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Helloz to all. As the quality of the pictures are not good, so the pictures are small.

If any of you have pictures to provide, please email them to me, thanks!

See if you can spot yourself!

I'll be adding more photos as the days go by. Hopefully we get more and more new faces!

Archmaxis (BBQ)


DancingWind & Twinkles




Sorrowness aka Brokenheart

Yama on the bed



White's Birthday cake

White & Xiaopara

Nuaster (after Karaoke) 

Xiaopara & Nuaster

White posing with cake

Benny Playing the Guitar (Arcade)

Is that the piano you're playing?

Twinkles & Dancingwind at the arcade

Quintus trying to pose (Steamboat)


Evilblader & Yama

Reka & Evilblader at Sake Sushi

Twinkles, Dancingwind & YumYum enjoying sushi

*Slurp slurp* What ya looking at?

3 Cheers to Yama, Hive & Clueless

Reka posing

YumYum, that's me! *blush*

Er, paiseh, me again...=P


Photos contributed by Hive for the BBQ (I actually shrunk the pictures)

Clueless bbqing our food under the moon?!

Chimes and YumYum (that's me!)

Archmaxis and Dotxdotxdotx playing a furious game of Puzzle Fighter!

Clueless, Yama and Quintus starting the fire for the bbq


Outing Listing

BBQ (Cum Chalet) : 27 - 29 Dec 2002

Karaoke : 04 Jan 2003

Sake Sushi : 10 Jan 2003

Steamboat : 18 Jan 2003