Amalinda J. Gamage
amalinda @ {nws.sg} [Public Key]
I am fortunate to be a PhD student attached to the Wireless And Networked Distributed Sensing (WANDS) research group advised by Professor. Mo Li. Formerly, I was a Visiting Lecturer at UoVT and an Assistant Lecturer at SLIIT. I'm a also full member of The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES).
Central to my interests is Wireless Communication. More specifically, the physical layer work that leverage low power Software Defined Radios to enhance co-existance & fairness of LPWANs. My current work is focussed on bringing improvements to LoRa— a low-power LOng RAnge communication protocol for the Internet of Things. In addition, my interests also span accrosss several closely related fields. These include unconventional trancievers that employ programmable logic to do interesting things.