over types. The class designer can design a class with a generic type. The users can create specialized instance of the class by providing the specific type during instantiation. Generics allow us to pass type information, in the form of <type>, to the compiler, so that the compiler can perform all the necessary type-check during compilation to ensure type-safety at runtime.
Let's take a look at the declaration of interface java.util.List<E>
public interface List<E> extends Collection<E> { abstract boolean add(E element) abstract void add(int index, E element) abstract E get(int index) abstract E set(int index, E element) abstract E remove(int index) boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c) ...... }
The <E>
is called the formal "type" parameter for passing type information into the generic class. During instantiation, the formal type parameters are replaced by the actual type parameters.
The mechanism is similar to method invocation. Recall that in a method's definition, we declare the formal parameters for passing data into the method. During the method invocation, the formal parameters are substituted by the actual arguments. For example,
// Defining a method public static int max(int a, int b) { // int a, int b are formal parameters return (a > b) ? a : b; } // Invoke the method: formal parameters substituted by actual parameters int max1 = max(55, 66); // 55 and 66 are actual parameters int x = 77, y = 88; int max2 = max(x, y); // x and y are actual parameters
Formal type parameters used in the class declaration have the same purpose as the formal parameters used in the method declaration. A class can use formal type parameters to receive type information when an instance is created for that class. The actual types used during instantiation are called actual type parameters. Compare with method which passes parameters through round bracket ( )
, type parameters are passed through angle bracket < >
Let's return to the List<E>
. In an actual instantiation, such as a List<String>
, all occurrences of the formal type parameter E
are replaced by the actual type parameter String
. With this additional type information, compiler is able to perform type check during compile-time and ensure that there won't have type-casting error at runtime. For example,
import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; public class J5GenericListTest { public static void main(String[] args) { // Set E to String List<String> fruitLst = new ArrayList<>(); // JDK 7 supports type inference //List<String> fruitLst = new ArrayList<String>(); // Pre-JDK 7 fruitLst.add("apple"); fruitLst.add("orange"); for (String fruit : fruitLst) System.out.println(fruit); //apple //orange //fruitLst.add(123); // This generic list accepts String only //compilation error: incompatible types: int cannot be converted to String //fruitLst.add(new StringBuffer("Hello")); //compilation error: incompatible types: StringBuffer cannot be converted to String } }
Generic Type vs. Parameterized Type
A generic type is a type with formal type parameters (e.g. List<E>
); whereas a parameterized type is an instantiation of a generic type with actual type arguments (e.g., List<String>
Formal Type Parameter Naming Convention
Use an uppercase single-character for formal type parameter. For example,
for an element of a collection;<T>
for type;<K, V>
for key and value.<N>
for numberS
, etc. for 2nd, 3rd, 4th type parameters
Example 2: A Generic Class GenericBox
In this example, a class called GenericBox
, which takes a generic type parameter E
, holds a content
of type E
. The constructor, getter and setter work on the parameterized type E
. The toString()
reveals the actual type of the content
// A Generic Box with a content public class GenericBox<E> { private E content; // private variable of generic type E public GenericBox(E content) { // constructor this.content = content; } public E getContent() { // getter return content; } public void setContent(E content) { // setter this.content = content; } public String toString() { // describe itself return "GenericBox[content=" + content + "(" + content.getClass() + ")]"; } }
The following test program creates GenericBox
es with various types (String
, Integer
and Double
). Take note that JDK 5 also introduces auto-boxing and unboxing to convert between primitives and wrapper objects.
public class GenericBoxTest { public static void main(String[] args) { GenericBox<String> box1 = new GenericBox<>("hello"); // JDK 7 supports type inference String str = box1.getContent(); // no explicit downcasting needed System.out.println(box1); //GenericBox[content=hello(class java.lang.String)] GenericBox<Integer> box2 = new GenericBox<>(123); // int auto-box to Integer int i = box2.getContent(); // Integer auto-unbox to int System.out.println(box2); //GenericBox[content=123(class java.lang.Integer)] GenericBox<Double> box3 = new GenericBox<>(55.66); // double auto-box to Double double d = box3.getContent(); // Double auto-unbox to double System.out.println(box3); //GenericBox[content=55.66(class java.lang.Double)] } }
(JDK 7) Improved Type Inference for Generic Instance Creation with the Diamond Operator <>
Before JDK 7, to create an instance of the above GenericBox
, you need to specify to type in the constructor:
GenericBox<String> box1 = new GenericBox<String>("hello");
JDK 7 introduces the type inference to shorten the code, as follows:
GenericBox<String> box1 = new GenericBox<>("hello"); // type inferred from the variable
Type Erasure
From the previous example, it seems that compiler substituted the parameterized type E
with the actual type (such as String
, Integer
) during instantiation. If this is the case, the compiler would need to create a new class for each actual type (similar to C++'s template).
In fact, the compiler replaces all reference to parameterized type E
with java.lang.Object
. For example, the above GenericBox
is compiled as follows, which is compatible with the code without generics:
public class GenericBox { private Object content; // private variable public GenericBox(Object content) { // Constructor this.content = content; } public Object getContent() { // getter return content; } public void setContent(Object content) { // setter this.content = content; } public String toString() { // describe itself return "GenericBox[content=" + content + "(" + content.getClass() + ")]"; } }
The compiler performs the type checking and inserts the required downcast operator when the methods are invoked:
// Constructor: public GenericBox(E content) GenericBox<String> box1 = new GenericBox<>("hello"); // Knowing E=String, compiler performs the type check // Getter: public E getContent() String str = (String)box1.getContent(); // Compiler inserts the downcast operator to downcast Object to String
In this way, the same class definition is used for all the types. Most importantly, the bytecode are compatible with those without generics. This process is called type erasure.
For example, GenericBox<Integer>
and GenericBox<String>
are compiled into the same runtime class GenericBox
public class GenericBoxTypeTest { public static void main(String[] args) { GenericBox<Integer> box1 = new GenericBox<>(123); GenericBox<String> box2 = new GenericBox<>("hello"); System.out.println(box1.getClass() == box2.getClass()); //true (same runtime class) System.out.println(box1.getClass()); //class GenericBox System.out.println(box2.getClass()); //class GenericBox } }
Example 3: Type-Safe MyGenericArrayList<E>
Let's return to the MyArrayList
example. With the use of generics, we can rewrite our program as follows:
// A dynamically allocated array with generics public class MyGenericArrayList<E> { // E is the generic type of the elements private int size; // number of elements private Object[] elements; // Need to use an Object[], not E[] public MyGenericArrayList() { // constructor elements = new Object[10]; // allocate initial capacity of 10 size = 0; } public void add(E e) { if (size >= elements.length) { // allocate a larger array and copy over Object[] newElements = new Object[size + 10]; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) newElements[i] = elements[i]; elements = newElements; } elements[size] = e; ++size; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public E get(int index) { if (index >= size) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index: " + index + ", Size: " + size); return (E)elements[index]; // triggers an "unchecked cast" warning } public int size() { return size; } }
Dissecting the Program
declare a generics class with a formal type parameter <E>
. During an actual invocation, e.g., MyGenericArrayList<String>
, a specific type <String>
, or actual type parameter, replaced the formal type parameter <E>
Type Erasure
Behind the scene, generics are implemented by the Java compiler as a front-end conversion called erasure, which translates or rewrites code that uses generics into non-generic code to ensure backward compatibility. This conversion erases all generic type information. The formal type parameter, such as <E>
, are replaced by Object
by default (or by the upper bound of the type). When the resulting code is not type correct, the compiler insert a type casting operator.
Hence, the translated code is as follows:
// The translated code public class MyGenericArrayList { private int size; // number of elements private Object[] elements; public MyGenericArrayList() { // constructor elements = new Object[10]; // allocate initial capacity of 10 size = 0; } // Compiler replaces E with Object, but check e is of type E, when invoked to ensure type-safety public void add(Object e) { if (size < elements.length) { elements[size] = e; } else { // allocate a larger array and copy over Object[] newElements = new Object[size + 10]; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) newElements[i] = elements[i]; elements = newElements; } ++size; } // Compiler replaces E with Object, and insert downcast operator (E<E>) for the return type when invoked public Object get(int index) { if (index >= size) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index: " + index + ", Size: " + size); return (Object)elements[index]; } public int size() { return size; } }
When the class is instantiated with an actual type parameter, e.g. MyGenericArrayList<String>
, the compiler performs type check to ensures add(E e)
operates on only String
type. It also inserts the proper downcasting operator to match the return type E
of get()
. For example,
public class MyGenericArrayListTest { public static void main(String[] args) { // type-safe to hold a list of Strings MyGenericArrayList<String> strLst = new MyGenericArrayList<>(); // JDK 7 diamond operator strLst.add("alpha"); // compiler checks if argument is of type String strLst.add("beta"); for (int i = 0; i < strLst.size(); ++i) { String str = strLst.get(i); // compiler inserts the downcasting operator (String) System.out.println(str); } //strLst.add(123); // compiler detected argument is NOT String, issues compilation error //compilation error: incompatible types: int cannot be converted to String } }
With generics, the compiler is able to perform type checking during compilation to ensure type safety at runtime.
Unlike "template" in C++, which creates a new type for each specific parameterized type, in Java, a generics class is only compiled once, and there is only one single class file which is used to create instances for all the specific types.
Backward Compatibility
If you compile a Pre-JDK 5 program using JDK 5 and above compiler, you will receive some warning messages to warn you about the unsafe operations, i.e., the compiler is unable to check for the type (because it was not informed of the type via generics) and ensure type-safety at runtime. You could go ahead and execute the program with warnings. For example,
// Pre-JDK 5 Collection without generics import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; public class ArrayListPreJ5Test { public static void main(String[] args) { List lst = new ArrayList(); // A List contains instances of Object lst.add("alpha"); // add() takes Object. String upcasts to Object implicitly lst.add("beta"); System.out.println(lst); //[alpha, beta] Iterator iter = lst.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String str = (String); // explicitly downcast from Object back to String System.out.println(str); } //alpha //beta } }
> javac
Note: uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> javac -Xlint:unchecked warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to add(E) as a member of the raw type List
Generic Methods
Other than generic class described in the above section, we can also define methods with generic types.
For example, the java.lang.String
class, which is non-generic, contain a generic method .transform()
defined as follows:
// Class java.lang.String public <R> R transform(Function<? super String, ? extends R> f) // JDK 12
A generic method should declare formal type parameters, which did not appear in the class
statement, (e.g. <R>
) preceding the return type. The formal type parameters can then be used as placeholders for return type, method's parameters and local variables within a generic method, for proper type-checking by compiler.
import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; public class GenericMethodTest { // A static generic method to append an array to a List public static <E> void Array2List(E[] arr, List<E> lst) { for (E e : arr) lst.add(e); } public static void main(String[] args) { // Set E to Integer Integer[] arr = {55, 66}; // int auto-box to Integer List<Integer> lst = new ArrayList<>(); Array2List(arr, lst); System.out.println(lst); //[55, 66] String[] strArr = {"alpha", "beta", "charlie"}; //Array2List(strArr, lst); //compilation error: method Array2List in class GenericMethodTest // cannot be applied to given types } }
In this example, we define a static
generic method Array2List()
to append an array of generic type E
to a List<E>
. In the method definition, we need to declare the generic type <E>
before the return-type void
Similar to generic class, when the compiler translates a generic method, it replaces the formal type parameters using erasure. All the generic types are replaced with type Object
by default (or the upper bound of type). The translated version is as follows:
public static void Array2List(Object[] arr, List lst) {
for (Object e : arr) lst.add(e);
When the method is invoked, the compiler performs type check and inserts downcasting operator during retrieval.
Generics have an optional syntax for specifying the type for a generic method. You can place the actual type in angle brackets <>
, between the dot operator and method name. For example,
GenericMethodTest.<Integer>Array2List(arr, lst);
The syntax makes the code more readable and also gives you control over the generic type in situations where the type might not be obvious.
Generic Subtypes
Knowing that String
is a subtype of Object
. Consider the following lines of codes:
// String is a subtype of Object Object obj = "hello"; // A supertype reference holding a subtype instance System.out.println(obj); //hello // But ArrayList<String> is not a subtype of ArrayList<Object> ArrayList<Object> lst = new ArrayList<String>(); //compilation error: incompatible types: ArrayList<String> cannot be converted to ArrayList<Object>
When we try to upcast ArrayList<String>
to ArrayList<Object>
, it trigger a compilation error "incompatible types". This is because ArrayList<String>
is NOT a subtype of ArrayList<Object>
, even through String
is a subtype of Object
This error is against our intuition on inheritance. Why? Consider these two statements:
List<String> strLst = new ArrayList<>(); // 1 List<Object> objLst = strLst; // 2 //compilation error: incompatible types: List<String> cannot be converted to List<Object>
Line 2 generates a compilation error. But if line 2 succeeds and some arbitrary objects are added into objLst
, strLst
will get "corrupted" and no longer contains only String
s, as references objLst
and strLst
share the same value.
Hence, List<String>
is NOT a subtype of List<Object>
, although String
is a subtype of Object
On the other hands, the following is valid:
// ArrayList is a subtype of List List<String> lst = new ArrayList<>(); // valid
That is, ArrayList<String>
is a subtype of List<String>
, since ArrayList
is a subtype of List
and both have the same parametric type String
In summary:
- Different instantiation of the same generic type for different concrete type arguments (such as
) have NO type relationship. - Instantiations of super-sub generic types for the same actual type argument exhibit the same super-sub type relationship, e.g.,
is a subtype ofList<String>
Array Subtype?
is a subtype of Object[]
. But if you upcast a String[]
to Object[]
, you cannot re-assign value of non-String
type. For example,
import java.util.Arrays; public class ArraySubtypeTest { public static void main(String[] args) { String[] strArr = {"apple", "orange"}; Object[] objArr = strArr; // upcast String[] to Object[] System.out.println(Arrays.toString(objArr)); objArr[0] = 123; // compile ok, runtime error //Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayStoreException: java.lang.Integer } }
Arrays carry runtime type information about their component type. Hence, you CANNOT use E[]
in your generic class, but need to use Object[]
, as in the MyGenericArrayList<E>
Wildcards <? extends T>, <? super T> and <?>
Suppose that we want to write a generic method called printList(List<.>)
to print the elements of a List. If we define the method as printList(List<Object> lst)
, then it can only accept an argument of List<object>
, but not List<String>
or List<Integer>
. For example,
import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; public class GenericWildcardTest { // Accepts List<Object>, NOT list<String>, List<Integer>, etc. public static void printList(List<Object> lst) { for (Object o : lst) System.out.println(o); } public static void main(String[] args) { List<Object> objLst = new ArrayList<>(); // ArrayList<Object> inferred objLst.add(11); // int auto-box to Integer, upcast to Object objLst.add(22); printList(objLst); // 11 // 22 List<String> strLst = new ArrayList<>(); // ArrayList<String> inferred strLst.add("one"); //printList(strLst); // only accept List<Object> //error: incompatible types: List<String> cannot be converted to List<Object> } }
Unbounded Wildcard <?>
To resolve this problem, a wildcard (?
) is provided in generics, which stands for any unknown type. For example, we can rewrite our printList()
as follows to accept a List
of any unknown type.
public static void printList(List<?> lst) {
for (Object o : lst) System.out.println(o);
The unbounded wildcard <?>
is, at times, too relax in type.
Upper Bounded Wildcard <? extends T>
To write a generic method that works on List<Number>
and the subtypes of Number
, such as List<Integer>
, List<Double>
, we could use an upper bounded wildcard <? extends Number>
In general, the wildcard <? extends T>
stands for type T
and T
's subtypes.
For example,
import java.util.List; public class GenericUpperBoundedWildcardTest { // Generic method which accepts List<Number> // and Number's subtypes such as Integer, Double public static double sumList(List<? extends Number> lst) { double sum = 0.0; for (Number num : lst) { sum += num.doubleValue(); } return sum; } public static void main(String[] args) { List<Integer> intLst = List.of(1, 2, 3); // JDK 9 unmodifiable List System.out.println(sumList(intLst)); //6.0 List<Double> doubleLst = List.of(1.1, 2.2, 3.3); System.out.println(sumList(doubleLst)); //6.6 List<String> strLst = List.of("apple", "orange"); //sumList(strLst); //error: incompatible types: List<String> cannot be converted to List<? extends Number> } }
List<? extends Number>
accepts List
of Number
and any subtypes of Number
, e.g., List<Integer>
and List<Double>
Another example,
//List<Number> lst = new ArrayList<Integer>();
//compilation error: incompatible types: ArrayList<Integer> cannot be converted to List<Number> List<? extends Number> lst = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // valid
Revisit Unbounded Wildcard <?>
Clearly, <?>
can be interpreted as <? extends Object>
, which accepts ALL Java classes. You should use <?>
only if:
- The implementation depends only on methods that provided in the
class. - The implementation does not depend on the type parameter.
Lower Bounded Wildcard <? super T>
The wildcard <? super T>
matches type T
, as well as T
's supertypes. In other words, it specifies the lower bound type.
Suppose that we want to write a generic method that puts an Integer
into a List
. To maximize flexibility, we also like the method to work on List<Integer>
, as well as List<Number>
, List<Object>
that can hold Integer
. In this case, we could use the less restrictive lower bounded wildcard <? super Integer>
, instead of simply List<Integer>
. For example,
import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; public class GenericLowerBoundedWildcardTest { // Generic method which accepts List<Integer> // and Integer's supertypes such as Number and Object public static void addIntToList(List<? super Integer> lst, int num) { lst.add(num); } public static void main(String[] args) { List<Integer> intLst = new ArrayList<>(); // modifiable List intLst.add(1); intLst.add(2); System.out.println(intLst); //[1, 2] addIntToList(intLst, 3); System.out.println(intLst); //[1, 2, 3] List<Number> numLst = new ArrayList<>(); numLst.add(1.1); numLst.add(2.2); System.out.println(numLst); //[1.1, 2.2] addIntToList(numLst, 3); System.out.println(numLst); //[1.1, 2.2, 3] List<String> strLst = new ArrayList<>(); //addIntToList(strLst, "hello"); //error: incompatible types: List<String> cannot be converted to List<? super Integer> } }
Example: Upper and Lower Bounded Wildcards
import java.util.*; @FunctionalInterface interface MyConsumer<T> { void accept(T t); // public abstract } // Need 3 levels of class hierarchy for testing class C1 { protected String value; public C1(String value) { this.value = value; } public void methodC1() { System.out.println(this + " runs methodC1()"); } @Override public String toString() { return "C1[" + value + "]"; } } class C2 extends C1 { public C2(String value) { super(value); } public void methodC2() { System.out.println(this + " runs methodC2()"); } @Override public String toString() { return "C2[" + value + "]"; } } class C3 extends C2 { public C3(String value) { super(value); } public void methodC3() { System.out.println(this + " runs methodC3()"); } @Override public String toString() { return "C3[" + value + "]"; } } public class GenericUpperLowerWildcardTest { // For a specific T only public static <T> T processAll1(Collection<T> coll, MyConsumer<T> consumer) { T last = null; for (T t : coll) { last = t; consumer.accept(t); } return last; } // Lower bounded wildcard public static <T> T processAll2(Collection<T> coll, MyConsumer<? super T> consumer) { T last = null; for (T t : coll) { last = t; consumer.accept(t); // t supports all its supertype's operations } return last; } // Lower bounded and upper bounded wildcards public static <T> T processAll3(Collection<? extends T> coll, MyConsumer<? super T> consumer) { T last = null; for (T t : coll) { // T's subtype elements can be upcast to T last = t; consumer.accept(t); // t supports all its supertype's operations } return last; } public static void main(String[] args) { // Set T to C2 // Try processAll1(Collection<C2>, MyConsumer<C2>) Collection<C2> fruits = List.of(new C2("apple"), new C2("orange")); MyConsumer<C2> consumer1 = C2::methodC2; // Can use C2's methods C2 result1 = processAll1(fruits, consumer1); //C2[apple] runs methodC2() //C2[orange] runs methodC2() System.out.println(result1); //C2[orange] // Try processAll2(Collection<C2>, MyConsumer<C1 super C2>) MyConsumer<C1> consumer2 = C1::methodC1; // Can use only C1's methods. But subtype C2 supports all C1's methods //processAll1(fruits, consumer2); // wrong type for consumer2 in processAll1() //error: method processAll1 in class GenericWildcardTest cannot be applied to given types C2 result2 = processAll2(fruits, consumer2); //C2[apple] runs methodC1() //C2[orange] runs methodC1() System.out.println(result2); //C2[orange] // Try processAll3(Collection<C3 extends C2>, MyConsumer<C1 super C2>) Collection<C3> coffees = List.of(new C3("espresso"), new C3("latte")); C2 result3 = processAll3(coffees, consumer2); //C3[espresso] runs methodC1() //C3[latte] runs methodC1() System.out.println(result3); //C3[latte] processAll3(coffees, consumer2).methodC3(); //C3[espresso] runs methodC1() //C3[latte] runs methodC1() //C3[latte] runs methodC3() // Try subclass List of Collection List<C3> animals = List.of(new C3("tiger"), new C3("lion")); C2 result4 = processAll3(animals, consumer2); //C3[tiger] runs methodC1() //C3[lion] runs methodC1() System.out.println(result4); //C3[lion] } }
In summary:
is NOT a subtype ofList<Object>
, butArrayList<String>
is a subtype ofList<String>
and can be upcasted.- Upper Bounded Wildcard
<? extends T>
for collection: To be able to processCollection
's subtypes, useCollection<? extends T>
. For example,printList<? extends Number>
works onprintList<Number>
, etc. - Lower Bounded Wildcard
<? super T>
for operation: The typeT
inherits and supports all its supertypes' operations. A operation that is operating onT
's supertype also works onT
, becauseT
support all its supertype's operation. For maximum flexibility in operation onT
, we could use<? super T>
to operation onT
's supertypes.
Bounded Type Parameters
Upper Bounded Type Parameters <T extends TypeName>
A bounded parameter type is a generic type that specifies a bound for the generic, in the form of <T extends TypeName>
, e.g., <T extends Number>
accepts Number
and its subclasses (such as Integer
and Double
For example, the static
method add()
takes a type parameter <T extends Number>
, which accepts Number
and its subclasses (such as Integer
and Double
public class UpperBoundedTypeParamAddTest { public static <T extends Number> double add(T first, T second) { // Need to use only methods defined in Number, such as doubleValue // Subtypes Integer and Double inherit and support these methods too. return first.doubleValue() + second.doubleValue(); } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(add(55, 66)); // int -> Integer. T is Integer. System.out.println(add(5.5f, 6.6f)); // float -> Float. T is Float. System.out.println(add(5.5, 6.6)); // double -> Double. T is Double. System.out.println(add(55, 6.6)); // int -> double -> Double. T is Double. //System.out.println(add("apple", "orange")); //compilation error: method add in class UpperBoundedTypeParameterTest // cannot be applied to given types; } }
How the compiler treats the bounded generics?
As mentioned, by default, all the generic types are replaced with type Object
during the code translation. However, in the case of <T extends Number>
, the generic type is replaced by the type Number
, which serves as the upper bound of the generic types.
For example,
public class UpperBoundedTypeParamMaximumTest { public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T maximum(T x, T y) { // Need to restrict T to Comparable and its subtype for .compareTo() return (x.compareTo(y) > 0) ? x : y; } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(maximum(55, 66)); // 66 System.out.println(maximum(6.6, 5.5)); // 6.6 System.out.println(maximum("Monday", "Tuesday")); // Tuesday } }
By default, Object
is the upper-bound of the parameterized type. <T extends Comparable<T>>
changes the upper bound to the Comparable
interface, which declares an abstract
method compareTo()
for comparing two objects.
The compiler translates the above generic method to the following codes:
public static Comparable maximum(Comparable x, Comparable y) { // replace T by upper bound type Comparable // Compiler checks x, y are of the type Comparable // Compiler inserts a type-cast for the return value return (x.compareTo(y) > 0) ? x : y; }
When this method is invoked, e.g. via maximum(55, 66)
, the primitive int
s are auto-boxed to Integer
objects, which are then implicitly upcasted to Comparable
. The compiler checks the type to ensure type-safety. The compiler also inserts an explicit downcast operator for the return type. That is,
(Comparable)maximum(55, 66); (Comparable)maximum(6.6, 5.5); (Comparable)maximum("Monday", "Tuesday");
We do not have to pass an actual type argument to a generic method. The compiler infers the type argument automatically, based of the type of the actual argument passed into the method.
Bounded Type Parameter for Generic Class
The bounded type parameter <T extends ClassName>
can also be applied to generic class, e.g.,
public class MagicNumber<T extends Number> { private T value; public MagicNumber(T value) { this.value = value; } public boolean isMagic() { return value.intValue() == 9; } public String toString() { return "MagicNumber[value=" + value +"]"; } public static void main(String[] args) { MagicNumber<Double> n1 = new MagicNumber<>(9.9); System.out.println(n1); //MagicNumber[value=9.9] System.out.println(n1.isMagic()); //true MagicNumber<Float> n2 = new MagicNumber<>(1.23f); System.out.println(n2); //MagicNumber[value=1.23] System.out.println(n2.isMagic()); //false MagicNumber<Number> n3 = new MagicNumber<>(1); System.out.println(n3); //MagicNumber[value=1] System.out.println(n3.isMagic()); //false //MagicNumber<String> n4 = new MagicNumber<>("hello"); //error: type argument String is not within bounds of type-variable T } }
Lower Bounded Type Parameters <T super Class>
Not useful and hence, not supported.