The 24th International Conference on Cyberworlds will be held in Jinzhong, China on 14-16 October 2025. Organizer: Taiyuan University of Technology.

Web page:

CW Conferences Coordinator: Alexei Sourin

Last updated on 19 March 2025: CW2024 proceedings link is added; link to the SI on CW2024 in TVC is added.

Created intentionally or spontaneously, cyberworlds are information spaces and commuties that use computer technologies to augment the way we interact, participate in business and receive information throughout the world. Cyberworlds have ever-growing impact on our lives and the evolution of the world economy. Examples include social networking services, 3D shared virtual communities and massively multiplayer online role-playing games.

Conference topics (not limited to):


    Extended Reality, Computer graphics, Computer animation, Visualization, Image processing, Computer vision, Immersive analytics, Machine learning in visual communication, Collaborative visual analysis, Digital humans, Education in cyberspace, Shared art and cultural heritage, Health care in cyberspace, Online games and living in shared virtual worlds, Shared digital fabrication, Man-machine interaction (haptics, olfaction, sonification), Human dynamics, Communication, Collaboration, Entertainment, Digital assistants, Enhanced living, Human augmentation, etc.


    BCI applications, EEG-based neuroimaging, Mobile and adaptive BCIs, Neurofeedback systems and games, Neurorehabilitation and neuroplasticity, Machine-assisted cognitive enhancement, Affective computing, Emotion artificial intelligence, Human factors in transportation and industry, Biosignals, Internet of bodies, Machine and deep learning for biosignal-based algorithms, Neuroergonomics, Cognitive multimodal interfaces, Human factors in XR, Cognitive human-robot interaction, etc.


    Identity and trust management, Content protection and digital rights management, Information hiding and anonymity, Privacy protocols, Security protocols, Malware detection, Attack detection, Behavioral biometrics, Biometric template protection, Emerging biometrics, Multi-biometrics, Presentation attack detection, Security of embedded systems, Security protocols, Security in V2X and smart cities, Mobile networks security, Forensics (computer, mobile devices, network, social media), Altered content detection (multimedia, deep fake), Digital data analysis (social media, file carving), etc.


The conference name "cyberworlds" originates from the book Cyberworlds with the proceedings of the first Workshop on Synthetic Worlds organized by the late Professor T.L. Kunii in the University of Aizu, Japan in 1993. The first big conference on cyberworlds was organized later in 2002, and since then the CW conferences have been held annually.

Year Venue Proceedings Special issues of journals
CW2024 Yamanashi, Japan Proceedings TVC (in progress)
CW2023 Sousse, Tunisia Proceedings TVC
CW2022 Kanazawa, Japan Proceedings TVC
CW2021 Caen, France Proceedings TVC
CW2020 Online conference Proceedings TVC
CW2019 Kyoto, Japan Proceedings C&G
CW2018 Singapore Proceedings C&G, TVC, AEI, FGS, TCS
CW2017 Chester, UK Proceedings C&G, TVC, TCS
CW2016 Chongqing, China Proceedings C&G, TVC, TCS
CW2015 Gotland, Sweden Proceedings TVC, TCS, IEICE TIS
CW2014 Santander, Spain Proceedings TVC, TCS
CW2013 Yokohama, Japan Proceedings TVC, TCS, IEICE TIS
CW2012 Darmstadt, Germany Proceedings TVC, TCS
CW2011 Banff, Canada Proceedings TVC, TCS
CW2010 Singapore Proceedings TVC, TCS
CW2009 Bradford, UK Proceedings TVC
CW2008 Hangzhou, China Proceedings IJVR, TOE
CW2007 Hannover, Germany Proceedings TVC
CW2006 Lausanne, Switzerland Proceedings  
CW2005 Singapore Proceedings  
CW2004 Tokyo, Japan Proceedings JCAVW
CW2003 Singapore Proceedings C&G, IJED
CW2002 Tokyo, Japan Proceedings  

The proceedings of the past conferences are placed in IEEE Xplore and IEEE Computer Society Digital Library. and submitted to all major referencing indices including EI Compendex, Scopus and SCI.

Special issues of reputable journals with selected papers have also been published.

Current journal:

TVC The Visual Computer, Springer


Past journals:

AEI Advanced Engineering Informatics (Elsevier)
C&G Computers&Graphics, Elsevier
FGS Journal of Future Generation Systems (Elsevier)
IEICE TIS IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems (SCI referenced)
IJED International Journal of Educational Development, Elsevier
IJVR International Journal of Virtual Reality, IPI Press
JCAVW Computer Animation & Virtual Worlds, Wiley
TCS Transactions on Computational Science, Springer
TOE Transactions on Edutainment, LNCS