Welcome to the Website of DANTE, the Data Management Research Group in the College of Computing and Data Science (CCDS) at Nanyang Technological University. Researchers in DANTE focus on solving novel research problems in the management of large-scale databases and information systems that may surpass traditional boundaries of database technology.

DANTE was formed in 2009. Currently, it consists of four "young" (avg. age of members is less than 40 and all earned their Ph.D. after Y2K), good-natured, and funny (some of them) faculty members and more than 25 graduate students and research staffs. They bring in diverse strengths, some have penchant for inventing efficient and scalable solutions to existing data management problems whereas others are more inclined toward inventing novel problems and efficient solutions to address them. The group strongly subscribes to the mantra "aim high, stay curious, stay honest, stay humble" in all aspects of research.

Since its inception, the group has build a successful track record of publishing in the top ranked data management conferences and journals such as SIGMOD, VLDB, and various ACM and IEEE transactions. According to CSRankings.org, we are ranked among the top-10 database research groups in the world and among top-5 in Asia in the last decade (2010-2024). Members of DANTE also contribute significantly to the research community by serving as chairs, keynote speakers, and PC members/reviewers in leading international conferences and journals.

If you wish to know more about our past research, please read our article published in SIGMOD Record.