Dr Daniel T. H. New |
Assistant Professor |
Division of Aerospace Eningeering |
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering |
Nanyang Technological University |
Singapore 639798 |
Tel: (65) 6790 4443 |
Fax: (65) 6792 4062 |
Email: dthnew@ntu.edu.sg |
Notable quotes:
"Come on, you apes, you want to live forever?" - Lieutenant Jean Rasczak, Starship Troopers
Updated 14th January 2015
- New frontipiece to reflect latest research areas
- Updated journal and conference publications
- New recent photo
Big whorls have little whorls, |
Which feed on their velocity, |
And little whorls have lesser whorls, |
And so on to viscosity |
- Lewis F. Richardson |
Academic Background
Daniel T. H. New graduated from the
National University of Singapore in 1998 with a B.Eng. (Hons) degree.
Intrigued by fundamental fluid flow, he joined the Masters of
Engineering research programme and subsequently embarked on a PhD
research programme to elucidate the jet in crossflow phenomena under the
supervision of Professor T. T. Lim and Associate Professor S. C. Luo. He
joined Temasek Laboratories @ NUS in 2001 and was involved in research
work relating to skin friction drag reduction, jet-mixing enhancements
and control of slender bodies at high angles-of-attack. In 2004, he
obtained his PhD and went to University of Texas, Arlington for a
post-doctorate research collaboration in the area of pulse detonation
engines for Temasek Laboratories. Later in 2005, he joined the
Department of Engineering in the University of Liverpool as a Lecturer.
During this period, he focused on jet-mixing enhancement and control
techniques, sponsored by UK EPSRC and The Royal Society. He returned to
Singapore in 2010 to join the Division of Aerospace Engineering at the
Nanyang Technological University. His current research is supported by research agencies and industrial partners such as MINDEF, DSO, MOE, MPA, SMI, EDB, Jurong Port Pte Ltd and others.
Recent research
Current research interests
- Jet-in-crossflow phenomenon
- Impinging jet vortex dynamics
- Indeterminate-origin nozzle vortex dynamics
- Jet-mixing enhancement techniques
- Bio-inspired flow control techniques
- High-speed aerodynamics
- Supersonic flow phenomenon and measurement techniques
- Two-phase flow phenomenon
- Pulse detonation engine technology
- Vortex dynamics and flow physics