- Matrix: The game board.
- Tetriminos (or Tetromino or Mino or Shapes or block): The iconic shapes, including the O, I, T, L, J, S, Z shapes. Tetriminos fall from the top of the matrix, and the player turns and moves them into their desired places at the bottom.
- Lock Down: When a tetrimino is put into a position where it is no longer moveable. There is a few millisecond for the player to move the shapes on the bottom row before it is secured.
- Line Clear: The acts of completely filling a row (or rows) and having it removed from the Matrix.
- "Tetris" Line Clear: Using the I-shape to clear 4 rows at the same time (awarded a lot of points).
- Hard Drop: ?
- Soft Drop: ?
- T Spin: ?
- Combo: ?
Scoring System
The scores are:
- Single line clear: 40
- Double line clear: 100
- Triple line clear: 300
- Tetris line clear (4 lines with a I-shape): 1200

Timing and Event Handling
Below is the timing diagram:

- At a constant interval, the block shall move down by one row. This can be easily implemented via
. - If UP, DOWN, or ROTATE key is pressed, the block shall react immediately (ignore the time interval). After the move, the move-down timer restart (To check: restart or resume the delay?).
State Diagram
This state diagram is partially implemented, having states INITIALIZED

Design Notes
- Lock down delay: when a block reaches the bottom, there is a small delay for the user to move left/right before the block is locked down and converted.
- The "drop" shall be implemented as repeated "fast-down" for better visual, and to allow user to alter the course during the drop.
Class Diagram

package tetris;
* The State enumeration defines the various states of the game.
* See "State diagram".
public enum State {
package tetris;
* The Action enumeration contains all the permissible actions of a block (shape).
public enum Action {
package tetris;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.util.Random;
* The Shape class models the falling blocks (or Tetrimino) in the Tetris game.
* This class uses the "Singleton" design pattern. To get a new (random) shape,
* call static method Shape.newShape().
* A Shape is defined and encapsulated inside the Matrix class.
public class Shape {
// == Define named constants ==
/** The width and height of a cell of the Shape (in pixels) */
public final static int CELL_SIZE = 32;
// == Singleton Pattern: Get an instance via Shape.newShape() ==
// Singleton instance (class variable)
private static Shape shape;
// Private constructor, cannot be called outside this class
private Shape() { }
// == Define Shape's properties ==
// A shape is defined by a 2D boolean array map, with its
// top-left corner at the (x, y) of the Matrix.
// All variables are "package" visible
// Property 1: Top-left corner (x, y) of this Shape on the Matrix
int x, y;
// Property 2: Occupancy map
boolean[][] map;
// Property 3: The rows and columns for this Shape. Although they can be obtained
// from map[][], they are defined here for efficiency.
int rows, cols;
// Property 4: Array index for colors and maps
int shapeIdx;
// For ease of undo rotation, the original map is saved here.
private boolean[][] mapSaved = new boolean[5][5];
// All the possible shape maps
// Use square array 3x3, 4x4, 5x5 to facilitate rotation computation.
private static final boolean[][][] SHAPES_MAP = {
{{ false, true, false },
{ true, true, false },
{ true, false, false }}, // Z
{{ false, true, false},
{ false, true, false},
{ false, true, true }}, // L
{{ true, true },
{ true, true }}, // O
{{ false, true, false },
{ false, true, true },
{ false, false, true }}, // S
{{ false, true, false, false },
{ false, true, false, false },
{ false, true, false, false },
{ false, true, false, false }}, // I
{{ false, true, false},
{ false, true, false},
{ true, true, false}}, // J
{{ false, true, false },
{ true, true, true },
{ false, false, false }}}; // T
// Each shape has its own color
private static final Color[] SHAPES_COLOR = {
new Color(245, 45, 65), // Z (Red #F52D41)
Color.ORANGE, // L
Color.YELLOW, // O
Color.GREEN, // S
Color.CYAN, // I
new Color(76, 181, 245), // J (Blue #4CB5F5)
Color.PINK // T (Purple)
// For generating new random shape
private static final Random rand = new Random();
* Static factory method to get a newly initialized random
* singleton Shape.
* @return the singleton instance
public static Shape newShape() {
// Create object if it's not already created
if(shape == null) {
shape = new Shape();
// Initialize a new "random" shape by position at the top row, centered.
// Update x, y, shapeIdx, map, rows and cols.
// Choose a pattern randomly
shape.shapeIdx = rand.nextInt(SHAPES_MAP.length);
// Set this shape's pattern. No need to copy the contents = SHAPES_MAP[shape.shapeIdx];
shape.rows =;
shape.cols =[0].length;
// Set this shape initial (x, y) at the top row, centered.
shape.x = ((Matrix.COLS - shape.cols) / 2);
// Find the initial y position. Need to handle rotated L and J
// with empty top rows, i.e., initial y can be 0, -1, -2,...
for (int row = 0; row < shape.rows; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < shape.cols; col++) {
// Ignore empty rows, by checking the row number
// of the first occupied square
if ([row][col]) {
shape.y = -row;
break outerloop;
return shape; // return the singleton object
* Rotate the shape clockwise by 90 degrees.
* Applicable to square matrix.
* <pre>
* old[row][col] new[row][col]
* (0,0) (0,1) (0,2) (2,0) (1,0) (0,0)
* (1,0) (1,1) (1,2) (2,1) (1,1) (0,1)
* (2,0) (2,1) (2,2) (2,2) (1,2) (0,2)
* new[row][col] = old[numCols-1-col][row]
* </pre>
public void rotateRight() {
// Save the current map before rotate for quick undo if collision detected
// (instead of performing an inverse rotate).
for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
mapSaved[row][col] = map[row][col];
// Do the rotation on this map
// Rows must be the same as columns (i.e., square)
for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
map[row][col] = mapSaved[cols - 1 - col][row];
* Rotate the shape anti-clockwise by 90 degrees.
* Applicable to square matrix.
* <pre>
* old[row][col] new[row][col]
* (0,0) (0,1) (0,2) (0,2) (1,2) (2,2)
* (1,0) (1,1) (1,2) (0,1) (1,1) (2,1)
* (2,0) (2,1) (2,2) (0,0) (1,0) (2,0)
* new[row][col] = old[col][numRows-1-row]
* </pre>
public void rotateLeft() {
// Save the current map before rotate for quick undo if collision detected
// (instead of performing an inverse rotate).
for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
mapSaved[row][col] = map[row][col];
// Do the rotation on this map
// Rows must be the same as columns (i.e., square)
for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
map[row][col] = mapSaved[col][rows-1-row];
* Undo the rotate, due to move not allowed.
public void undoRotate() {
// Restore the array saved before the move
for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
map[row][col] = mapSaved[row][col];
* Paint itself via the Graphics object.
* Since Shape is encapsulated in Matrix, shape.paint(Graphics)
* shall be called in matrix.paint(Graphics).
* @param g - the drawing Graphics object
public void paint(Graphics g) {
int yOffset = 1; // Apply a small Y_OFFSET for nicer display?!
for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
if (map[row][col]) {
g.fill3DRect((x+col)*CELL_SIZE, (y+row)*CELL_SIZE+yOffset,
package tetris;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
* The Matrix class models the Tetris Game Board (called matrix)
* that holds one falling block (shape).
public class Matrix implements StateTransition {
// == Define named constants ==
/** Number of rows of the matrix */
public final static int ROWS = 20;
/** Number of columns of the matrix */
public final static int COLS = 10;
/** The width and height of a cell of the Shape (in pixels) */
public final static int CELL_SIZE = Shape.CELL_SIZE;
private static final Color COLOR_OCCUPIED = Color.LIGHT_GRAY;
private static final Color COLOR_EMPTY = Color.WHITE;
// == Define Matrix's properties ==
// Property 1: The game board (matrix) is defined by a 2D boolean array map.
boolean map[][] = new boolean[ROWS][COLS];
// Property 2: The board has ONE falling shape
Shape shape;
* Constructor
public Matrix() { }
* Reset the matrix for a new game, by resetting all the properties.
* Clear map[][] and get a new random Shape.
public void newGame() {
// Clear the map
for (int row = 0; row < ROWS; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < COLS; col++) {
map[row][col] = false; // empty
// Get a new random shape
shape = Shape.newShape();
* The shape moves on the given action (left, right, down, rotate).
* @return true if it is at the bottom and cannot move down further.
* Need to lock down this block.
public boolean stepGame(Action action) {
switch (action) {
case LEFT:
shape.x--; // try moving
if (!actionAllowed()) shape.x++; // undo the move
case RIGHT:
if (!actionAllowed()) shape.x--; // undo the move
if (!actionAllowed()) shape.undoRotate(); // undo the move
if (!actionAllowed()) shape.undoRotate(); // undo the move
case HARD_DROP: // Handle as FAST "down" in GameMain class for better visual
case SOFT_DROP: // Handle as FAST "down" in GameMain class for better visual
// do {
// shape.y++;
// } while (moveAllowed());
// shape.y--;
// break;
case DOWN:
if (!actionAllowed()) {
// At bottom, cannot move down further. To lock down this block
shape.y--; // undo the move
return true;
return false; // not reach the bottom
* Check if the shape moves outside the matrix,
* or collide with existing shapes in the matrix.
* @return true if this move action is allowed
public boolean actionAllowed() {
for (int shapeRow = 0; shapeRow < shape.rows; shapeRow++) {
for (int shapeCol = 0; shapeCol < shape.cols; shapeCol++) {
int matrixRow = shapeRow + shape.y;
int matrixCol = shapeCol + shape.x;
if ([shapeRow][shapeCol]
&& (matrixRow < 0 || matrixRow >= Matrix.ROWS
|| matrixCol < 0 || matrixCol >= Matrix.COLS
||[matrixRow][matrixCol])) {
return false;
return true;
* Lock down the block, by transfer the block's content to the matrix.
* Also clear filled lines, if any.
* @return the number of rows removed in the range of [0, 4]
public int lockDown() {
// Block at bottom, lock down by transferring the block's content
// to the matrix
for (int shapeRow = 0; shapeRow < shape.rows; shapeRow++) {
for (int shapeCol = 0; shapeCol < shape.cols; shapeCol++) {
if ([shapeRow][shapeCol]) {[shapeRow + shape.y][shapeCol + shape.x] = true;
// Process the filled row(s) and update the score
return clearLines();
* Process the filled rows in the game board and remove them.
* The filled rows need not be at the bottom.
* @return the number of rows removed in the range of [0, 4]
public int clearLines() {
// Starting from the last rows, check if a row is filled if so, move down
// the occupied square. Need to check all the way to the top-row
int row = ROWS - 1;
int rowsRemoved = 0;
boolean removeThisRow;
while (row >= 0) {
removeThisRow = true;
for (int col = 0; col < COLS; col++) {
if (!map[row][col]) {
removeThisRow = false;
if (removeThisRow) {
// delete the row by moving down the occupied slots.
for (int row1 = row; row1 > 0; row1--) {
for (int col1 = 0; col1 < COLS; col1++) {
map[row1][col1] = map[row1 - 1][col1];
// The top row shall be empty now.
for (int col = 0; col < COLS; col++)
map[0][col] = false;
// No change in row number. Check this row again (recursion).
} else {
// next row on top
return rowsRemoved;
* Paint itself via the Graphics context.
* The JFrame's repaint() in GameMain class callbacks paintComponent(Graphics)
* This shape.paint(Graphics) shall be placed in paintComponent(Graphics).
* @param g - the drawing Graphics object
public void paint(Graphics g) {
int yOffset = 1; // apply a small y offset for nicer display?!
for (int row = 0; row < ROWS; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < COLS; col++) {
g.setColor(map[row][col] ? COLOR_OCCUPIED : COLOR_EMPTY);
g.fill3DRect(col*CELL_SIZE, row*CELL_SIZE+yOffset,
// Also paint the Shape encapsulated
The Main Class
This is your assignment! You need to work it out yourself, based on the Snake's GameMain
Adding Controls, Images, and Sound Effect
See Snake Game.