The Book's Companion Webpage

Alexei Sourin
Making Images with Mathematics

Springer, 2021 Publisher's book page
Softcover: ISBN 978-3-030-69834-8, eBook: ISBN 978-3-030-69835-5

This textbook teaches readers how to turn geometry into an image on a computer screen. This exciting journey begins in the schools of the ancient Greek philosophers, and describes the major events that changed people’s perception of geometry. The readers will learn how to see geometry and colors beyond simple mathematical formulas and how to represent geometric shapes, transformations and motions by digital sampling of various mathematical functions.
     Special multiplatform visualization software developed by the author will allow readers to explore the exciting world of visual immersive mathematics, and the book software repository will provide a starting point for their own sophisticated visualization applications.
     Making Images with Mathematics will serve as a self-contained text for a one-semester computer graphics and visualization course for computer science and engineering students, as well as a reference manual for researchers and developers.

Preview the book at SpringerLink

In NTU library, the book is available for free downloading at SpringerLink database

Software to download from the google drive Book Software Repository:

  • FVRML folder contains Windows plugin for the BS Contact Viewer to visualize FVRML scenes.
  • OpenGL folder contains source codes and complied applications for the examples:
    , Surface, Solid, Morphing and Modeling.
  • ShapeExplorer3 and ShapeExplorer4 folders contain previous version 3 and 4 of Windows, MacOS and Linux (Ubuntu) executables of the ShapeExplorer application.
  • ShapeExplorer5 folder contains the most recent version 5 of Windows, MacOS and Linux (Ubuntu) executables of the ShapeExplorer application.
  • FiguresCodes folder contains FVRML (.wrl) and ShapeExplorer (.func) codes for the shapes displayed in the figures of the book.

Alternatively, you can download the zipped folders from this page:
version of ShapeExplorer 5.0:,,, ShapeExplorerManual.pdf

Noted typos in the book can be downloaded in the following PDF file.

Book review.

Last update was done on February 27, 2025.