Programming simple I/O operations is easy, which involves only a few classes and methods. You could do it by looking at a few samples. Programming efficient, portable I/O is extremely difficult, especially if you have to deal with different character sets. This explains why there are so many I/O packages (nine in JDK 1.7)!
JDK has two sets of I/O packages:
- the Standard I/O (in package
), introduced since JDK 1.0 for stream-based I/O, and - the New I/O (in packages
), introduced in JDK 1.4, for more efficient buffer-based I/O.
JDK 1.5 introduces the formatted text-I/O via new classes java.util.Scanner
and Formatter
, and C-like printf()
and format()
methods for formatted output using format specifiers.
JDK 1.7 enhances supports for file I/O via the so-called NIO.2 (non-blocking I/O) in new package java.nio.file
and its auxiliary packages. It also introduces a new try
-with-resources syntax to simplify the coding of close()
File and Directory
(Pre-JDK 7)
The class
can represent either a file or a directory. [JDK 1.7 introduces a more versatile java.nio.file.Path
, which overcomes many limitations of
A path string is used to locate a file or a directory. Unfortunately, path strings are system dependent, e.g., "c:\myproject\java\
" in Windows or "/myproject/java/
" in Unix/Mac.
- Windows use back-slash
as the directory separator; while Unixes/Mac use forward-slash'/'
. - Windows use semi-colon
as path separator to separate a list of paths; while Unixes/Mac use colon':'
. - Windows use "
" as line delimiter for text file; while Unixes use "\n
" and Mac uses "\r
". - The "
" or "\
" is called the root. Windows supports multiple roots, each maps to a drive (e.g., "c:\
", "d:\
"). Unixes/Mac has a single root ("\
A path could be absolute (beginning from the root) or relative (which is relative to a reference directory). Special notations ".
" and "..
" denote the current directory and the parent directory, respectively.
class maintains these system-dependent properties, for you to write programs that are portable:
- Directory Separator: in
) andFile.separatorChar
. [They failed to follow the Java naming convention for constants adopted since JDK 1.2.] As mentioned, Windows use backslash'\'
; while Unixes/Mac use forward slash'/'
. - Path Separator: in
) andFile.pathSeparatorChar
. As mentioned, Windows use semi-colon';'
to separate a list of paths; while Unixes/Mac use colon':'
You can construct a File
instance with a path string or URI, as follows. Take note that the physical file/directory may or may not exist. A file URL takes the form of file://...
, e.g., file:///d:/docs/programming/java/test.html
public File(String pathString) public File(String parent, String child) public File(File parent, String child) // Constructs a File instance based on the given path string. public File(URI uri) // Constructs a File instance by converting from the given file-URI "file://...."
For examples,
File file = new File("in.txt"); // A file relative to the current working directory File file = new File("d:\\myproject\\java\\"); // A file with absolute path File dir = new File("c:\\temp"); // A directory
For applications that you intend to distribute as JAR files, you should use the URL
class to reference the resources, as it can reference disk files as well as JAR'ed files , for example, url = this.getClass().getResource("icon.png");
Verifying Properties of a File/Directory
public boolean exists() // Tests if this file/directory exists. public long length() // Returns the length of this file. public boolean isDirectory() // Tests if this instance is a directory. public boolean isFile() // Tests if this instance is a file. public boolean canRead() // Tests if this file is readable. public boolean canWrite() // Tests if this file is writable. public boolean delete() // Deletes this file/directory. public void deleteOnExit() // Deletes this file/directory when the program terminates. public boolean renameTo(File dest) // Renames this file. public boolean mkdir() // Makes (Creates) this directory.
List Directory
For a directory, you can use the following methods to list its contents:
public String[] list() // List the contents of this directory in a String-array public File[] listFiles() // List the contents of this directory in a File-array
Example: The following program recursively lists the contents of a given directory (similar to Unix's "ls -r"
// Recursively list the contents of a directory (Unix's "ls -r" command). import; public class ListDirectoryRecursive { public static void main(String[] args) { File dir = new File("d:\\myproject\\test"); // Escape sequence needed for '\' listRecursive(dir); } public static void listRecursive(File dir) { if (dir.isDirectory()) { File[] items = dir.listFiles(); for (File item : items) { System.out.println(item.getAbsoluteFile()); if (item.isDirectory()) listRecursive(item); // Recursive call } } } }
(Advanced) List Directory with Filter
You can apply a filter to list()
and listFiles()
, to list only files that meet a certain criteria.
public String[] list(FilenameFilter filter) public File[] listFiles(FilenameFilter filter) public File[] listFiles(FileFilter filter)
The interface
declares one abstract
public boolean accept(File dirName, String fileName)
The list()
and listFiles()
methods does a call-back to accept()
for each of the file/sub-directory produced. You can program your filtering criteria in accept()
. Those files/sub-directories that result in a false
return will be excluded.
Example: The following program lists only files that meet a certain filtering criteria.
// List files that end with ".java" import; import; public class ListDirectoryWithFilter { public static void main(String[] args) { File dir = new File("."); // current working directory if (dir.isDirectory()) { // List only files that meet the filtering criteria // programmed in accept() method of FilenameFilter. String[] files = dir.list(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String file) { return file.endsWith(".java"); } }); // an anonymous inner class as FilenameFilter for (String file : files) { System.out.println(file); } } } }
Class java.nio.file.Path
(JDK 7)
Read "File I/O in JDK 1.7".
Stream I/O in Standard I/O ( Package)
Programs read inputs from data sources (e.g., keyboard, file, network, memory buffer, or another program) and write outputs to data sinks (e.g., display console, file, network, memory buffer, or another program). In Java standard I/O, inputs and outputs are handled by the so-called streams. A stream is a sequential and contiguous one-way flow of data (just like water or oil flows through the pipe). It is important to mention that Java does not differentiate between the various types of data sources or sinks (e.g., file or network) in stream I/O. They are all treated as a sequential flow of data. Input and output streams can be established from/to any data source/sink, such as files, network, keyboard/console or another program. The Java program receives data from a source by opening an input stream, and sends data to a sink by opening an output stream.
All Java I/O streams are one-way (except the RandomAccessFile
, which will be discussed later). If your program needs to perform both input and output, you have to open two streams - an input stream and an output stream.
Stream I/O operations involve three steps:
- Open an input/output stream associated with a physical device (e.g., file, network, console/keyboard), by constructing an appropriate I/O stream instance.
- Read from the opened input stream until "end-of-stream" encountered, or write to the opened output stream (and optionally flush the buffered output).
- Close the input/output stream.
Java's I/O operations is more complicated than C/C++ to support internationalization (i18n). Java internally stores characters (char
type) in 16-bit UCS-2 character set. But the external data source/sink could store characters in other character set (e.g., US-ASCII, ISO-8859-x, UTF-8, UTF-16, and many others), in fixed length of 8-bit or 16-bit, or in variable length of 1 to 4 bytes. [Read "Character Sets and Encoding Schemes"]. As a consequence, Java needs to differentiate between byte-based I/O for processing raw bytes or binary data, and character-based I/O for processing texts made up of characters.

Byte-Based I/O & Byte Streams

Byte streams are used to read/write raw bytes serially from/to an external device. All the byte streams are derived from the abstract
superclasses InputStream
and OutputStream
, as illustrated in the class diagram.
Reading from an InputStream
The abstract
superclass InputStream
declares an abstract
method read()
to read one data-byte from the input source:
public abstract int read() throws IOException
The read()
- returns the input byte read as an
in the range of 0 to 255, or - returns -1 if "end of stream" condition is detected, or
- throws an
if it encounters an I/O error.
The read()
method returns an int
instead of a byte
, because it uses -1 to indicate end-of-stream.
The read()
method blocks until a byte is available, an I/O error occurs, or the "end-of-stream" is detected. The term "block" means that the method (and the program) will be suspended. The program will resume only when the method returns.
Two variations of read()
methods are implemented in the InputStream
for reading a block of bytes into a byte-array. It returns the number of bytes read, or -1 if "end-of-stream" encounters.
public int read(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) throws IOException // Read "length" number of bytes, store in bytes array starting from offset of index. public int read(byte[] bytes) throws IOException // Same as read(bytes, 0, bytes.length)
Writing to an OutputStream
Similar to the input counterpart, the abstract
superclass OutputStream
declares an abstract method write()
to write a data-byte to the output sink. write()
takes an int
. The least-significant byte of the int
argument is written out; the upper 3 bytes are discarded. It throws an IOException
if I/O error occurs (e.g., output stream has been closed).
public void abstract void write(int unsignedByte) throws IOException
Similar to the read()
, two variations of the write()
method to write a block of bytes from a byte-array are implemented:
public void write(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) throws IOException // Write "length" number of bytes, from the bytes array starting from offset of index. public void write(byte[] bytes) throws IOException // Same as write(bytes, 0, bytes.length)
Opening & Closing I/O Streams
You open an I/O stream by constructing an instance of the stream. Both the InputStream
and the OutputStream
provides a close()
method to close the stream, which performs the necessary clean-up operations to free up the system resources.
public void close() throws IOException // close this Stream
It is a good practice to explicitly close the I/O stream, by running close()
in the finally
clause of try-catch-finally
to free up the system resources immediately when the stream is no longer needed. This could prevent serious resource leaks. Unfortunately, the close()
method also throws a IOException
, and needs to be enclosed in a nested try-catch
statement, as follows. This makes the codes somehow ugly.
FileInputStream in = null; ...... try { in = new FileInputStream(...); // Open stream ...... ...... } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { // always close the I/O streams try { if (in != null) in.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }
JDK 1.7 introduces a new try
-with-resources syntax, which automatically closes all the opened resources after try
or catch
, as follows. This produces much neater codes.
try (FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(...)) {
} catch (IOException ex) {
} // Automatically closes all opened resource in try (...).
Flushing the OutputStream
In addition, the OutputStream
provides a flush()
method to flush the remaining bytes from the output buffer.
public void flush() throws IOException // Flush the output
Implementations of abstract InputStream/OutputStream
and OutputStream
are abstract
classes that cannot be instantiated. You need to choose an appropriate concrete subclass to establish a connection to a physical device. For example, you can instantiate a FileInputStream
or FileOutputStream
to establish a stream to a physical disk file.
Layered (or Chained) I/O Streams
The I/O streams are often layered or chained with other I/O streams, for purposes such as buffering, filtering, or data-format conversion (between raw bytes and primitive types). For example, we can layer a BufferedInputStream
to a FileInputStream
for buffered input, and stack a DataInputStream
in front for formatted data input (using primitives such as int
, double
), as illustrated in the following diagrams.

File I/O Byte-Streams - FileInputStream & FileOutputStream
and FileOutputStream
are concrete implementations to the abstract
classes InputStream
and OutputStream
, to support I/O from disk files.
Buffered I/O Byte-Streams - BufferedInputStream & BufferedOutputStream
The read()
method in InputStream
are designed to read/write a single byte of data on each call. This is grossly inefficient, as each call is handled by the underlying operating system (which may trigger a disk access, or other expensive operations). Buffering, which reads/writes a block of bytes from the external device into/from a memory buffer in a single I/O operation, is commonly applied to speed up the I/O.
is not buffered. It is often chained to a BufferedInputStream
or BufferedOutputStream
, which provides the buffering. To chain the streams together, simply pass an instance of one stream into the constructor of another stream. For example, the following codes chain a FileInputStream
to a BufferedInputStream
, and finally, a DataInputStream
FileInputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream("in.dat");
BufferedInputStream bufferIn = new BufferedInputStream(fileIn);
DataInputStream dataIn = new DataInputStream(bufferIn);
// or
DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(
new BufferedInputStream(
new FileInputStream("in.dat")));
Example 1: Copying a file byte-by-byte without Buffering.
import*; public class FileCopyNoBuffer { // Pre-JDK 7 public static void main(String[] args) { String inFileStr = "test-in.jpg"; String outFileStr = "test-out.jpg"; FileInputStream in = null; FileOutputStream out = null; long startTime, elapsedTime; // for speed benchmarking // Print file length File fileIn = new File(inFileStr); System.out.println("File size is " + fileIn.length() + " bytes"); try { in = new FileInputStream(inFileStr); out = new FileOutputStream(outFileStr); startTime = System.nanoTime(); int byteRead; // Read a raw byte, returns an int of 0 to 255. while ((byteRead = != -1) { // Write the least-significant byte of int, drop the upper 3 bytes out.write(byteRead); } elapsedTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime; System.out.println("Elapsed Time is " + (elapsedTime / 1000000.0) + " msec"); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { // always close the I/O streams try { if (in != null) in.close(); if (out != null) out.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } }
File size is 417455 bytes Elapsed Time is 3781.500581 msec
This example copies a file by reading a byte from the input file and writing it to the output file. It uses FileInputStream
and FileOutputStream
directly without buffering. Notice that most the I/O methods "throws" IOException
, which must be caught or declared to be thrown.
The method close()
is programmed inside the finally
clause. It is guaranteed to be run after try
or catch
. However, method close()
also throws an IOException
, and therefore must be enclosed inside a nested try-catch
block, which makes the codes a little ugly.
I used System.nanoTime()
, which was introduced in JDK 1.5, for a more accurate measure of the elapsed time, instead of the legacy not-so-precise System.currentTimeMillis()
. The output shows that it took about 4 seconds to copy a 400KB file.
As mentioned, JDK 1.7 introduces a new try
-with-resources syntax, which automatically closes all the resources opened, after try
or catch
. For example, the above example can be re-written in a much neater manner as follow:
import*; public class FileCopyNoBufferJDK7 { public static void main(String[] args) { String inFileStr = "test-in.jpg"; String outFileStr = "test-out.jpg"; long startTime, elapsedTime; // for speed benchmarking // Check file length File fileIn = new File(inFileStr); System.out.println("File size is " + fileIn.length() + " bytes"); // "try-with-resources" automatically closes all opened resources. try (FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(inFileStr); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outFileStr)) { startTime = System.nanoTime(); int byteRead; // Read a raw byte, returns an int of 0 to 255. while ((byteRead = != -1) { // Write the least-significant byte of int, drop the upper 3 bytes out.write(byteRead); } elapsedTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime; System.out.println("Elapsed Time is " + (elapsedTime / 1000000.0) + " msec"); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }
Example 2: Copying a file with a Programmer-Managed Buffer.
import*; public class FileCopyUserBuffer { // Pre-JDK 7 public static void main(String[] args) { String inFileStr = "test-in.jpg"; String outFileStr = "test-out.jpg"; FileInputStream in = null; FileOutputStream out = null; long startTime, elapsedTime; // for speed benchmarking // Check file length File fileIn = new File(inFileStr); System.out.println("File size is " + fileIn.length() + " bytes"); try { in = new FileInputStream(inFileStr); out = new FileOutputStream(outFileStr); startTime = System.nanoTime(); byte[] byteBuf = new byte[4096]; // 4K byte-buffer int numBytesRead; while ((numBytesRead = != -1) { out.write(byteBuf, 0, numBytesRead); } elapsedTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime; System.out.println("Elapsed Time is " + (elapsedTime / 1000000.0) + " msec"); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { // always close the streams try { if (in != null) in.close(); if (out != null) out.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } }
File size is 417455 bytes Elapsed Time is 2.938921 msec
This example again uses FileInputStream
and FileOutputStream
directly. However, instead of reading/writing one byte at a time, it reads/writes a 4KB block. This program took only 3 millisecond - a more than 1000 times speed-up compared with the previous example.
Larger buffer size, up to a certain limit, generally improves the I/O performance. However, there is a trade-off between speed-up the the memory usage. For file copying, a large buffer is certainly recommended. But for reading just a few bytes from a file, large buffer simply wastes the memory.
I re-write the program using JDK 1.7, and try on various buffer size on a much bigger file of 26MB.
import*; public class FileCopyUserBufferLoopJDK7 { public static void main(String[] args) { String inFileStr = "test-in.jpg"; String outFileStr = "test-out.jpg"; long startTime, elapsedTime; // for speed benchmarking // Check file length File fileIn = new File(inFileStr); System.out.println("File size is " + fileIn.length() + " bytes"); int[] bufSizeKB = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 256, 1024}; // in KB int bufSize; // in bytes for (int run = 0; run < bufSizeKB.length; ++run) { bufSize = bufSizeKB[run] * 1024; try (FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(inFileStr); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outFileStr)) { startTime = System.nanoTime(); byte[] byteBuf = new byte[bufSize]; int numBytesRead; while ((numBytesRead = != -1) { out.write(byteBuf, 0, numBytesRead); } elapsedTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime; System.out.printf("%4dKB: %6.2fmsec%n", bufSizeKB[run], (elapsedTime / 1000000.0)); //System.out.println("Elapsed Time is " + (elapsedTime / 1000000.0) + " msec"); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } }
File size is 26246026 bytes [26 MB]
1KB: 573.54msec
2KB: 316.43msec
4KB: 178.47msec
8KB: 116.32msec
16KB: 85.61msec
32KB: 65.92msec
64KB: 57.81msec
256KB: 63.38msec
1024KB: 98.87msec
Increasing buffer size helps only up to a certain point?!
Example 3: Copying a file with Buffered Streams.
import*; public class FileCopyBufferedStream { // Pre-JDK 7 public static void main(String[] args) { String inFileStr = "test-in.jpg"; String outFileStr = "test-out.jpg"; BufferedInputStream in = null; BufferedOutputStream out = null; long startTime, elapsedTime; // for speed benchmarking // Check file length File fileIn = new File(inFileStr); System.out.println("File size is " + fileIn.length() + " bytes"); try { in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(inFileStr)); out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outFileStr)); startTime = System.nanoTime(); int byteRead; while ((byteRead = != -1) { // Read byte-by-byte from buffer out.write(byteRead); } elapsedTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime; System.out.println("Elapsed Time is " + (elapsedTime / 1000000.0) + " msec"); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { // always close the streams try { if (in != null) in.close(); if (out != null) out.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } }
File size is 417455 bytes Elapsed Time is 61.834954 msec
In this example, I chain the FileInputStream
with BufferedInputStream
, FileOutputStream
with BufferedOutputStream
, and read/write byte-by-byte. The JRE decides on the buffer size. The program took 62 milliseconds, about 60 times speed-up compared with example 1, but slower than the programmer-managed buffer.
The JDK 1.7 version of the above example is as follows:
import*; public class FileCopyBufferedStreamJDK7 { public static void main(String[] args) { String inFileStr = "test-in.jpg"; String outFileStr = "test-out.jpg"; long startTime, elapsedTime; // for speed benchmarking // Check file length File fileIn = new File(inFileStr); System.out.println("File size is " + fileIn.length() + " bytes"); try (BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(inFileStr)); BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outFileStr))) { startTime = System.nanoTime(); int byteRead; while ((byteRead = != -1) { out.write(byteRead); } elapsedTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime; System.out.println("Elapsed Time is " + (elapsedTime / 1000000.0) + " msec"); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }
Formatted Data-Streams: DataInputStream & DataOutputStream
The DataInputStream
and DataOutputStream
can be stacked on top of any InputStream
and OutputStream
to parse the raw bytes so as to perform I/O operations in the desired data format, such as int
and double
To use DataInputStream
for formatted input, you can chain up the input streams as follows:
DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream( new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream("in.dat")));
implements DataInput
interface, which provides methods to read formatted primitive data and String
, such as:
// 8 Primitives public final int readInt() throws IOException; // Read 4 bytes and convert into int public final double readDouble() throws IOException; // Read 8 bytes and convert into double public final byte readByte() throws IOException; public final char readChar() throws IOException; public final short readShort() throws IOException; public final long readLong() throws IOException; public final boolean readBoolean() throws IOException; // Read 1 byte. Convert to false if zero public final float readFloat() throws IOException; public final int readUnsignedByte() throws IOException; // Read 1 byte in [0, 255] upcast to int public final int readUnsignedShort() throws IOException; // Read 2 bytes in [0, 65535], same as char, upcast to int public final void readFully(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException; public final void readFully(byte[] b) throws IOException; // Strings public final String readLine() throws IOException; // Read a line (until newline), convert each byte into a char - no unicode support. public final String readUTF() throws IOException; // read a UTF-encoded string with first two bytes indicating its UTF bytes length public final int skipBytes(int n) // Skip a number of bytes
Similarly, you can stack the DataOutputStream
as follows:
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream("out.dat")));
implements DataOutput
interface, which provides methods to write formatted primitive data and String
. For examples,
// 8 primitive types public final void writeInt(int i) throws IOException; // Write the int as 4 bytes public final void writeFloat(float f) throws IOException; public final void writeDouble(double d) throws IOException; // Write the double as 8 bytes public final void writeByte(int b) throws IOException; // least-significant byte public final void writeShort(int s) throws IOException; // two lower bytes public final void writeLong(long l) throws IOException; public final void writeBoolean(boolean b) throws IOException; public final void writeChar(int i) throws IOException; // String public final void writeBytes(String str) throws IOException; // least-significant byte of each char public final void writeChars(String str) throws IOException; // Write String as UCS-2 16-bit char, Big-endian (big byte first) public final void writeUTF(String str) throws IOException; // Write String as UTF, with first two bytes indicating UTF bytes length public final void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException public final void write(byte[] b) throws IOException public final void write(int b) throws IOException // Write the least-significant byte
Example: The following program writes some primitives to a disk file. It then reads the raw bytes to check how the primitives were stored. Finally, it reads the data as primitives.
import*; public class TestDataIOStream { public static void main(String[] args) { String filename = "data-out.dat"; String message = "Hi,您好!"; // Write primitives to an output file try (DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(filename)))) { out.writeByte(127); out.writeShort(0xFFFF); // -1 out.writeInt(0xABCD); out.writeLong(0x1234_5678); // JDK 7 syntax out.writeFloat(11.22f); out.writeDouble(55.66); out.writeBoolean(true); out.writeBoolean(false); for (int i = 0; i < message.length(); ++i) { out.writeChar(message.charAt(i)); } out.writeChars(message); out.writeBytes(message); out.flush(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // Read raw bytes and print in Hex try (BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream(filename))) { int inByte; while ((inByte = != -1) { System.out.printf("%02X ", inByte); // Print Hex codes } System.out.printf("%n%n"); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // Read primitives try (DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream( new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream(filename)))) { System.out.println("byte: " + in.readByte()); System.out.println("short: " + in.readShort()); System.out.println("int: " + in.readInt()); System.out.println("long: " + in.readLong()); System.out.println("float: " + in.readFloat()); System.out.println("double: " + in.readDouble()); System.out.println("boolean: " + in.readBoolean()); System.out.println("boolean: " + in.readBoolean()); System.out.print("char: "); for (int i = 0; i < message.length(); ++i) { System.out.print(in.readChar()); } System.out.println(); System.out.print("chars: "); for (int i = 0; i < message.length(); ++i) { System.out.print(in.readChar()); } System.out.println(); System.out.print("bytes: "); for (int i = 0; i < message.length(); ++i) { System.out.print((char)in.readByte()); } System.out.println(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }
7F FF FF 00 00 AB CD 00 00 00 00 00 0F 42 3F byte short int long 41 33 85 1F 40 4B D4 7A E1 47 AE 14 float double 01 00 boolean boolean 00 48 00 69 00 2C 60 A8 59 7D 00 21 H i , 您 好 ! 00 48 00 69 00 2C 60 A8 59 7D 00 21 H i , 您 好 ! 48 69 2C A8 7D 21 [low byte of the char only] byte: 127 short: -1 int: 43981 long: 305419896 float: 11.22 double: 55.66 boolean: true boolean: false char: Hi,您好! chars: Hi,您好! bytes: Hi,?}!
The data stored in the disk are exactly in the same form as in the Java program internally (e.g., UCS-2 for characters). The byte-order is big-endian (big byte first, or most significant byte in lowest address).
Network I/O
[In Java Networking]
Character-Based I/O & Character Streams

Java internally stores characters (char
type) in 16-bit UCS-2 character set. But the external data source/sink could store characters in other character set (e.g., US-ASCII, ISO-8859-x, UTF-8, UTF-16, and many others), in fixed length of 8-bit or 16-bit, or in variable length of 1 to 4 bytes. [Read "Character Sets and Encoding Schemes"]. Hence, Java has to differentiate between byte-based I/O for processing 8-bit raw bytes, and character-based I/O for processing texts. The character streams needs to translate between the character set used by external I/O devices and Java internal UCS-2 format. For example, the character '您' is stored as "60 A8
" in UCS-2 (Java internal), "E6 82 A8
" in UTF8, "C4 FA
" in GBK/GB2312, and "B1 7A
" in BIG5. If this character is to be written to a file uses UTF-8, the character stream needs to translate "60 A8
" to "E6 82 A8
". The reserve takes place in a reading operation.
The byte/character streams refer to the unit of operation within the Java programs, which does not necessary correspond to the amount of data transferred from/to the external I/O devices. This is because some charsets use fixed-length of 8-bit (e.g., US-ASCII, ISO-8859-1) or 16-bit (e.g., UCS-16), while some use variable-length of 1-4 bytes (e.g., UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-16-BE, UTF-16-LE, GBK, BIG5). When a character stream is used to read an 8-bit ASCII file, an 8-bit data is read from the file and put into the 16-bit char
location of the Java program.
Abstract superclass Reader and Writer
Other than the unit of operation and charset conversion (which is extremely complex), character-based I/O is almost identical to byte-based I/O. Instead of InputStream
and OutputStream
, we use Reader
and Writer
for character-based I/O.
The abstract
superclass Reader
operates on char
. It declares an abstract
method read()
to read one character from the input source. read()
returns the character as an int
between 0 to 65535 (a char
in Java can be treated as an unsigned 16-bit integer); or -1 if end-of-stream is detected; or throws an IOException
if I/O error occurs. There are also two variations of read()
to read a block of characters into char
public abstract int read() throws IOException public int read(char[] chars, int offset, int length) throws IOException public int read(char[] chars) throws IOException
The abstract
superclass Writer
declares an abstract
method write()
, which writes a character to the output sink. The lower 2 bytes of the int
argument is written out; while the upper 2 bytes are discarded.
public void abstract void write(int aChar) throws IOException public void write(char[] chars, int offset, int length) throws IOException public void write(char[] chars) throws IOException
File I/O Character-Streams - FileReader & FileWriter
and FileWriter
are concrete implementations to the abstract
superclasses Reader
and Writer
, to support I/O from disk files. FileReader
assumes that the default character encoding (charset) is used for the disk file. The default charset is kept in the JVM's system property "file.encoding
". You can get the default charset via static
method java.nio.charset.Charset.defaultCharset()
or System.getProperty("file.encoding")
. It is probable safe to use FileReader
for ASCII texts, provided that the default charset is compatible to ASCII (such as US-ASCII, ISO-8859-x, UTF-8, and many others, but NOT UTF-16, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE and many others). Use of FileReader/FileWriter
is NOT recommended as you have no control of the file encoding charset.
Buffered I/O Character-Streams - BufferedReader & BufferedWriter
and BufferedWriter
can be stacked on top of FileReader/FileWriter
or other character streams to perform buffered I/O, instead of character-by-character. BufferedReader
provides a new method readLine()
, which reads a line and returns a String
(without the line delimiter). Lines could be delimited by "\n
" (Unix), "\r\n
" (Windows), or "\r
" (Mac).
import*; // Write a text message to an output file, then read it back. // FileReader/FileWriter uses the default charset for file encoding. public class BufferedFileReaderWriterJDK7 { public static void main(String[] args) { String strFilename = "out.txt"; String message = "Hello, world!\nHello, world again!\n"; // 2 lines of texts // Print the default charset System.out.println(java.nio.charset.Charset.defaultCharset()); try (BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(strFilename))) { out.write(message); out.flush(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } try (BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(strFilename))) { String inLine; while ((inLine = in.readLine()) != null) { // exclude newline System.out.println(inLine); } } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }
Character Set (or Charset) - Package java.nio.charset (JDK 1.4)
JDK 1.4 provides a new package java.nio.charset
as part of NIO (New IO) to support character translation between the Unicode (UCS-2) used internally in Java program and external devices which could be encoded in any other format (e.g., US-ASCII, ISO-8859-x, UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, and etc.)
The main class java.nio.charset.Charset
provides static
methods for testing whether a particular charset is supported, locating charset instances by name, and listing all the available charsets and the default charset.
public static SortedMap<String,Charset> availableCharsets() // lists all the available charsets public static Charset defaultCharset() // Returns the default charset public static Charset forName(String charsetName) // Returns a Charset instance for the given charset name (in String) public static boolean isSupported(String charsetName) // Tests if this charset name is supported
import java.nio.charset.Charset; public class TestCharset { public static void main(String[] args) { // Print the default Charset System.out.println("The default charset is " + Charset.defaultCharset()); System.out.println("The default charset is " + System.getProperty("file.encoding")); // Print the list of available Charsets in name=Charset System.out.println("The available charsets are:"); System.out.println(Charset.availableCharsets()); // Check if the given charset name is supported System.out.println(Charset.isSupported("UTF-8")); // true System.out.println(Charset.isSupported("UTF8")); // true System.out.println(Charset.isSupported("UTF_8")); // false // Get an instance of a Charset Charset charset = Charset.forName("UTF8"); // Print this Charset name System.out.println(; // "UTF-8" // Print all the other aliases System.out.println(charset.aliases()); // [UTF8, unicolor-1-1-utf-8] } }
The default charset for file encoding is kept in the system property "file.encoding
". To change the JVM's default charset for file encoding, you can use command-line VM option "-Dfile.encoding
". For example, the following command run the program with default charset of UTF-8.
> java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 TestCharset
Most importantly, the Charset
class provides methods to encode/decode characters from UCS-2 used in Java program and the specific charset used in the external devices (such as UTF-8).
public final ByteBuffer encode(String s) public final ByteBuffer encode(CharBuffer cb) // Encodes Unicode UCS-2 characters in the CharBuffer/String // into a "byte sequence" using this charset, and returns a ByteBuffer. public final CharBuffer decode(ByteBuffer bb) // Decode the byte sequence encoded using this charset in the ByteBuffer // to Unicode UCS-2, and return a charBuffer.
The encode()
methods operate on ByteBuffer
and CharBuffer
introduced also in JDK 1.4, which will be explain in the New I/O section.
Example: The following example encodes some Unicode texts in various encoding scheme, and display the Hex codes of the encoded byte sequences.
import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.nio.charset.Charset; public class TestCharsetEncodeDecode { public static void main(String[] args) { // Try these charsets for encoding String[] charsetNames = {"US-ASCII", "ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8", "UTF-16", "UTF-16BE", "UTF-16LE", "GBK", "BIG5"}; String message = "Hi,您好!"; // Unicode message to be encoded // Print UCS-2 in hex codes System.out.printf("%10s: ", "UCS-2"); for (int i = 0; i < message.length(); ++i) { System.out.printf("%04X ", (int)message.charAt(i)); } System.out.println(); for (String charsetName: charsetNames) { // Get a Charset instance given the charset name string Charset charset = Charset.forName(charsetName); System.out.printf("%10s: ",; // Encode the Unicode UCS-2 characters into a byte sequence in this charset. ByteBuffer bb = charset.encode(message); while (bb.hasRemaining()) { System.out.printf("%02X ", bb.get()); // Print hex code } System.out.println(); bb.rewind(); } } }
UCS-2: 0048 0069 002C 60A8 597D 0021 [16-bit fixed-length] H i , 您 好 ! US-ASCII: 48 69 2C 3F 3F 21 [8-bit fixed-length] H i , ? ? ! ISO-8859-1: 48 69 2C 3F 3F 21 [8-bit fixed-length] H i , ? ? ! UTF-8: 48 69 2C E6 82 A8 E5 A5 BD 21 [1-4 bytes variable-length] H i , 您 好 ! UTF-16: FE FF 00 48 00 69 00 2C 60 A8 59 7D 00 21 [2-4 bytes variable-length] BOM H i , 您 好 ! [Byte-Order-Mark indicates Big-Endian] UTF-16BE: 00 48 00 69 00 2C 60 A8 59 7D 00 21 [2-4 bytes variable-length] H i , 您 好 ! UTF-16LE: 48 00 69 00 2C 00 A8 60 7D 59 21 00 [2-4 bytes variable-length] H i , 您 好 ! GBK: 48 69 2C C4 FA BA C3 21 [1-2 bytes variable-length] H i , 您 好 ! Big5: 48 69 2C B1 7A A6 6E 21 [1-2 bytes variable-length] H i , 您 好 !
Example: The following example tries out the encoding/decoding on CharBuffer
and ByteBuffer
. Buffers will be discussed later under New I/O.
import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.nio.charset.Charset; public class TestCharsetEncodeByteBuffer { public static void main(String[] args) { byte[] bytes = {0x00, 0x48, 0x00, 0x69, 0x00, 0x2C, 0x60, (byte)0xA8, 0x59, 0x7D, 0x00, 0x21}; // "Hi,您好!" // Print UCS-2 in hex codes System.out.printf("%10s: ", "UCS-2"); for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; ++i) { System.out.printf("%02X ", bytes[i]); } System.out.println(); Charset charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); // Encode from UCS-2 to UTF-8 // Create a ByteBuffer by wrapping a byte array ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes); // Create a CharBuffer from a view of this ByteBuffer CharBuffer cb = bb.asCharBuffer(); ByteBuffer bbOut = charset.encode(cb); // Print hex code System.out.printf("%10s: ",; while (bbOut.hasRemaining()) { System.out.printf("%02X ", bbOut.get()); } System.out.println(); // Decode from UTF-8 to UCS-2 bbOut.rewind(); CharBuffer cbOut = charset.decode(bbOut); System.out.printf("%10s: ", "UCS-2"); while (cbOut.hasRemaining()) { char aChar = cbOut.get(); System.out.printf("'%c'[%04X] ", aChar, (int)aChar); // Print char & hex code } System.out.println(); } }
UCS-2: 00 48 00 69 00 2C 60 A8 59 7D 00 21 UTF-8: 48 69 2C E6 82 A8 E5 A5 BD 21 UCS-2: 'H'[0048] 'i'[0069] ','[002C] '您'[60A8] '好'[597D] '!'[0021]
Text File I/O - InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter
As mentioned, Java internally stores characters (char
type) in 16-bit UCS-2 character set. But the external data source/sink could store characters in other character set (e.g., US-ASCII, ISO-8859-x, UTF-8, UTF-16, and many others), in fixed length of 8-bit or 16-bit, or in variable length of 1 to 4 bytes. The FileReader
introduced earlier uses the default charset for decoding/encoding, resulted in non-portable programs.
To choose the charset, you need to use InputStreamReader
and OutputStreamWriter
. InputStreamReader
and OutputStreamWriter
are considered to be byte-to-character "bridge" streams.
You can choose the character set in the InputStreamReader
's constructor:
public InputStreamReader(InputStream in) // Use default charset
public InputStreamReader(InputStream in, String charsetName) throws UnsupportedEncodingException
public InputStreamReader(InputStream in, Charset cs)
You can list the available charsets via static
method java.nio.charset.Charset.availableCharsets()
. The commonly-used Charset
names supported by Java are:
- "
": 7-bit ASCII (aka ISO646-US) - "
": Latin-1 - "
": Most commonly-used encoding scheme for Unicode - "
": Big-endian (big byte first) (big-endian is usually the default) - "
": Little-endian (little byte first) - "
": with a 2-byte BOM (Byte-Order-Mark) to specify the byte order. FE FF indicates big-endian, FF FE indicates little-endian.
As the InputStreamReader
often needs to read/write in multiple bytes, it is best to wrap it with a BufferedReader
Example: The following program writes Unicode texts to a disk file using various charsets for file encoding. It then reads the file byte-by-byte (via a byte-based input stream) to check the encoded characters in the various charsets. Finally, it reads the file using the character-based reader.
import*; // Write texts to file using OutputStreamWriter specifying its charset encoding. // Read byte-by-byte using FileInputStream. // Read char-by-char using InputStreamReader specifying its charset encoding. public class TextFileEncodingJDK7 { public static void main(String[] args) { String message = "Hi,您好!"; // with non-ASCII chars // Java internally stores char in UCS-2/UTF-16 // Print the characters stored with Hex codes for (int i = 0; i < message.length(); ++i) { char aChar = message.charAt(i); System.out.printf("[%d]'%c'(%04X) ", (i+1), aChar, (int)aChar); } System.out.println(); // Try these charsets for encoding text file String[] csStrs = {"UTF-8", "UTF-16BE", "UTF-16LE", "UTF-16", "GB2312", "GBK", "BIG5"}; String outFileExt = "-out.txt"; // Output filenames are "charset-out.txt" // Write text file in the specified file encoding charset for (int i = 0; i < csStrs.length; ++i) { try (OutputStreamWriter out = new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(csStrs[i] + outFileExt), csStrs[i]); BufferedWriter bufOut = new BufferedWriter(out)) { // Buffered for efficiency System.out.println(out.getEncoding()); // Print file encoding charset bufOut.write(message); bufOut.flush(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } // Read raw bytes from various encoded files // to check how the characters were encoded. for (int i = 0; i < csStrs.length; ++i) { try (BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream( // Buffered for efficiency new FileInputStream(csStrs[i] + outFileExt))) { System.out.printf("%10s", csStrs[i]); // Print file encoding charset int inByte; while ((inByte = != -1) { System.out.printf("%02X ", inByte); // Print Hex codes } System.out.println(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } // Read text file with character-stream specifying its encoding. // The char will be translated from its file encoding charset to // Java internal UCS-2. for (int i = 0; i < csStrs.length; ++i) { try (InputStreamReader in = new InputStreamReader( new FileInputStream(csStrs[i] + outFileExt), csStrs[i]); BufferedReader bufIn = new BufferedReader(in)) { // Buffered for efficiency System.out.println(in.getEncoding()); // print file encoding charset int inChar; int count = 0; while ((inChar = != -1) { ++count; System.out.printf("[%d]'%c'(%04X) ", count, (char)inChar, inChar); } System.out.println(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } }
[1]'H'(0048) [2]'i'(0069) [3]','(002C) [4]'您'(60A8) [5]'好'(597D) [6]'!'(0021) UTF-8: 48 69 2C E6 82 A8 E5 A5 BD 21 H i , 您 好 ! UTF-16BE: 00 48 00 69 00 2C 60 A8 59 7D 00 21 H i , 您 好 ! UTF-16LE: 48 00 69 00 2C 00 A8 60 7D 59 21 00 H i , 您 好 ! UTF-16: FE FF 00 48 00 69 00 2C 60 A8 59 7D 00 21 BOM H i , 您 好 ! GB2312: 48 69 2C C4 FA BA C3 21 H i , 您 好 ! GBK: 48 69 2C C4 FA BA C3 21 H i , 您 好 ! BIG5: 48 69 2C B1 7A A6 6E 21 H i , 您 好 ! UTF8 [1]'H'(0048) [2]'i'(0069) [3]','(002C) [4]'您'(60A8) [5]'好'(597D) [6]'!'(0021) UnicodeBigUnmarked [UTF-16BE without BOM] [1]'H'(0048) [2]'i'(0069) [3]','(002C) [4]'您'(60A8) [5]'好'(597D) [6]'!'(0021) UnicodeLittleUnmarked [UFT-16LE without BOM] [1]'H'(0048) [2]'i'(0069) [3]','(002C) [4]'您'(60A8) [5]'好'(597D) [6]'!'(0021) UTF-16 [1]'H'(0048) [2]'i'(0069) [3]','(002C) [4]'您'(60A8) [5]'好'(597D) [6]'!'(0021) EUC_CN [GB2312] [1]'H'(0048) [2]'i'(0069) [3]','(002C) [4]'您'(60A8) [5]'好'(597D) [6]'!'(0021) GBK [1]'H'(0048) [2]'i'(0069) [3]','(002C) [4]'您'(60A8) [5]'好'(597D) [6]'!'(0021) Big5 [1]'H'(0048) [2]'i'(0069) [3]','(002C) [4]'您'(60A8) [5]'好'(597D) [6]'!'(0021)
As seen from the output, the characters 您好 is encoded differently in different charsets. Nonetheless, the InputStreamReader
is able to translate the characters into the same UCS-2 used in Java program. &

The byte-based
supports convenient printing methods such as print()
and println()
for printing primitives and text string. Primitives are converted to their string representation for printing. The printf()
and format()
were introduced in JDK 1.5 for formatting output with former specifiers. printf()
and format()
are identical.
A PrintStream
never throws an IOException
. Instead, it sets an internal flag which can be checked via the checkError()
method. A PrintStream
can also be created to flush the output automatically. That is, the flush()
method is automatically invoked after a byte array is written, one of the println(
) methods is invoked, or after a newline ('\n'
) is written.
The standard output and error streams (System.out
and System.err
) belong to PrintStream
All characters printed by a PrintStream
are converted into bytes using the default character encoding. The PrintWriter
class should be used in situations that require writing characters rather than bytes.
The character-stream PrintWriter
is similar to PrintStream
, except that it write in characters instead of bytes. The PrintWriter
also supports all the convenient printing methods print()
, println()
, printf()
and format()
. It never throws an IOException
and can optionally be created to support automatic flushing.
[TODO] Example to show the difference between PrintStream
and PrintWriter
Object Serialization and Object Streams
Data streams (DataInputStream
and DataOutputStream
) allow you to read and write primitive data (such as int
, double
) and String
, rather than individual bytes. Object streams (ObjectInputStream
and ObjectOutputStream
) go one step further to allow you to read and write entire objects (such as Date
, ArrayList
or any custom objects).
Object serialization is the process of representing a "particular state of an object" in a serialized bit-stream, so that the bit stream can be written out to an external device (such as a disk file or network). The bit-stream can later be re-constructed to recover the state of that object. Object serialization is necessary to save a state of an object into a disk file for persistence or sent the object across the network for applications such as Web Services, Distributed-object applications, and Remote Method Invocation (RMI).
In Java, object that requires to be serialized must implement
interface. Serializable
interface is an empty interface (or tagged interface) with nothing declared. Its purpose is simply to declare that particular object is serializable.
ObjectInputStream & ObjectOutputStream
The ObjectInputStream
and ObjectOutputStream
can be used to serialize an object into a bit-stream and transfer it to/from an I/O streams, via these methods:
public final Object readObject() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException; public final void writeObject(Object obj) throws IOException;
and ObjectOutputStream
must be stacked on top of a concrete implementation of InputStream
or OutputStream
, such as FileInputStream
or FileOutputStream
For example, the following code segment writes objects to a disk file. The ".ser
" is the convention for serialized object file type.
ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream("object.ser"))); out.writeObject("The current Date and Time is "); // write a String object out.writeObject(new Date()); // write a Date object out.flush(); out.close();
To read and re-construct the object back in a program, use the method readObject()
, which returns an java.lang.Object
. Downcast the Object
back to its original type.
ObjectInputStream in =
new ObjectInputStream(
new BufferedInputStream(
new FileInputStream("object.ser")));
String str = (String)in.readObject();
Date d = (Date)in.readObject(new Date()); // downcast
Example: Object serialization
import*; public class ObjectSerializationTest { public static void main(String[] args) { String filename = "object.ser"; int numObjs = 5; // Write objects try (ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(filename)))) { // Create an array of 10 MySerializedObjects with ascending numbers MySerializedObject[] objs = new MySerializedObject[numObjs]; for (int i = 0; i < numObjs; ++i) { objs[i] = new MySerializedObject(0xAA + i); // Starting at AA } // Write the objects to file, one by one. for (int i = 0; i < numObjs; ++i) { out.writeObject(objs[i]); } // Write the entire array in one go. out.writeObject(objs); out.flush(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // Read raws bytes and print in Hex try (BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream(filename))) { int inByte; while ((inByte = != -1) { System.out.printf("%02X ", inByte); // Print Hex codes } System.out.printf("%n%n"); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // Read objects try (ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream( new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream(filename)))) { // Read back the objects, cast back to its original type. MySerializedObject objIn; for (int i = 0; i < numObjs; ++i) { objIn = (MySerializedObject)in.readObject(); System.out.println(objIn.getNumber()); } MySerializedObject[] objArrayIn; objArrayIn = (MySerializedObject[])in.readObject(); for (MySerializedObject o : objArrayIn) { System.out.println(o.getNumber()); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException|IOException ex) { // JDK 7 ex.printStackTrace(); } } } class MySerializedObject implements Serializable { private int number; public MySerializedObject(int number) { this.number = number; } public int getNumber() { return number; } }
AC ED 00 05 73 72 00 12 4D 79 53 65 72 69 61 6C 69 7A 65 64 4F 62 6A 65 63 74 1F 7B 91 BD 02 1C DC 30 02 00 01 49 00 06 6E 75 6D 62 65 72 78 70 00 00 00 AA 73 71 00 7E 00 00 00 00 00 AB 73 71 00 7E 00 00 00 00 00 AC 73 71 00 7E 00 00 00 00 00 AD 73 71 00 7E 00 00 00 00 00 AE 75 72 00 15 5B 4C 4D 79 53 65 72 69 61 6C 69 7A 65 64 4F 62 6A 65 63 74 3B 13 95 A0 51 BC 86 75 38 02 00 00 78 70 00 00 00 05 71 00 7E 00 01 71 00 7E 00 02 71 00 7E 00 03 71 00 7E 00 04 71 00 7E 00 05
[Check out these bytes!]
Primitive types and array are, by default, serializable.
The ObjectInputStream
and ObjectOutputStream
implement DataInput
and DataOutput
interface respectively. You can used methods such as readInt()
, readDouble()
, writeInt()
, writeDouble()
for reading and writing primitive types.
transient & static
fields are not serialized, as it belongs to the class instead of the particular instance to be serialized.- To prevent certain fields from being serialized, mark them using the keyword
. This could cut down the amount of data traffic. - The
method writes out the class of the object, the class signature, and values of non-static
and non-transient
fields. & Externalizable Interfaces
When you create a class that might be serialized, the class must implement
interface. The Serializable
interface doesn't declare any methods. Empty interfaces such as Serializable
are known as tagging interfaces. They identify implementing classes as having certain properties, without requiring those classes to actually implement any methods.
Most of the core Java classes implement Serializable
, such as all the wrapper classes, collection classes, and GUI classes. In fact, the only core Java classes that do not implement Serializable
are ones that should not be serialized. Arrays of primitives or serializable objects are themselves serializable.
Warning Message "The serialization class does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long" (Advanced)
This warning message is triggered because your class (such as java.swing.JFrame
) implements the
interface. This interface enables the object to be written out to an output stream serially (via method writeObject()
); and read back into the program (via method readObject()
). The serialization runtime uses a number (called serialVersionUID
) to ensure that the object read into the program (during deserialization) is compatible with the class definition, and not belonging to another version. It throws an InvalidClassException
You have these options:
- Simply ignore this warning message. If a
class does not explicitly declare aserialVersionUID
, then the serialization runtime will calculate a defaultserialVersionUID
value for that class based on various aspects of the class. - Add a
(Recommended), e.g.private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // version 1
- Suppress this particular warning via annotation
(in packagejava.lang
) (JDK 1.5):@SuppressWarnings("serial") public class MyFrame extends JFrame { ...... } Interface
The Serializable
has a sub-interface called Externalizable
, which you could used if you want to customize the way a class is serialized. Since Externalizable
extends Serializable
, it is also a Serializable
and you could invoke readObject()
and writeObject()
declares two abstract
void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
and ObjectInput
are interfaces that are implemented by ObjectOutputStream
and ObjectInputStream
, which define the writeObject()
and readObject()
methods, respectively. When an instance of Externalizable
is passed to an ObjectOutputStream
, the default serialization procedure is bypassed; instead, the stream calls the instance's writeExternal()
method. Similarly, when an ObjectInputStream
reads a Exteranlizabled
instance, it uses readExternal()
to reconstruct the instance.
is useful if you want complete control on how your objects shall be serialized/deserialized. For example, you could encrypt sensitive data before the object is serialized.
Random Access Files
All the I/O streams covered so far are one-way streams. That is, they are either read-only input stream or write-only output stream. Furthermore, they are all sequential-access (or serial) streams, meant for reading and writing data sequentially. Nonetheless, it is sometimes necessary to read a file record directly as well as modifying existing records or inserting new records. The class RandomAccessFile
provides supports for non-sequential, direct (or random) access to a disk file. RandomAccessFile
is a two-way stream, supporting both input and output operations in the same stream.
can be treated as a huge byte array. You can use a file pointer (of type long
), similar to array index, to access individual byte or group of bytes in primitive types (such as int and double). The file pointer is located at 0 when the file is opened. It advances automatically for every read and write operation by the number of bytes processed.

In constructing a RandomAccessFile
, you can use flags 'r'
or 'rw'
to indicate whether the file is "read-only" or "read-write" access, e.g.,
RandomAccessFile f1 = new RandomAccessFile("filename", "r"); RandomAccessFile f2 = new RandomAccessFile("filename", "rw");
The following methods are available:
public void seek(long pos) throws IOException; // Positions the file pointer for subsequent read/write operation. public int skipBytes(int numBytes) throws IOException; // Moves the file pointer forward by the specified number of bytes. public long getFilePointer() throws IOException; // Gets the position of the current file pointer, in bytes, from the beginning of the file. public long length() throws IOException; // Returns the length of this file.
does not inherit from InputStream
or OutputStream
. However, it implements DataInput
and DataOutput
interfaces (similar to DataInputStream
and DataOutputStream
). Therefore, you can use various methods to read/write primitive types to the file, e.g.,
public int readInt() throws IOException; public double readDouble() throws IOException; public void writeInt(int i) throws IOException; public void writeDouble(double d) throws IOException;
Example: Read and write records from a RandomAccessFile
. (A student file consists of student record of name (String
) and id (int
Compressed I/O Streams
The classes ZipInputStream
and ZipOutputStream
(in package java.util
) support reading and writing of compressed data in ZIP format. The classes GZIPInputStream
and GZIPOutputStream
(in package java.util
) support reading and writing of compressed data in GZIP format.
Example: Reading and writing ZIP files
Example: Reading and writing JAR files
Formatted Text I/O - java.util.Scanner & java.util.Formatter (JDK 1.5)
Formatted-Text Input via java.util.Scanner
JDK 1.5 introduces java.util.Scanner
class, which greatly simplifies formatted text input from input source (e.g., files, keyboard, network). Scanner
, as the name implied, is a simple text scanner which can parse the input text into primitive types and strings using regular expressions. It first breaks the text input into tokens using a delimiter pattern, which is by default the white spaces (blank, tab and newline). The tokens may then be converted into primitive values of different types using the various nextXxx()
methods (nextInt()
, nextByte()
, nextShort()
, nextLong()
, nextFloat()
, nextDouble()
, nextBoolean()
, next()
for String
, and nextLine()
for an input line). You can also use the hasNextXxx()
methods to check for the availability of a desired input.
The commonly-used constructors are as follows. You can construct a Scanner
to parse a byte-based InputStream
), a disk file, or a given String
// Scanner piped from a disk File public Scanner(File source) throws FileNotFoundException public Scanner(File source, String charsetName) throws FileNotFoundException // Scanner piped from a byte-based InputStream, e.g., public Scanner(InputStream source) public Scanner(InputStream source, String charsetName) // Scanner piped from the given source string (NOT filename string) public Scanner(String source)
For examples,
// Construct a Scanner to parse an int from keyboard Scanner in1 = new Scanner(; int i = in1.nextInt(); // Construct a Scanner to parse all doubles from a disk file Scanner in2 = new Scanner(new File("in.txt")); // need to handle FileNotFoundException while (in2.hasNextDouble()) { double d = in.nextDouble(); } // Construct a Scanner to parse a given text string Scanner in3 = new Scanner("This is the input text String"); while (in3.hasNext()) { String s =; }
Example 1: The most common usage of Scanner
is to read primitive types and String
form the keyboard (
), as follows:
import java.util.Scanner; public class TestScannerSystemIn { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Enter an integer: "); int anInt = in.nextInt(); System.out.println("You entered " + anInt); System.out.print("Enter a floating-point number: "); double aDouble = in.nextDouble(); System.out.println("You entered " + aDouble); System.out.print("Enter 2 words: "); String word1 =; // read a string delimited by white space String word2 =; // read a string delimited by white space System.out.println("You entered " + word1 + " " + word2); in.nextLine(); // flush the "enter" before the next readLine() System.out.print("Enter a line: "); String line = in.nextLine(); // read a string up to line delimiter System.out.println("You entered " + line); } }
The nextXxx()
methods throw InputMismatchException
if the next token does not match the type to be parsed.
Example 2: You can easily modify the above program to read the inputs from a text file, instead of keyboard (
import java.util.Scanner; import*; public class TestScannerFile { public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException { Scanner in = new Scanner(new File("in.txt")); System.out.print("Enter an integer: "); int anInt = in.nextInt(); System.out.println("You entered " + anInt); System.out.print("Enter a floating-point number: "); double aDouble = in.nextDouble(); System.out.println("You entered " + aDouble); System.out.print("Enter 2 words: "); String word1 =; // read a string delimited by white space String word2 =; // read a string delimited by white space System.out.println("You entered " + word1 + " " + word2); in.nextLine(); // flush the "enter" before the next readLine() System.out.print("Enter a line: "); String line = in.nextLine(); // read a string up to line delimiter System.out.println("You entered " + line); } }
Prepare the input file "in.txt
" as follows:
123 44.55 first second this is a test
nextXxx() and hasNextXxx()
The Scanner
class implements iterator<String>
interface. You can use hasNext()
coupled with next()
to iterate through all the String
tokens. You can also directly iterate through the primitive types via methods hasNextXxx()
and nextXxx()
. Xxx
includes all primitive types (byte
, short
, int
, long
, float
, double
and boolean
), BigInteger,
and BigNumber
. char
is not included but can be retrieved from String
via charAt()
Instead of the default white spaces as the delimiter, you can set the delimiter to a chosen regular expression via these methods:
public Pattern delimiter() // Returns the current delimiter Regex Pattern public Scanner useDelimiter(Pattern pattern) // Sets the delimiter Regex Pattern public Scanner useDelimiter(String pattern)
Example 3: Customized token delimiter
import java.util.Scanner; public class ScannerWithDelimiter { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner("one apple 2 apple red apple big apple 5.5 apple"); // Zero or more whitespace, followed by 'apple', followed by zero or more whitespace. in.useDelimiter("\\s*apple\\s*"); // The delimiter breaks the input into tokens {"one", "2", "red", "big", "5.5"}. System.out.println(; System.out.println(in.nextInt()); // parses text into int System.out.println(; System.out.println(; System.out.println(in.nextDouble()); // parses text into double } }
The regular expression \s*apple\s*
matches zero or more white spaces (\s*
) followed by "apple" followed by zero or more white spaces (\s*
). An additional backslash (\
) is needed to use a backslash (\
) in Java String
's literal. Read "Regular Expression" for more details.
Regex Pattern Matching
You can use the following methods to find the next occurrence of the specified pattern using regular expressions:
// Find the next occurrence of a pattern, ignoring delimiters public String findInLine(Pattern pattern) public String findInLine(String pattern) public String findWithinHorizon(Pattern pattern, int horizon) public String findWithinHorizon(String pattern, int horizon) // Skips input that matches the specified pattern, ignoring delimiters public Scanner skip(Pattern pattern) public Scanner skip(String pattern)
By default, Scanner
uses the default charset to read the character from the input source. You can ask Scanner
to read text file which is encoded using a particular charset, by providing the charset name.
Example 4:
import java.util.*; import*; public class TestScannerTextFile { public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException { String filename = "test_scanner.txt"; String message = "Hi,您好!\n"; // with non-ASCII chars // Create a Text file in UTF-8 // Can also use formatter (see below) try (BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(filename), "UTF-8"))) { out.write("12345 55.66\n"); out.write(message); out.flush(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // Read raws bytes and print in Hex try (BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream(filename))) { int inByte; while ((inByte = != -1) { System.out.printf("%02X ", inByte); // Print Hex codes } System.out.println(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // Open a text file, specifying the charset for the file encoding Scanner in = new Scanner(new File(filename), "UTF-8"); System.out.println(in.nextInt()); System.out.println(in.nextFloat()); in.nextLine(); // Flush a newline System.out.println(in.nextLine()); } }
31 32 33 34 35 20 35 35 2E 36 36 0A 48 69 2C E6 82 A8 E5 A5 BD 21 0A
1 2 3 4 5 SP 5 5 . 6 6 LF H i , 您 好 ! LF [UTF-8]
Formatted-Text Printing with printf() method
JDK 1.5 introduces C-like printf()
method (in classes
) for formatted-text printing.
To write formatted-text to console (System.out
or System.err
), you could simply use the convenience methods System.out.printf()
or System.out.format()
. printf()
takes this syntax:
public PrintStream|PrintWriter printf(String formatSpecifier, Object... args) public PrintStream|PrintWriter printf(Locale locale, String formatSpecifier, Object... args)
takes a variable number (zero or more) of arguments (or varargs). Varargs was introduced in JDK 1.5 (that is the reason Java cannot support printf()
can be called from System.out
or System.err
( which are PrintStream
s). For example,
System.out.printf("Hello %4d %6.2f %s, and%n Hello again%n", 123, 5.5, "Hello");
Hello 123 5.50 Hello, and Hello again
You can also use the System.out.format()
method, which is identical to System.out.printf()
Format Specifiers
A format specifier begins with '%'
and ends with a conversion-type character (e.g. "%d"
for integer, "%f"
for float
and double
), with optional parameters in between, as follows:
- The optional argument_position specifies the position of the argument in the argument list. The first argument is
, second argument is"2$"
, and so on. - The optional width indicates the minimum number of characters to be output.
- The optional precision restricts the number of characters (or number of decimal places for float-point numbers).
- The mandatory conversion-type-character indicates how the argument should be formatted. For examples:
(hex string),'s'
(decimal integer),'o'
(octal integer),'x'
(hexadecimal integer),'e'
(float-point number in scientific notation),'f'
(floating-point number),'%'
(percent sign). The uppercase conversion code (e.g.,'S'
) formats the texts in uppercase. - Flag:
(include sign),' '
(include leading space),'0'
(include grouping separator).'('
(negative value in parentheses),'#'
(alternative form).
Read JDK API java.util.Formatter
's "Format String Syntax" for details on format specifiers.
System.out.printf("%2$2d %3$2d %1$2d%n", 1, 12, 123, 1234);
12 123 1
System.out.printf(Locale.FRANCE, "e = %+10.4f%n", Math.PI);
e = +3,1416
System.out.printf("Revenue: $ %(,.2f, Profit: $ %(,.2f%n", 12345.6, -1234.5678);
Revenue: $ 12,345.60, Profit: $ (1,234.57)
Formatted-Text Output via java.util.Formatter Class & format() method
JDK 1.5 introduced java.util.Scanner
for formatted text input. It also introduced java.util.Formatter
for formatted text output.
A Formatter
is an interpreter for printf
-style format strings. It supports layout justification and alignment, common formats for numeric, string, and date/time data, and locale-specific output, via the format specifiers.
The Formatter
has the following constructors:
public Formatter(Appendable a); // StringBuffer and StringBuilder implement Appendable
public Formatter(Appendable a, Locale l);
public Formatter(String filename)
public Formatter(String fileName, String charsetName)
public Formatter(File file)
public Formatter(File file, String charsetName)
public Formatter(OutputStream os)
public Formatter(PrintStream ps)
supports StringBuffer
(as Appendable
) as output sink. It does not support String
, probably because String
is immutable.
The format()
method can be used to write formatted text output:
public Formatter format(String formatSpecifier, Object... args) public Formatter format(Locale locale, String formatSpecifier, Object... args)
Notice that the method format()
has the same syntax as the method printf()
, using the same set of format specifier as printf()
Other methods are:
public void flush() // flush out all the buffered output
public void close()
Example 1: Using a StringBuilder
(which implements Appendable
) as the output sink for the Formatter
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 |
import java.util.Formatter; import java.util.Locale; public class TestFormatter { public static void main(String[] args) { // Use a StringBuilder (Appandable) as the output sink for the Formatter StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Formatter formatter = new Formatter(sb, Locale.US); // Re-order output. formatter.format("%4$2s %3$2s %2$2s %1$2s", "a", "b", "c", "d"); System.out.println(sb); // -> " d c b a" // Use the optional locale as the first argument. sb.delete(0, sb.length()); formatter.format(Locale.FRANCE, "e = %+10.4f", Math.E); System.out.println(sb); // -> "e = +2,7183" // Try negative number with '(' flag and group separator. sb.delete(0, sb.length()); formatter.format("Net gained or lost: $ %(,.2f", -1234.567); System.out.println(sb); // -> "Net gained or lost: $ (1,234.57)" } } |
Read JDK API java.util.Formatter
's "Format String Syntax" for details on format specifiers.
Example 2: Setting the charset for Formatter
's output.
import*; import java.util.*; public class FormatterTest { public static void main(String[] args) { String filename = "formatter-out.txt"; String message = "Hi,您好!"; // Create a text file in "UTF-8" try (Formatter out = new Formatter(filename, "UTF-8")) { out.format("%4d %6.2f %s%n", 0xAA, 55.66, message); out.flush(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException|FileNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // Read raws bytes and print in Hex try (BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream(filename))) { int inByte; while ((inByte = != -1) { System.out.printf("%02X ", inByte); // Print Hex codes } System.out.println(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // Set up text file input using a scanner and read records try (Scanner in = new Scanner(new File(filename), "UTF-8")) { System.out.println(in.nextInt()); System.out.println(in.nextDouble()); System.out.println(; } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }
20 31 37 30 20 20 35 35 2E 36 36 20 48 69 2C E6 82 A8 E5 A5 BD 21 0A
170 SP 55.66 SP H i , 您 好 ! LF
The Formatter
with StringBuilder
as the output sink allows you to build up a formatted string progressively. To produce a simple formatted String
, you can simply use the static
method String.format()
. This is handy in the toString()
method, which is required to return a String
. For example,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 |
public class Time { private int hour, minute, second; public Time(int hour, int minute, int second) { this.hour = hour; this.minute = minute; this.second = second; } // Returns a description in "HH:MM:SS" public String toString() { return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", hour, minute, second); } // Test main() public static void main(String[] args) { Time t = new Time(1, 2, 3); System.out.println(t); // 01:02:03 } } |
File I/O in JDK 1.7
[This section was extracted from the Java Online Tutorial and JDK 7 API.]
JDK 1.7 greatly enhances supports for file I/O via new package java.nio.file
and its associated packages.
Interface java.nio.file.Path
A path string could be used to locate a file, a directory or a symbolic link. A symbolic link (or symlink) is a special file that references another file. A path string is system dependent, e.g., "c:\myproject\java\
" in Windows or "/myproject/java/
" in Unix. Windows uses back-slash '\'
as the directory separator; while Unixes use forward-slash '/'
. Windows uses semi-colon ';'
as path separator; while Unixes use colon ':'
. The "c:\
" or "\
" is called the root. Windows supports multiple roots, each maps to a drive (e.g., "c:\
", "d:\
"). Unix has single root ("\
"). A path could be absolute (beginning from the root) or relative (which is relative to the current working directory). Special notations ".
" and "..
" denote the current directory and the parent directory, respectively.
A java.nio.file.Path
instance specifies the location of a file, or a directory, or a symbolic link. Path
(of the standard I/O), which is less versatile and buggy.
Helper class java.nio.file.Paths
To create a Path
, use the static
method get()
of the helper class java.nio.file.Paths
. The helper class Paths
contains exclusively static
methods for creating Path
objects. Paths.get()
returns a Path
object by converting a given path string or URI
public static Path get(String first, String... more) // This method accepts variable number of arguments (varargs). // It converts a path string, or a sequence of strings that when joined form a path string, to a Path object. // The location of the Path may or may not exist. public static Path get(URI uri) // Converts the given URI to a Path object.
For example,
Path p1 = Paths.get("in.txt"); // A file in current directory, relative Path p2 = Paths.get("c:\\myproject\\java\\"); // File, absolute, need escape sequence for '\' Path p3 = Paths.get("/use/local"); // A directory
As the directory-separator is system dependent, for writing portable and more flexible program, it is recommended to use an existing Path
instance as an anchor to resolve the filename, e.g.,
Path dir = ...
Path file = dir.resolve("filename"); // Joins the filename to the dirname with a directory-separator
A Path
can be broken down as root, level-0, level-1, .... The method getNameCount()
returns the levels. The method getName(i)
returns the name of level-i. For example,
import java.nio.file.*; public class PathInfo { public static void main(String[] args) { // Windows Path path = Paths.get("D:\\myproject\\java\\test\\"); // Unix/Mac //Path path = Paths.get("/myproject/java/test/"); // Print Path Info System.out.println("toString: " + path.toString()); // D:\myproject\java\test\ System.out.println("getFileName: " + path.getFileName()); // System.out.println("getParent: " + path.getParent()); // D:\myproject\java\test System.out.println("getRoot: " + path.getRoot()); // D:\ // root, level-0, level-1, ... int nameCount = path.getNameCount(); System.out.println("getNameCount: " + nameCount); // 4 for (int i = 0; i < nameCount; ++i) { System.out.println("getName(" + i + "): " + path.getName(i)); // (0)myproject, (1)java, } // (2) test, (3) System.out.println("subpath(0,2): " + path.subpath(0,2)); // myproject\java System.out.println("subpath(1,4): " + path.subpath(1,4)); // java\test\ } }
Helper Class java.nio.file.Files
The class Files
contains exclusively static
methods for file, directory and symlink operations such as create, delete, read, write, copy, move, etc.
Properties of a File/Directory
You can use static
methods Files.exists(Path)
and File.notExists(Path)
to verify if a given Path
exists or does not exist (as a file, directory or symlink). A Path
could be verified to exist, or not exist, or unknown (e.g., the program does not have access to the file). If the status is unknown, the exists()
and noExists()
returns false
You could also use static
methods Files.isDirectory(Path)
, Files.isRegularFile(Path)
and Files.isSymbolicLink(Path)
to verify whether a Path
locates a file, directory, or symlink.
Many of these methods take an optional second argument of LinkOption
, which is applicable for symlink only. For example, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS
specifies do not follow the symlink.
public static long size(Path path) // Returns the size of the file public static boolean exists(Path path, LinkOption... options) // Verifies whether the given Path exists, as a file/directory/symlink. // It returns false if the file does not exist or status is unknown. // LinkOption specifies how symlink should be handled, // e.g., NOFOLLOW_LINKS: Do not follow symlinks. public static boolean notExists(Path path, LinkOption... options) // Not exists? public static boolean isDirectory(Path path, LinkOption... options) // a directory? public static boolean isRegularFile(Path path, LinkOption... options) // a file? public static boolean isSymbolicLink(Path path) // a symlink? public static boolean isReadable(Path path) // readable? public static boolean isWritable(Path path) // writable? public static boolean isExecutable(Path path) // executable?
For example, to get the size of a file in JDK 1.7:
// JDK 7: Use static method java.nio.file.Files.size(path) Path path = Paths.get("test.jpg"); System.out.println("Files.Size(): " + Files.size(path)); // Pre-JDK 7: Use method aFile.length() File file = new File("test.jpg"); System.out.println("File.length():" + file.length());
Deleting a File/Directory
You can use static
methods delete(Path)
to delete a file or directory. Directory can be deleted only if it is empty. A boolean
method deleteIfExists()
is also available.
public static void delete(Path path) throws IOException public static boolean deleteIfExists(Path path) throws IOException
Copying/Moving a File/Directory
You can use static
methods copy(Path, Path, CopyOption)
or move(Path, Path, CopyOption)
to copy or move a file or directory. The methods return the target Path
The methods accepts an optional third argument of CopyOption
. For examples: CopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING
replaces the target if it exists; CopyOption.COPY_ATTRIBUTES
copies the file attributes such as the dates; CopyOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS
specifies not to follow symlinks.
public static Path copy(Path source, Path target, CopyOption... options) throws IOException public static Path move(Path source, Path target, CopyOption... options) throws IOException
To copy a file into another directory:
Path source = ... Path targetDir = ... Files.copy(source, targetDir.resolve(source.getFileName());
Reading/Writing Small Files
For small files, you can use static
methods Files.readAllBytes(Path)
(byte-based) and Files.readAllLines(Path, Charset)
(character-based) to read the entire file. You can use Files.write(Path, byte[])
(byte-based) or Files.write(Path, Iterable, Charset)
(character-based) to write to a file.
The optional OpenOption
includes: WRITE
(truncates the file to zero bytes), CREATE_NEW
(creates a new file and throws an exception if the file already exists), CREATE
(opens the file if it exists or creates a new file if it does not), among others.
Byte-based Operation
public static byte[] readAllBytes(Path path) throws IOException // Reads all bytes and returns a byte array. public static Path write(Path path, byte[] bytes, OpenOption... options) throws IOException // Default options are: CREATE, TRUNCATE_EXISTING, and WRITE
Character-based Operation
public static List<String> readAllLines(Path path, Charset cs) throws IOException
// Reads all lines and returns a list of String.
// Line terminator could be "\n", "\r\n" or "\r".
public static Path write(Path path, Iterable<? extends CharSequence> lines,
Charset cs, OpenOption... options) throws IOException
Examples: The following example write a small text file (in "UTF-8"), and read the entire file back as bytes as well as characters.
import*; import java.nio.file.*; import java.nio.charset.*; import java.util.*; public class SmallFileIOJDK7 { public static void main(String[] args) { String fileStr = "small_file.txt"; Path path = Paths.get(fileStr); // Strings with unicode characters List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>(); lines.add("Hi,您好!"); lines.add("Hello,吃饱了没有?"); // Write to text file in UTF-8 try { Files.write(path, lines, Charset.forName("UTF-8")); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // Read the whole file as bytes byte[] bytes; try { bytes = Files.readAllBytes(path); for (byte aByte: bytes) { System.out.printf("%02X ", aByte); } System.out.printf("%n%n"); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // Read the whole file as characters List<String> inLines; try { inLines = Files.readAllLines(path, Charset.forName("UTF-8")); for (String aLine: inLines) { for (int i = 0; i < aLine.length(); ++i) { char charOut = aLine.charAt(i); System.out.printf("[%d]'%c'(%04X) ", (i+1), charOut, (int)charOut); } System.out.println(); } } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }
48 69 2C E6 82 A8 E5 A5 BD 21 0D 0A H i , 您 好 ! CR LF 48 65 6C 6C 6F 2C E5 90 83 E9 A5 B1 E4 BA 86 E6 B2 A1 E6 9C 89 3F 0D 0A H e l l o , 吃 饱 了 没 有 ? CR LF [1]'H'(0048) [2]'i'(0069) [3]','(002C) [4]'您'(60A8) [5]'好'(597D) [6]'!'(0021) [1]'H'(0048) [2]'e'(0065) [3]'l'(006C) [4]'l'(006C) [5]'o'(006F) [6]','(002C) [7]'吃'(5403) [8]'饱'(9971) [9]'了'(4E86) [10]'没'(6CA1) [11]'有'(6709) [12]'?'(003F)
Buffered Character-based I/O for Text Files
For Reading, use Files.newBufferedReader(Path, Charset)
method to open a text file, which returns a BufferedReader
. Use BufferedReader.readLine()
to read a line, read()
to read a char, or read(char[] cbuf, int off, int len)
to read into a char-array.
For Writing, use the Files.newBufferedWriter(Path, Charset, OpenOption...)
method to open a output text file, which returns a BufferedWriter
. Use BufferedWriter.write(int c)
to write a character, write(char[] cbuf, int off, int len)
or write(String s, int off, int len)
to write characters.
public static BufferedReader newBufferedReader(Path path, Charset cs) throws IOException public static BufferedWriter newBufferedWriter(Path path, Charset cs, OpenOption... options) throws IOException
Byte-Based Stream I/O
Use Files.newInputStream(Path, OpenOption...)
to allocate an InputStream
for reading raw bytes; and Files.newOutputStream(Path, OpenOption...)
to allocate an OutputStream
for writing. The InputStream
and OutputStream
returned are not buffered.
Example: Similar to the previous program which read/write the entire file, this program read/write via Buffered I/O.
import*; import java.nio.file.*; import java.nio.charset.*; import java.util.*; public class BufferedFileIOJDK7 { public static void main(String[] args) { String fileStr = "buffered_file.txt"; Path path = Paths.get(fileStr); // Strings with unicode characters List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>(); lines.add("Hi,您好!"); lines.add("Hello,吃饱了没有?"); Charset charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); // Write to text file (encoded in UTF-8) try (BufferedWriter out = Files.newBufferedWriter(path, charset)) { for (String line: lines) { out.write(line, 0, line.length()); } } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // Read the file as bytes try (BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(Files.newInputStream(path))) { int inByte; while ((inByte = != -1) { System.out.printf("%02X ", inByte); } System.out.printf("%n%n"); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // Read the file as characters String inLine; try (BufferedReader in = Files.newBufferedReader(path, charset)) { while ((inLine = in.readLine()) != null) { for (int i = 0; i < inLine.length(); ++i) { char aChar = inLine.charAt(i); System.out.printf("[%d]'%c'(%04X) ", (i+1), aChar, (int)aChar); } System.out.println(); } } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }
48 69 2C E6 82 A8 E5 A5 BD 21 H i , 您 好 ! 48 65 6C 6C 6F 2C E5 90 83 E9 A5 B1 E4 BA 86 E6 B2 A1 E6 9C 89 3F H e l l o , 吃 饱 了 没 有 ? [1]'H'(0048) [2]'i'(0069) [3]','(002C) [4]'您'(60A8) [5]'好'(597D) [6]'!'(0021) [7]'H'(0048) [8]'e'(0065) [9]'l'(006C) [10]'l'(006C) [11]'o'(006F) [12]','(002C) [13]'吃'(5403) [14]'饱'(9971) [15]'了'(4E86) [16]'没'(6CA1) [17]'有'(6709) [18]'?'(003F)
Creating a New File/Directory/Symlink
Beside using the Files.write()
method with OpenOption
, you can also use Files.createFile()
method to create an empty file. You can use the default file attributes or optionally define the initial attributes of the file.
public static Path createFile(Path path, FileAttribute<?>... attrs)
The FileAttribute
includes: [TODO]
- DOS:
- Unixes: Nine file permissions: read, write, and execute permissions for the file owner, members of the same group, and "everyone else", e.g., "
Example: [TODO]
Similarly, you can create a new directory, symlink as follows:
public static Path createDirectory(Path dir, FileAttribute<?>... attrs) throws IOException // Creates a new directory. public static Path createDirectories(Path dir, FileAttribute<?>... attrs) throws IOException // Creates a directory by creating all nonexistent "parent" directories first public public static Path createSymbolicLink(Path link, Path target, FileAttribute<?>... attrs) throws IOException // Creates a symbolic link to a target
try { Files.createDirectory(Paths.get("d:\\temp\\test")); // With default attribute // FileAlreadyExistsException if already exists Files.createDirectory(Paths.get("d:\\temp\\test1\\test2")); // NoSuchFileException if parent does not exist Files.createDirectories(Paths.get("d:\\temp\\test1\\test2")); // Also create the parent directory } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); }
Creating a Temporary File/Directory
public static Path createTempFile(Path dir, String prefix, String suffix, FileAttribute<?>... attrs) throws IOException // Creates a new empty file in the specified dir, // using the given prefix and suffix to generate its name. public static Path createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix, FileAttribute<?>... attrs) throws IOException // Creates an empty file in the default temporary-file directory, // using the given prefix and suffix to generate its name. public static Path createTempDirectory( Path dir, String prefix, FileAttribute<?>... attrs) throws IOException public static Path createTempDirectory( String prefix, FileAttribute<?>... attrs) throws IOException
Example: [TODO]
File Attributes
You can use one of the Files.readAttributes()
methods to read all the basic attribute of a path.
public static Map<String,Object> readAttributes( Path path, String attributes, LinkOption... options) throws IOException // Read Reads a set of file attributes. public static Object getAttribute( Path path, String attribute, LinkOption... options) throws IOException // Get a given attribute public static Path setAttribute( Path path, String attribute, Object value, LinkOption... options) throws IOException // Set a given attribute
public static SeekableByteChannel newByteChannel( Path path, OpenOption... options) throws IOException // Opens or creates a file, returning a seekable byte channel to access the file. public static SeekableByteChannel newByteChannel( Path path, Set<? extends OpenOption> options, FileAttribute<?>... attrs) throws IOException // Opens or creates a file, returning a seekable byte channel to access the file.
Random Access File
The Interface SeekableByteChannel
supports random access.
pubic long position() // Returns this channel's position. public SeekableByteChannel position(long newPosition) // Sets this channel's position. public int read(ByteBuffer dest) // Reads a sequence of bytes from this channel into the given ByteBuffer. public int write(ByteBuffer source) // Writes a sequence of bytes to this channel from the given ByteBuffer. public long size() // Returns the current size of entity to which this channel is connected. public SeekableByteChannel truncate(long size) // Truncates the entity, to which this channel is connected, to the given size.
Directory Operations
List all root directories
// Print the root directories for the default file system
Iterable<Path> rootDirs = FileSystems.getDefault().getRootDirectories();
for (Path rootDir : rootDirs) {
Listing a directory
You can list the contents of a directory by using the Files.newDirectoryStream(Path)
method. The returned DirectoryStream
object implements Iterable
. You can iterate thru the entries with for-each loop.
public static DirectoryStream<Path> newDirectoryStream(Path dir) throws IOException
Example: List the contents of a directory
// List the contents of a directory Path dir = Paths.get("."); try (DirectoryStream<Path> dirStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(dir)) { for (Path entry : dirStream) { System.out.println(entry.getFileName()); // Filename only System.out.println(entry.toString()); // Full-path name } } catch (IOException | DirectoryIteratorException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); }
In addition, you can include a glob pattern to filter the entries.
public static DirectoryStream<Path> newDirectoryStream(Path dir, String glob) throws IOException
Example: List the contents of a directory filtered by a glob.
// List the contents of a directory filtered by a glob pattern Path dir = Paths.get("."); try (DirectoryStream<Path> dirStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(dir, "h*.{java,class,txt}")) { // begins with 'h' and ends with .java or .class or .txt for (Path entry : dirStream) { System.out.println(entry.getFileName()); // Filename only System.out.println(entry.toString()); // Full-path name } } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); }
A glob is a subset of regular expression.
matches zero or more character (0+).'?'
matches any one character.'**'
behaves like'*'
, but can cross directory boundary, for matching on full path.{...,....,...}
encloses a set of sub-patterns separated by ','.[...]
encloses a set of single character or a range of character with'-'
, e.g., [aeiou], [a-z], [0-9].- Any other character matches itself. To match
or special characters, prefix with'\'
For example: "h*.{java,class,txt}
" matches entry starts with "h
" and ends with ".java
", ".class
", or ".txt
You can also write your own codes to filter the entries.
public static DirectoryStream<Path> newDirectoryStream( Path dir, DirectoryStream.Filter<? super Path> filter) throws IOException
The interface DirectoryStream.Filter<T>
declares one abstract
method accept()
, which will be call-back for each entry. Those entries that resulted in false accept()
will be discarded.
public boolean accept(T entry) throws IOException
Example: The following program uses an anonymous instance of an anonymous DirectoryStream.Filter
sub-class to filter the DirectoryStream
. The call-back method accept()
returns true
for regular files, and discards the rest. Take note that this filtering criterion cannot be implemented in a glob-pattern.
// List the contents of a directory with a custom filter Path dir = Paths.get("d:\\temp"); try (DirectoryStream<Path> dirStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(dir, new DirectoryStream.Filter<Path>() { // anonymous inner class public boolean accept(Path entry) throws IOException { return (Files.isRegularFile(entry)); // regular file only } })) { for (Path entry : dirStream) { System.out.println(entry.getFileName()); // Filename only System.out.println(entry.toString()); // Full-path name } } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); }
Walking the File Tree - Files.walkFileTree()
You can use static
method Files.walkFileTree()
ro recursively walk thru all the files from a starting directory.
First of all, you need to create an object that implements interface FileVisitor<? super Path>
, which declares these abstract
public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(T dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException // Invoked for a directory before entries in the directory are visited. // If this method returns CONTINUE, then entries in the directory are visited. // If this method returns SKIP_SUBTREE or SKIP_SIBLINGS then entries in the directory // (and any descendants) will not be visited. public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(T dir, IOException ex) throws IOException // Invoked for a directory after entries in the directory, and all of their descendants, // have been visited. This method is also invoked when iteration of the directory // completes prematurely (by a visitFile method returning SKIP_SIBLINGS, // or an I/O error when iterating over the directory). public FileVisitResult visitFile(T file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException // Invoked for a file/symlink in a directory. public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(T file, IOException ex) throws IOException // Invoked for a file that could not be visited. This method is invoked // if the file's attributes could not be read, the file is a directory // that could not be opened, and other reasons.
These methods return an enum
of FileVisitResult
, which could take values of CONTINUE
Instead of implementing FileVisitor
interface, you could also extend from superclass SimpleFileVisitor
, and override the selected methods.
There are two versions of walkFileTree()
. The first version take a starting directory and a FileVisitor
, and transverse through all the levels, without following the symlinks.
public static Path walkFileTree(Path startDir, FileVisitor<? super Path> visitor) throws IOException
import java.util.EnumSet; import*; import java.nio.file.*; import java.nio.file.attribute.*; import static java.nio.file.FileVisitResult.*; public class WalkFileTreeTest extends SimpleFileVisitor<Path> { // Print the directory visited. @Override public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attr) { System.out.printf("Begin Directory: %s%n", dir); return CONTINUE; } // Print information about each file/symlink visited. @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attr) { if (attr.isSymbolicLink()) { System.out.printf("Symbolic link: %s ", file); } else if (attr.isRegularFile()) { System.out.printf("Regular file: %s ", file); } else { System.out.printf("Other: %s ", file); } System.out.println("(" + attr.size() + "bytes)"); return CONTINUE; } // Print the directory visited. @Override public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException ex) { System.out.printf("End Directory: %s%n%n", dir); return CONTINUE; } // If there is an error accessing the file, print a message and continue. @Override public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(Path file, IOException ex) { System.err.println(ex); return CONTINUE; // or TERMINATE } // main public static void main(String[] args) { try { Path startingDir = Paths.get(".."); Files.walkFileTree(startingDir, new WalkFileTreeTest()); } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.println(ex); } } }
The second version takes 2 additional arguments: the options
specifies whether to follow symlink (e.g., EnumSet.noneOf(FileVisitOption.class)
or EnumSet.of(FileVisitOption.FOLLOW_LINKS)
); the maxDepth
specifies the levels to visit (set to Integer.MAX_VALUE
for all levels).
public static Path walkFileTree( Path startDir, Set<FileVisitOption> options, int maxDepth, FileVisitor<? super Path> visitor) throws IOException
For example, the following main() method can be used for the previous example.
public static void main(String[] args) { try { Path startingDir = Paths.get(".."); EnumSet<FileVisitOption> opts = EnumSet.of(FileVisitOption.FOLLOW_LINKS); // or EnumSet.noneOf(FileVisitOption.class) Files.walkFileTree(startingDir, opts, 2, new WalkFileTreeTest()); // use Integer.MAX_VALUE for all level } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.println(ex); } }
Watching the Directory for Changes - Interface java.nio.file.WatchService
- Java Online Tutorial on "Basic I/O" @, in particular "File I/O (Featuring NIO.2)".